Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1041: See the new trailers emotionally excited players (three more)

The announcement of these two news moments triggered a big discussion in the entire game industry.

Not only the players, but even the major game manufacturers are very surprised, Chen Mo crazy?

Chen Mo said that he subsidized 10,000 US dollars for each matrix game cabin, but in fact, he further reduced the profit margin of the matrix game cabin. The cost of the game cabin, including research and development, promotion and other aspects, is spread to about 250,000 in each game cabin, and the actual price is 300,000.

Now, the price of the matrix game cabin has dropped by 100,000 yuan, and the game room with the original price of about 300,000 is now available for purchase at the price of 200,000 in the preferential period!

Although for those who can't afford it, they can't afford it, but for those who have been hesitating, this is a very, very powerful discount, because the price is close to the traditional high match. Vr game compartment.

All players know that the traditional high-grade vr game compartment, the configuration is higher, and it is absolutely impossible to compare with the next generation vr of the matrix game cabin!

I haven't heard of any new technological innovations, nor have I heard that the price of raw materials in the game cabin has dropped. That is to say, Chen Mo is mostly trying to promote the matrix game cabin, and he is losing money.

For those traditional vr game console manufacturers, this is undoubtedly a blue sky, because the traditional vr game cabin compared to the matrix game cabin, the only advantage may be a little cheaper, but now even cheaper This advantage is also gone.

However, for game developers around the world, Chen Mo has released a good news, that is, he did not die to protect the money game tree matrix game, on the contrary, Chen Mo decided to open source matrix game console editor and The artificial intelligence template means that he welcomes gamers from all over the world to join the Thunder game platform, and even welcomes gamers from all over the world to share the next generation of vr games.

Of course, the games developed by these gamers to log in to the matrix game cabin and land on the Thunder game platform are definitely to provide Chen Mo with a lot of divisions. This is a mutually beneficial and win-win situation. But being able to open up these things very generously, or let everyone feel the broad mind of Chen.

These two decisions seem to be chic, but in fact Chen Mo has also suffered a lot of pressure.

He had to run several tour committees to explain to them the benefits of the price reduction of the matrix game console, as well as the open source development tools and the significance of the next generation vr game library.

It is inevitable that you will use a few more auras.

However, the development tools of Chen Mo's next-generation vr are just to allow more manufacturers to participate in the development of next-generation vr games, so that the matrix game cabin can be promoted faster. For some special fields in the next generation vr, Chen Mo will never let go.

For example, the catering field in the virtual world.

Anything like this that involves the future "lifeline" of the virtual world will not be open. In other words, the games produced by other gamers are just games. For Chen Mo, Oasis is his real killer.



With the help of Jarvis, the efficiency of making games has been greatly improved.

Although the cost of using Jarvis may be more expensive than raising half of the R&D team, there is a big advantage, that is, fast.

For game production, time is money.

Just like some real estate companies adhering to the "fast" concept, the design institute is required to draw out the design drawings. All the projects are as hard as the chicken blood, just to catch up with the time.

Of course, this development concept is very unhealthy and is also an oppression for employees, but has to admit that it is very effective.

The same is true of the game industry. The reason why traditional conscience R&D companies adhere to the attitude of “slow work and fine work” and “n-year grinding a sword” is mainly because under the original technical conditions, “speed” and “quality” are often unable to In addition, in order to ensure quality, we must only sacrifice speed.

But for the players, the quality is guaranteed to be as fast as possible.

Think about the suffering of the sequel, think about the fear of being dominated by the infinite jump ticket, think about the loss of the game after a few years of hard work for a couple of years...

For Chen Mo, the speed of research and development brought by Jarvis is a must, because the most extravagant thing is time.

For things like developing games, it’s never too fast.

Before the real next-generation vr game "Oasis" went live, he still had a big pit to fill.

Before starting to fill this pit, he still had a surprise for the players.

Very, very big surprise.


On July 14, Chen Mo’s Weibo released a promotional video without any warning.

Why do you want to say "again"?

Because the promotion of the previous game "Iron Man" was released, it only took less than a month.

A new game in a month, and is a high-quality top-notch work, the biggest feeling of the players in the joy is: After the game, the game can not afford to play!

Every month, I have to spend more than a thousand dollars to buy games? This day is too late?

Fortunately, for players with matrix game consoles, they don't care too much about the money to buy the game. On the contrary, most people just think that the game is too little.

"The promo of the new game is coming out! Is this too fast?!"

"Which special game can be made more months? This is a speed with some network gods!"

"This special month, just bought and bought "Iron Man" last month, there is no time to play and still eat gray, and the new game is coming again?"

“The local tyrants who have the matrix game cabin still need to save money and buy games? Oh, don’t believe it!”

“Look at what the new game is?”

"哎哟 槽 ........."

"This, this Nima!"

"Fare to leave! Dear!"

Players are not calm when they look at the beginning of this promo, and they have to say goodbye.

Several players are emotional, saying that if I buy this game, I am a dog!

There are also individual players who say: Roll! Bring me together with "The Soul of the Dark"!

The fans of the major anchors are celebrating the same day and running away, and they are even more happy than the New Year.

Many of the anchors on the live fish platform are already pondering what reason should be used for the days when the game is on sale.

The time for this promotion by Chen Mo is not too long, less than five minutes, and a large part of the material is using the real picture of the game.

But it is precisely the real scene of the game, so that players can instantly understand the urine of the game.

Yes, the name of the game is:

Curse of Blood Source.

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