Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1048: Hand tearing villagers to grab weapons (one more)

Lao Qin does not give up, continue to move forward.

"Impossible, Chen Mo's routine I have already seen clearly. The weapon is definitely somewhere in front, it is impossible for me to fight with bare hands."

As a result, Lao Qin had just passed a corner and saw a big axe coming over!

This is a young man who has gone mad. His costume looks like an ordinary resident, but his right hand is holding a torch and his left hand is holding a big axe. There is no more nonsense with the old Qin. The face is an axe.

"What is the situation? Isn't this a mob? Why do you see a mob or a weapon?"

"Is it... let me play with empty hands?"

Lao Qin side left and right flash, while analyzing the attack law of the Yanan.

As an old **** of "Dark Soul", Lao Qin soon discovered that the attack frequency of this monster is very low, and there are many flaws.

Lao Qin decided to try to fight him, maybe... This work really needs to tear the mobs at the beginning? Just like the "Dark Soul" prequel, you need to fight with a broken sword when you first started?

The big axe was cut with a fierce wind. Lao Qin optimistic about the trajectory of the big axe and flashed to the side of the side, while squatting on the knees of the villagers.

The villagers were smashed, but his torches were burned to Lao Qin.

Lao Qin felt a burning pain in his chest and hurried back, and found that his blood was nearly one-fifth.

However, his own foot caused only 5 damage.

The axe was cut again, and the old Qin learned this time. The two quick and quick flashes came to the back of the monster.

After playing four punches, Lao Qin felt that he was exhausted and hurriedly jumped away.

A closer look, each fist caused 3 damage, a total of 12 damage.

Adding to the beginning of the foot, the monster's bloodline has fallen by nearly a fifth.

"Is this unscientific? It’s blame to beat me one-fifth. I’m playing a monster five times and it’s one-fifth. It’s too real!”

"Wait, I understand! Haha, it looks very difficult, but it's hard to beat the old ass!"

Lao Qin glanced at the ui at the edge of the field of view, where his blood was almost full.

When it was just burned by a monster with a torch, one-fifth of the blood that Lao Qin was deducted was in a state of "blood blood."

And the continuous attack of Lao Qin replied to him the blood, which is also a new mechanism that Chen Mo mentioned at the press conference, "Blood Curse".

Commonly known as the gospel of the knife cancer.

"Everyone, the next step is the reasoning time. In the soul game, all the factors are analyzed, then the conclusions drawn are unreasonable, it will be the truth!"

"There is no weapon outside, and the attack of the fist is very low, but as long as the timing is right, it can return blood. That is, we should tear the villager and then grab the weapon from his hand!"

After discovering the correct way to open the game, Lao Qin was immediately filled with high-spirited fighting spirit.

After all, there is the experience of "The Soul of Darkness". This mob is very simple. Lao Qin struggled for five minutes and finally killed this monster with one punch and one foot.

After the monster died, the axe and torch in his hand all fell to the ground, but there was no white light.

"White Light" is a tradition of the soul series. When an item is pickable, it will appear on the ground in the form of a white light, and the player picks up the item.

However, after the death of this Yanan, his axe did not turn into white light.

But Lao Qin didn't care. He picked up the axe from the ground and slammed it in his hand.

There is no item description information, and there is no property panel. From all aspects, this axe is not a usable item.

However, Lao Qin took the axe in his hand and could clearly perceive its texture and weight, which was heavy. Although the axe blade is not sharp, it is always much stronger than the bare hand.

"Look, I will say that this kind of game will definitely find a way to plug the weapon to you. But this work is really new, the weapon needs to be grabbed from the mobs, real, very real."

With the axe, Lao Qin is more confident.

There are two young Nanmen who are sleeping in front. Lao Qin spent another three minutes, using this blunt axe to hack both monsters.

I have to say that this axe is actually not easy to use, and the bonus is very limited. However, Lao Qin’s suffering threshold is very high, not to mention the fact that compared with the previous bare hands, it is very gratifying to have an axe.

The other two Nanan weapons are also axe. Lao Qin contrasted and found that these axes did not differ much, and picked a hand that looked slightly sharper.

But the strange thing is that this axe does not exist in the item bar that can be viewed. It is only held by the old Qin.

Lao Qin did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. Instead, he felt that the design was very real.

"The weapon of the monster in "The Soul of the Darkness" can't be smashed, which is actually very unreasonable. Like the black knight's knife, it is held in the hand, why can't I kill it?"

"The Curse of Blood is not the next generation vr, all the weapons of the monster can be used for their own use, which is very real."

Lao Qin found a tie rod next to it and pulled it down to a ladder. After climbing the ladder, he saw a lantern in front of him.

"This should be the bonfire of the soul series? It is a lantern. But now what is the use of this thing, I can not upgrade. Continue to explore."

Lao Qin did not care about this lantern.

He came to the big iron gate on the left and couldn't push it. He had to go to the narrow alley on the right.

"When you see this pile of debris, you know that there must be a maliciousness of Serent. You see, there is a 25-year-old waving a kitchen knife and rushing out."

"It seems that there are more villagers. God is holding a sickle and a torch. Are you a socialist successor or a fff group?"

Lao Qin encountered more enemies. These people were like residents of Yanan, and they were all unconscious. When they saw Lao Qin, they began to rush like a mad dog and launched an attack.

From the hands of these people, Lao Qin got more weapons.

Including kitchen knives, sickles, torches, wooden shields and grass forks, obviously these goods are villagers.

In the face of so many weapons, Lao Qin was a little overwhelmed. He tried it and tried to find that it was still easy to use.

The speed of the kitchen knife and the sickle is relatively fast, but the distance is too short, the distance of the grass fork is very long, but the attack power is general, and the old Qin is very uncomfortable.

The most irritating thing is that these weapons can't be placed in the storage space, and you can't see any attribute descriptions.

"Strange, isn't there any props for this weapon? It's so mysterious."

"Hey, there is a shortcut here."

"There seems to be an axe man in the distance, **** male, I feel very embarrassed, but in fact should be ... lying trough!!"

The old Qin dialect did not say wow, I saw the giant with a big axe jumped up, directly smashed four or five meters away, the big axe in the hand squatting against the old Qin!

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