Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1045: Black soul body (one more)

When Chen Mo came out, the reporters here were silent for five seconds.

Then it was fried.

"Ah? No shield?"

"How do you play without a shield? Are you fighting with the boss?"

"I used to be able to hold a shield and squat. Now I can only play with my **** in the same way as Daxie?"

As soon as I heard that there was no shield, the reporters present were all forced. Sure enough, the fox tail of Serent was exposed. Can the game be played without a shield?

How many people were playing the "Dark Soul" when they chose the boss to start the shield? Don't say boss, many times, playing mobs must be shielded all the way!

Chen Mogan coughed twice: "Cough, everyone should not be excited, just make a joke with you. Don't worry, "Blood Curse" has a shield inside, but the effect is not as good as "Dark Soul"."

When I heard this, the reporters let go of their hearts. It turned out to be a false alarm!

But looking at the expression of Chen Mo, how do you feel that there is still a conspiracy?

Chen Mo retreated to the big screen: "Well, introduced so much, everyone must want to see the actual game screen, right? By the way, in this video, in order to prove to everyone that "curse of blood" The unique charm, I deliberately chose a very fun weapon called a rotary cutter, or you can kindly call it 'power saw' or 'Oreo'. Please see."

The reporters all looked at the big screen.

In the passionate background melody, the hunter rushes to the clergy monster with a chainsaw with fire.

Obviously, this is the "movie mode", and everyone can see the hunter's attack.

This boss is a horrible monster with hair and a wolf. It is four to five meters tall and occupies a small half of the screen, even its head is out of the screen.

The hunter came directly to the monster, holding his hands with a chainsaw with a flame, slamming from the top left to the bottom, and slamming heavily on the head of the monster.

Then, the wonderful part is coming.

The hunter held the chainsaw straight ahead, the chainsaw frantically rotated, the sawtooth and the flame frantically harvested the monster's blood, and everyone saw only the long blood on the screen and the monster's long blood strip began to fall rapidly.

1923, 3375, 4827, 5501...19427.

This huge monster has not yet figured out what happened, it has turned into the dust of the sky and dissipated in the white light.

Everyone: "???"

The video is not over yet, and it quickly switches to the next victim.

Agent Amelia, the ischemic monster, the dark monster Paar...

After playing four or five bosses, the reporters who were present did not see any difference between these bosses, but found out the same point.

The same thing is... they don't seem to resist?

The hunter rushed to the front with a chainsaw and then cut a knife. Then he held the chainsaw without a cerebral palsy. On the other hand, he could move while the boss died.

After the video was broadcast, the reporters looked at each other.

What is this special game scene?

Chen Mo said: "Yes, this is the real picture of the game. You can all play these operations, right? You can see this operation, as long as you are not disabled, you can do it right. We also consider the novice players. I have suffered too much in the game, so I made an official plug-in for everyone, so that everyone can cool off in the game..."

A reporter in the front row: "I don't believe it!"

Chen Mo smiled: "When did I call you to Serent?"

Under the field is a moment of "squeaky" voice, do you dare to say that you have not deceived people?

Although it seems that there is no difficulty in watching these boss battles from the video, everyone is learning fine, and they simply don't believe it. To know that "The Soul of Darkness" also had countless big bangs on the video of killing bosses, it seems to be a few seconds of routines, but if you try it yourself, you will find that this is not what humans can do. The operation that came out!

Chen Mo’s mouth said that it is simple and simple. Who knows that this number is the effect of brushing for a few weeks, how many attributes and props are piled up?

However, everyone is still very pleased, which shows that "The Curse of Blood" has maintained the original taste of "The Soul of Darkness" to some extent.

Near the end of the conference, a reporter raised his hand: "Chen Chen, I want to ask the last question again, can I?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes."

The reporter said: "How do you write the description of the type of "Dark Soul"? Can you show it on the spot?"

Chen Mo smiled: "Of course. But what to write... um, yes."

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on it a few times. The projector lens on the phone released a holographic projection of a football.

Many viewers sitting in the front row have already seen it. This is a World Cup game ball.

Chen Mo looked at the holographic projection of this football and said in a low voice:

"The ball used to be called the World Cup is said to hide the terrible curse that can be desperate in another country."

“In the distant past, people invented this alternative war. They used expensive leather to sew this precious sphere and smear specific runes on it. People seem to be intoxicated by this kind of competition. The divination activities derived from it have even induced many incomprehensible group events, making the rooftops full of people."

"Every four years, this horrible sphere will periodically gain unparalleled power, affecting the consciousness of human beings around the world, and let them fall into frenzi and intoxication for a short time. Its magic power makes more and more people rush. And the study found that beer and carnival will further weaken the will of the controller."

"Today, people can still remember every word of the curse that lies on it: there is not much time left for the **** team."

After the last sentence was said, the reporters in the field immediately burst into a burst of laughter, followed by warm applause.

Chen Mo said to everyone: "Thank you for coming to the conference today, please be sure to buy the "Curse Curse" when you release it! This time it is really mowing, I will not lie to you!"



With the live broadcast of the conference, "Blood Curse" is not too hot, but the "black soul" fire.

Before the release of Blood Curse, players posted messages on the official forum of Blood Curse, and all used the Black Soul.

such as:

"A mysterious black thin version, when you touch the side button, will emit a burst of light, showing some runes of unknown meaning."

"This wonderful product has not been known for any reason, so its real usage is unknown. It is said that after three days, it completely lost its magic and can no longer emit any light."

"It is said that there is mysterious power and infinite knowledge, but long-term use may also make people become a living corpse that has lost its soul. Indulge in it. But because its magic only exists for three days, the authenticity of this statement cannot be proved. ”

Yes, this item is a "mobile phone".

Also: the legendary kobold.

"The treasure of the unnamed salary king Qin Chuan Derrick. It is a peculiar aquatic creature with evidence that it has a peculiar symbiotic relationship with Quinn and Qin Chuan Derrick."

“The kobolds wander in the water, and whenever they encounter fish, they will make a sound of 'touching', 'rua’, and 'already doing'.”

"At the top of the ancient dragon, Qin Chuan Derrick touched it for the last time and left the dark sword 21, and then disappeared without a trace."

Also: Serent's smile.

"A mysterious smile, no one can read the exact meaning of it so far."

“It’s said that every time the Thunder’s mutual entertainment is profitable, hundreds of millions of players will receive this mysterious smile. The magic contained in the smile makes them feel illusory and see -30%, -70% mystery. The number, and lifted the butcher knife to cut off his left hand, continue to continue the loss of Thunder's mutual entertainment."

"Sometimes this smile has other meanings. For example, when a player is embarrassed in a virtual world, he always recalls the maliciousness contained in this smile."

"It is rumored that the scope of this mysterious smile is the world, so that there are a lot of people who have no left hand on the street. But soon their hands will grow again, waiting for the next smile..."

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