Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1047: Say good weapons? (three more)

"Okay, the contract is completed."

"Now, let's start blood transfusion."

"Don't worry, no matter what happened..."

"You will think it's just a nightmare..."


The last laughter of the old man made people feel a little creepy. Lao Qin looked at the infusion bottle above, and a drop of dirty blood dripped into the yellow liquid, exactly the same as the scene seen in the promotional video.

Then I felt a lack of strength.

His vision went dark, and it took a while to recover again.

Lao Qin still couldn't move. He looked to the left side of the hospital bed. In a large piece of blood, a huge werewolf climbed out of the blood, and blood was dripping from its hair.

The werewolf slowly climbed to the old Qin, and then extended his sharp claws.

"I rely on this to come up with a ghost who is a **** werewolf. I can't move it!"

Although knowing that this is mostly a program effect, Lao Qin is still a little panicked. After all, this is the next generation of VR, and the immersion is very strong, unlike those traditional games that use cutscenes to express.

But when the werewolf's claws were about to touch the old Qin, its body suddenly ignited a flame, turning into ashes in mourning.

Lao Qin just felt a sigh of relief and felt like something on his leg had climbed up.

Like the gnome's corpse, these pale, skinny little monsters make an unspeakable snoring. Their eyes are two hollow, and the nose and mouth become a longitudinal split. These messengers grabbed the legs, hands and clothes of Lao Qin and climbed up to his face...

"Dog life! Dog me!"

When the screen was black and it was lit again, Lao Qin found that he could move.

There was no one in the clinic of Yousefka. Lao Qin turned from the bed and sat up with his feet on the ground.

The feeling of fatigue before it was gone, but I felt that my body was full of endless power.

Obviously, if you want to play the role of the game in the game of Dark Soul and Blood Curse, you must definitely improve the player's attributes.

Although everyone is arguing that there is no smoldering, it is a slag, but people can also carry a big sword with a high number of people running around without breathing, and the physical rules are very different from the real world.

Lao Qin walked around the room and found that it was chaotic.

The chair fell to the ground, and there were a lot of books on the bookshelf around, but they all piled up thick dust, and some books were scattered on the ground; various broken surgical instruments were placed on the cabinet at random, and there were various kinds of hits on the ground. Broken blood transfusion bottle.

Everything around it is dim and dilapidated, and the floor will step on it and it will make a "squeaky" sound, as if it has been abandoned for a long time. However, this place can still be used for blood transfusion, which makes Lao Qin feel very surprised.

How to see it here is like a ghost town.

On the chair next to it, there was a very conspicuous stationery. Lao Qin took it up and found that it was written in a very scribbled handwriting: "Looking for the blood of paleness to win in hunting."

"nice, the long-lost feeling of "Dark Soul". Like this strange feeling, it is only Chen Mo can do it. Like this, just throw a piece of paper on a chair and write two words on it, this is not the case. It’s time to come out.”

"Don't worry, I am not too familiar with the operation of this new game cabin. Let me calm down first."

Old Qin just bought the matrix game cabin soon, and it is quite unsuitable for this new operation mode.

In the previous VR game bay, as long as the brain moves, the character will perform the corresponding operation, and all the actions are designed.

But now, all the actions have to be done by themselves, and the various sensory experiences are infinitely close to the real world.

Old Qin was very worried that he would be scared. After all, the immersion is so strong, the game experience is just like a nightmare, a little bit of wind and grass, environmental hints, many players' weak heart is not necessarily able to withstand.

However, Lao Qin found that he was too worried. He is not afraid at all, but he wants to quickly rush to the past.

In fact, this is also the benefit of conscious implant technology, which can largely eliminate the negative emotions of players and let them play in a more calm state.

That is to say, the players who are courageous and the players who are courageous will not be too much to play this game, not to mention the vital signs detection equipment, which can ensure that nothing is lost.

Lao Qin tried to move a bit, including punching, kicking, flashing, bending, jumping, rolling and so on.

The physical quality of the characters in the game is far more than ordinary people, so these actions are not difficult for Lao Qin, especially the action of the body is very flexible. Perhaps the only thing that doesn't fit is to roll this action. Originally, you only need to have a thought role in your mind to automatically complete the standard rollover operation, but now you really need to roll yourself...

However, it is not necessary to roll this action, because the old Qin can also quickly move forward and backward to the left and right, and the steps are shorter than the roll, but the movement is more flexible, plus bending, jumping and other actions, you can count on these Actions to avoid boss attacks, instead of rolling operations.

Everything is fine. The only question is, what about weapons?

"The Soul of the Dark" gives the weapon as soon as it comes up. The words of the prequel come up and there is a broken sword. The result is "The Curse of Blood Source" is good, empty hand...

"According to Chen Mo's urine, the weapon must be hidden somewhere in front.... What the wolf is."

On the first floor of the clinic, a huge wolf is eating a **** body. It has more than two meters in length and its claws are several times larger than the head of Lao Qin.

"Hey, hey..."

This is the sound of the giant wolf eating the bones, which sounds like a sore root.

Lao Qin carefully tried to walk past the giant wolf. As a result, the wolf felt very sensitive. He directly grabbed the ground and rushed to the old Qin, and the claws directly reduced the blood of the old Qin by two-thirds. !

"...It really is the plot of Serent, I will not be fooled, huh, huh."

Lao Qin sprinted forward two steps, and instantly opened the distance with the giant wolf, then gently pushed the door and walked out.

Sure enough, this giant wolf did not follow.

"Look! Look! The old **** prequel to the "Dark Soul" is sure to understand, this is a repertoire. Just like the big **** of the "Dark Soul" prequel, it is not for you to play, but for you. Run out first, take the weapon and come back and clean it up. Ok, let's go out and look for weapons."

Lao Qin was deeply impressed by his IQ.

Sure enough, there is a prop under the tombstone in the front courtyard, which is emitting a fascinating white light. Lao Qin is too lazy to spit out why the clinic is outside the door of the funeral, and rushing past, haunting the white light.

10 mercury bullets.

Lao Qin: "...well, it seems to be still ahead."

Pushing open the clinic door, Lao Qin found a corpse in front of him, and there was also a prop on it.

"This is definitely a weapon! Give me a weapon!"

Gently picked up, 4 blood collection bottles.

Lao Qin: "???"

What about this, what about good weapons? ?

Monthly ticket 4100, owed more 34

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