Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1044: When did I say that I had a shield? (three more)

Although everyone has long known that "Blood Curse" is a soul game, but when I see these scenes, I still feel very novel.

In fact, the essence of the soul game is the combat system and level design, whether this can be done to the extreme, determines whether a soul game is original.

This is also why the players do not buy the soul games that are not produced by Chen Mo, because the battle, the level or the plot always feels a little worse.

"Dark Soul" is a game with a very obvious personal style. It is difficult to learn from this thing. It is often impossible to draw a tiger.

But seeing "The Curse of Blood", many players once again recalled the feeling when they first saw "The Soul of Darkness", suffocation, despair, darkness, but the soul of the soul fighting is still rooted in all aspects of the game.

In other words, "Blood Curse" is equivalent to completely changing the background of a world view, the plot is completely different; and the combat system, level design is the classic idea of ​​the "Dark Soul", but only in some details .

Chen Mo looked at the reporters here: "Ok, you can now ask questions freely. Later, we will release another live video. At that time, everyone can look at the battle of "The Curse of Blood Source" in detail."

Chen Mo’s voice just fell, and the reporters in the audience have raised their hands and asked questions that they have already prepared.

A reporter stood up: "I would like to ask Mr. Chen Mo, "How does the Curse of Blood Source compare with "The Soul of the Darkness"? Is it improved or lowered?"

Many of the reporters below couldn’t help but smile. This question was asked.

Before you asked, "Dark Soul" is difficult? Chen Mo can take care of him, deliberately confusing.

But now, is it difficult to compare the Curse of Blood with the Soul of the Dark? There must be a reference, and it is not so easy to get away with it.

Chen Mo smiled: "Their fighting style is slightly different. If you prefer the "Dark Soul" fighting style, then you may feel that "Blood Curse" is more difficult and may be reversed. Of course, I You know that you will not be satisfied with this answer. I can say that for most people, it is probably more friendly than the curse of Blood Curse."

The reporters listened to each other with their ears open.

The reporter who stood up and asked the question said: "Chen Chen, you have dug again. You just said that ‘the setting is more friendly’, but you can’t say that the setting is friendly, the difficulty of the game is reduced.”

Chen Mo stunned.

Ok? This year's reporter's IQ has risen, not even as good as before.

Chen Mo explained: "The setting is more friendly. This is affirmative. I will give two simple examples. First, when a player is attacked by a monster, he will enter a special 'viral blood' state, as long as the player launches a counterattack. If the damage is caused to the monster, the amount of blood lost can be recovered, so the counter-attack revenue is greatly improved. Second, the player can carry up to 20 blood bottles from beginning to end, and the killing monster can be supplemented, so the fault tolerance rate must be higher. ”

A reporter asked: "This design... the gospel of cancer?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Yes. In fact, in the "cursive curse of blood", we encourage the players to greet the knife, the appropriate 莽 can speed up the game rhythm to enhance the player's cool feeling. Perhaps in the "Dark Soul", greedy The knife is a very high-risk, extremely low-yielding behavior. Sometimes it is only a slash of a knife that loses a large amount of blood, which is not worth the candle, so the novice will feel slow when playing "Dark Soul"."

"But the Curse of Blood Source has made a design that encourages players to attack in many ways. The most striking thing is that the counterattack can return blood after the injury, which makes the knife become a high-risk and high-yield behavior, which will let the player play. Not so dull."

Immediately, the reporter raised his hand in excitement: "Mr. Chen Mo, please tell us in detail about the advantages of "The Curse of Blood" on "The Soul of the Darkness!"

Chen Mogan coughed twice: "First of all, this reporter, I want to criticize you. Your sentence is a very serious inductive question. It is like "The Curse of Blood" is much better than "The Soul of Darkness". I have repeatedly Emphasize that the two games are different, but never said that "Blood Curse" is better than "Dark Soul", this is a matter of opinion."

"But I can really say that the great advantage of "The Curse of Blood Source" is handsome."

The reporters in the audience: "???"

Chen Mo expressed surprise: "What? You didn't even see this? I just put a blank video and game information map? You can take a closer look."

He waved his hand and immediately appeared on the big screen with several handsome hunter costumes from The Blood Curse.

“Look, this time our dress design is based on the Victorian Baroque style, and it also absorbs some elements such as steampunk. Top hat, cane, hunter coat, face mask, and a lot of lace, spun yarn, satin Belts, bows, stand collars, high waists, princess sleeves and other elements, coupled with the overall long-shoulder character model, highlight a handsome."

"And this time, the costume design does not have those heavy armor, and there is no such thing as an onion knight armor and a Javier armor. All the clothes are self-cultivation, very handsome, I think this should be an epic enhancement. ""

The reporters in the audience looked awkward.

God special epic level enhancement! Who is playing this game is to look at their own characters handsome and handsome!

Besides, the first person vr of the matrix game cabin, playing **** and nervous, who has the leisurely look at his clothes handsome handsome?

Ok, maybe there is still, but why can't this talk about "epic level enhancement"?

Suddenly, a reporter realized a problem: "Wait, Chen, you just said that there will be no heavy armor of the onion knight armor, all of them are such beautiful hunter costumes...Is it said that we can wear heavy weight before? A, now there is no option for heavy armor at all?!"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes."

The reporter’s face was forced: “Wait, I used to say that I didn’t wear a piece of armor and wore armor paper. The result is that now I have no chance to fold the paper.”

Chen Moyi spread his hand: "Oh, you said it yourself, wearing a heavy paper folding, it is obvious that wearing this thing does not affect it right? So simply cancel it, change it to a beautiful fashion, light weight You are dodging and rolling, they are particularly flexible, and it is easier to avoid monster attacks. This is not very good."

The reporter was shocked: "But it is too illegal to wear this big shield."

Chen Mohe smiled: "When did I say that this game has a shield?"

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