Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1042: Tonight, join the hunt (one more)

The dirty blood transfusion bottle contains a yellowish liquid, and the blood transfusion bottle is covered with solidified blood, dust and fine scratches.

A drop of viscous, deep red, glittering **** beads of blood, dripping from above the blood transfusion bottle, mixed with those yellowish liquids.

Blood stains, slowly dizzy.

In this yellowish liquid, the diluted blood beads did not turn into bright red, but instead turned into a deep red or even dark color, like a drop of ink mixed in the clear water.

It slowly spreads and spreads...

The blood is drooping.

The bell rings.

The Victorian-style Gothic buildings are mysterious and horrifying in the light of the moonlight.

A few dimly lit street lights illuminate the messy streets, where a messy, empty stroller is abandoned in the middle of the street, no one cares.

The low melody sounded, and the vomiting and taunting orchestral music further suppressed the suppressed atmosphere of the whole scene.

The lantern is shaking.

The old man in a felt hat casts an unidentified glimpse in the shadow of a street lamp.

The bell rings again.

Crowded, like a crowd of people walking away.

Everyone has a torch in his hand.

Everyone holds a butcher knife in his hand.

This team is like patrolling, walking through the streets, dull and depressed.

The diseased hounds are covered with fuzzy fleshy tissue, like a beach mud, still dripping down with black pus.

But in the next second, it has become a dead body.

It was dragged into the dark lane by a sawtooth chopper, cut sharply by the sharp sawtooth, and then left in the dark alley forever.

The singer of Gao Song, accompanied by the gradual warming of the background sound, seems to be lamenting on this eternal hunting night.

The hunter's right hand slammed, and the originally folded sawtooth machete unfolded and slashed on a walking corpse.

Under the cover of the night, the massacre continues.

In a mess, the hunter took a short gun and aimed at the head of the last "survivor."

The face of the "survivor" has been filled with black hair like a beast. His teeth are already sparse, his pupils are already scattered, and there are no traces of consciousness in the turbid hazelnuts and bloodshot eyes.


A shot rang and the screen faded.

The pale logo appears in the center of the screen.

Bloodborne curse.

The **** moon in the sky is drooping, as if it is still falling, and even coming to the world.

Under the **** month, a solitary hunter, only a single shadow.

"Yan Nan is the home of blood therapy, you must unveil its mystery."

"But as a foreigner, how can you do it all?"

"It's very simple, just let a little bit of blood flow from you."

"No matter what happens, you will only treat them as..."

"A nightmare."

Wandering crowd.

The bones that were burned.

In the church filled with incense, the bells rang.

In the shadows, a figure frantically grabbed his throat and roared like a beast.

A thirsty monster, a ferocious werewolf, an indescribable terrorist...

Master William was in a wheelchair and his voice was hoarse and desperate.

"We are born of blood, evolved by blood, and ended with blood."

"Our eyes are not open..."

"Fear of the blood of the ancient gods."

In a strange melody, the hunter is alone, heading for a wild beast.

"The night is full of dirty filth."

“The smell of rancid smell is in the air.”

"Consider clearly, you are ready to kill."

A variety of different weapons.

All kinds of ferocious monsters.

Under this **** month, in the nightmare.

A hoarse voice whispered:

"Tonight, Geman joins the hunt."



This is a propaganda film full of violent aesthetics, where blood and the horror that extends deep into the bone marrow can be seen everywhere.

But for the players, they can see more from this promo.

Still the same formula, still the same taste.

Isn't this the urine of Dark Soul? !

Especially the scene of the hunter and the behemoth, full of the sense of the "Dark Soul".

It's no wonder that after seeing this promo, the players' reactions were so fierce, apparently the tragic memories were evoked.

However, for the diehard players of "Dark Soul", they feel heartfelt joy, and even want to go to the street and shout three times.

It has been three years since the release of "The Soul of Darkness", and three years, far from extinguishing the player's enthusiasm for the game.

Although Chen Mo later made the recognized perfect works of "The End of the United States", "The Legend of Zelda" and gta, but have to admit that there are a group of players who have a soft spot for "The Soul of Darkness".

Chen Mo has revealed on many occasions that the story of "The Soul of Darkness" has ended and there will be no more sequels.

But there are still a large number of players who don't give up. They have speculated that the story behind "The Soul of the Dark" is most likely to appear as an independent ip.

Even if the two stories are not connected in themselves, the subsequent games will certainly continue as a spiritual sequel to The Soul of the Dark, continuing this style of play.

Now, the appearance of "The Curse of Blood Source" confirms their conjecture. Although Chen Mo never admitted that this is a sequel to "The Soul of the Dark", he never admitted that there is any connection between the two, but no matter how Say, the most original soul fighting, come back.

For the players of "Dark Soul", they are very fortunate, because they have just been on the line of the "Ghost of Darkness" matrix game compartment reset version, not long after it is a soul game, simply It can be said that it is a good thing to double.

Although the matrix game compartment reset version of "Dark Soul" is fundamentally different from the original version, many players still feel that it seems to have lost the first sight of the stunning, or ... shocked.

After all, as a game that has been played repeatedly for three years, "Dark Soul" has become an unparalleled + parkour game for many players, and now supports them to continue playing, nothing more than " Feelings or things like "belief."

What they don't know is that Chen Mo did not "do his best" when he made the replacement version of "Dark Soul".

Because at that time, he had not yet pointed out a very critical technology point, that is, "consciousness implantation."

Really wear the world of "The Soul of Darkness" or "The Curse of Blood", who can guarantee that the player will not be really mad, or come in close contact with the ancient god?

Compared with the Curse of Blood, gta is pure and pure like a newborn baby.

Therefore, when Chen Mo made a reset version of "The Soul of Darkness", he made a lot of reservations deliberately.

But now with the implant of consciousness, it can effectively eliminate the adverse effects of violence, anger, pain, fear, sadness and other emotions on the player's psychology, ensuring that the player will not be mad when playing "Blood Curse". Off, this means the time to launch this game, mature.

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