Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1052: Father Gascoin (second)

Lao Qin killed the first boss and was very happy.

After turning on the lantern, he returned to the hunter's dream, upgraded the blood reverberation of his body, and then continued to explore.

At the beginning, Lao Qin thought that "Blood Curse" is not the same as "Dark Soul". NPC's plot is very rare, but after carefully turning it, it is not like this.

In "Dark Soul", players will encounter a variety of npcs when they first arrive at the fire festival, such as persuading the brothers, Rudolphs, firefighters, etc., and as the story continues to advance , npc will also be more and more.

However, Lao Qin played for a while and found that the hunter dream in "Blood Curse" does not seem to join the new npc, only the Geman and the young lady who are in a wheelchair.

However, after playing for a while, Qin found that the plot of npc is still there, but it is not the same as the "Dark Soul".

There is no dissuasion in the Blood Curse, but in fact every villager in Yanan is persuading. As soon as the door knocks in the past, the residents inside will return, but the words are basically extremely ironic and sarcasm.

There are doubts that the old Qin is a despicable foreigner, knocking on the door is for the sake of people, but also cursing the old Qin as a hunter does not force, so that all the residents are in danger, anyway, there is no good word...

During the period, there was an old lady. When she was in the old Qin dynasty, she would poison her tongue and ask if there is any safe place to take refuge. Lao Qin didn't know how to answer it. He could only say that he didn't know, but the next time he came back, the old lady would continue to ask again: "Now you find a safe haven place?"

Lao Qin answered "Hunter's Dreamland". As a result, the old lady sneered at him, saying that he was talking in a dream, deliberately deceiving, and the despicable foreigner's conscience was greatly broken.

Obviously, this is not the correct answer. The "Hunter's Dream" is a place that only exists in the hunter's dream in the plot. These npcs don't know and can't go.

In other words, there should be a refuge in the world of Blood Curse, which can allow some npcs to take refuge, but the plot of Lao Qin has not yet advanced to that place.

Although he was sarcasted wherever he went, Lao Qin still encountered some kind of good npc.

For example, a npc very kindly provided a lot of information to Lao Qin, telling him to go to the church if he wants to find the bleak blood. In addition, he gave a firearm of Lao Qin, which is a deputy weapon that looks quite easy to use.

The little girl in another window is very anxious to ask Lao Qin, let him help find the missing parents.

"My dad didn't come back when he hunted. Mom went to see him, but my mother didn't see it... I was alone and scared..."

"Thank you! My mother has a ruby ​​brooch on her chest. If you see my mother, please give her this music box. If Dad forgets us and gives him the music box, he will remember."

The description of this little music box is: play a song sung by a little girl's parents, a small piece of paper in the lid, you can see two names, Viola and Gascoyne.

Lao Qin did not put too much in his heart, but continued to explore.

After spending a lot of effort to kill two very hurting werewolves, Lao Qin talked to himself and walked toward the distant graveyard.

"These werewolves seem to have some new moves. When they just hit!"

When Lao Qin’s words were not finished, I felt that the atmosphere in front was a bit wrong.

He was originally running, but after walking to the periphery of the cemetery, he automatically became a walking state, and his attention was involuntarily concentrated in a distant figure.

The old Qin heart is cool, this special encounter is the boss! Still not psychologically prepared!

I saw that the tall hunter was bowing his head and bending, and the big axe in his hand was lifted and dropped, and the blood was splashed and broken.

Lao Qin felt that this figure was a bit familiar, and looked carefully: "What?! Isn't this the big brother who helped me?"

"How is this game a twenty-five story? Big Brother, you are sober, I just woke with you and you forgot?"

However, the old hunter seems to have lost his mind, and the big axe in his hand continues to lift and fall. It is faintly visible that the body of a werewolf is at his feet, but it is not the kind of a large werewolf. Its hands, feet and body still retain the human appearance.

Obviously, this werewolf should have just been animalized soon.

"Wow, big brother, are you... sick? You see the body slashed and smashed, almost got it, or big brother, do you continue to lay a boss with me?" Lao Qin squatted.

As a result, the hunter slowly rose straight up and said in a very low tone: "The streets are full of monsters, and sooner or later you will become like them..."

The hunter turned his face and showed a very embarrassed expression.

"Help! Dogs! Let me go!"

Lao Qin turned to want to run, joking, just like the big brother hard gangster monsters he saw, the macho came!

Now let yourself be singled out with your eldest brother, isn't that funny?

However, the entrance has been blocked by the White Mist Gate, and the hunter's big brother is rolling directly, and the right axe draws a fire from top to bottom, a glimpse!

The old Qin was so scared that he quickly rushed to the left, and the axe almost wiped his clothes and crossed.

Lao Qin just thought that he was safe, and he heard a bang, and a large number of mercury bullets shot himself directly.

"Will you use a gun? fxxk!"

Lao Qin very reluctantly accepted the fact that he wanted to be hard with this macho. At this time, he inadvertently saw the name of the boss.

"Father Gascoin? How did the name seem to have been seen?"

"Right, that little music box! The little girl who was looking for a little girl is you!"

"But, brother, can you stop?"

Lao Qin took the music box out of his hands and let it go. Then he saw Father Gascoigne holding his head in the same place and fell into a chaotic state of at least 2 to 3 seconds.

Old Qin had thought that the priest would be awake, but there was no use for it. When the chaos was over, Father Gascoyne slammed the axe again!

"Well, this big brother is too serious, the music box has no effect! I feel that according to the plot, I can only kill him."

Lao Qin can only go around the various tombstones with Father Gascoyne. He has to say that the big brother’s desire to attack is too strong, and there are guns. Although Lao Qin has a full bottle of medicine, But still use it quickly.

At the beginning, Lao Qin played very hard, but once he found out that the big brother was easy to shoot, it seemed to be much better.

Two people, you shot, I shot, Lao Qin also used various tombstones and trees as a bunker.

"This is a fps game?!" Lao Qin could not help but vomit.

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