Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1053: Despicable stranger (three more)

Father Gascoin's blood volume slowly declined and came to half.

The old Qin and the war retreat, the blood bottle is also only 10 bottles left.

Judging from the scene, Lao Qin was basically run by the priest Gascoin, and the boss was chasing after him. The two men’s positions were always around three or four meters.

Lao Qin can only occasionally try to counter the gun, but the priest's gun is not covered, so Lao Qin can only constantly look for trees and tombstones as bunkers.

The two turned and turned to a very awkward position.

In front of the old Qin is a thick tree, and the left side of the big tree is a statue of more than three meters high. There is only about twenty or thirty centimeters between the statue and the big tree, and there are many tombstones around.

Father Gascoin waved a big axe in angrily. His axe had been deformed into a long-handled state. A powerful flea was cut on the tombstone, cut on the statue, making a deafening sound, and sometimes slamming. The ground, while cracking a crack on the hard ground, also raised a burst of smoke.

However, I still can’t touch Lao Qin...

Lao Qin watched carefully: "This big brother... seems to be stuck. Hahaha, this big brother is so stupid, he doesn't know how to beat me around?"

When Lao Qin said, he stepped back two steps, and as a result, Father Gascoyne directly bypassed the tombstone, and the big axe once again bowed his head!

"Sorry! Wait a minute!"

Lao Qin rushed to avoid the rolling, and then circled again, hiding behind the tree and the statue again.

Sure enough, the priest began to madly export the statue and the tombstone, and could not touch the old Qin.

"It turns out that when I keep the distance within three meters from the priest, and he can see me again, without being blocked by anything, he will constantly try flea attacks. He does not realize that he is being blocked."

"It is reasonable to say that the ai of this game monster should be quite high... I know, because the priest has lost his mind now, so his IQ is also plummeting."

"That means I just stay in this position is very safe, even I can try to hit him twice."

Lao Qin changed his cane into a whip shape, and then after Father Gascoyne slammed again, the whip pulled straight up and crossed the narrow gap between the tree and the statue, and suddenly slid on the priest. .

"Hey? Really, this game is so special."

Lao Qin discovered a new style of play. He hid behind the tree and the tombstone and counterattacked after Father Gascoyne attacked.

Of course, this position is not absolutely safe. If you stand too close, the priest may also directly extend the axe from the gap between the statue and the tree to cause damage to the old Qin, but as long as the priest such as Lao Qin attacked and then counterattacked No problem at all.

In this way, Lao Qin took a moment to grind, and the damage of the whip state was very worrying. Lao Qin was not in a hurry. He was occasionally picked up to drink a blood bottle. It was planned to kill the boss.

Why do you want to swear by the IQ of the business?

The barrage has been blown up, shameless, too shameless!

"It's a pity that my father, Gascoigne, was so played in the palm of his hand!"

"Stop! This is not a fair fight at all!"

"Despicable foreigners!!"

"True Qin Wang is a bit of a hahaha, and Lao Qin’s hand is even more classic with a sword!"

"I rely on, forcible turn-based system!"

Occasionally, Father Gascoin bypassed the tombstone, and Lao Qin continued to circle the tree and the tombstone and continued to hold Father Gascoyne opposite.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to rely on shackles. In the face of such coward-like enemies, we must learn to use our own wisdom, like this tradition handed down from the "Dark Soul" era, this kind of just playing, really It is not going to be outdated wherever you go."

Lao Qin said as he continued to use his whip to beat Father Gascoyne.

As said, the blood volume of the boss has dropped to 40%.

Lao Qin was still exporting steadily. As a result, he saw that the priest even held his head in his hands and made a painful snoring!

Suddenly, his body burst open with black pus and blood. The whole person's figure instantly expanded for several laps. The original human face disappeared and was replaced by a huge wolf head!

His body clothes were swelled by the body of the beast, and it has become a beast that is completely irrational!

"I am going, turned out?!"

Lao Qin still wants to continue to use the method just exported. As a result, he saw that the fascinator Gascoin had smashed the tombstone in front of him, and then the second claw directly took Lao Qin out of the distance!

"It's over, dog life! It's not safe!"

Lao Qin was madly fleeing while drinking blood, and after Gasconn's priest was transformed, his speed became faster than before, and he jumped to the old Qin in an instant, and then his two claws began to catch up.

It is completely impossible for Lao Qin to use the tombstone to get rid of Father Gascoyne, because the power of the priest after the transformation has been greatly improved. Those tombstones are as fragile as tofu in front of him.

"Father, these tombstones are all the ancestors of your Yanan people. You are a little bit ruthless. This graveyard will be dismantled by you!"

Lao Qin said while fleeing, but Father Gascoyne, who has completely lost his mind, must not be heard.

"At this time, only the burning bullet of justice can be sacrificed! fxxk!"

In the spirit of "Mao and weak fire", Lao Qin wants to throw the incendiary bomb to burn the boss. However, the speed of the boss is too fast. The first incendiary bomb throws a loneliness directly in the middle of the chaos.

"This is so fast, it's too hard to throw!"

In the vr version of "Blood Curse", the incendiary bomb is to be thrown by yourself, and it is not locked, so the risk is great.

Suddenly, the old Qin Lingguang flashed: "I still have the music box just now!"

Obviously, this music box is not what is used to "wake up the priest of Gascoigne". Its sole purpose is to let the priest produce a messy state for three or five seconds, and then give the player a precious output opportunity...

While the old Qin continued to flee around the tree, he touched the music box and opened his hands.

The crisp and pleasing sound came out of the music box, and the singer Gascoyne, who had been completely animalized, struggled painfully and stood in a state of chaos.

"It's now!"

Lao Qin directly threw out the oil shovel that had already been prepared, and then the four burning bottles quickly smashed out and threw them on the oil-stained Gascoigne.

The raging flames rushed into the sky, and the sorrow of Gascoon, who had become a werewolf, made a sigh of sorrow. He could feel that he still had a lot of unwillingness, but he was still ashes in the flames.

[has slaughtered prey]

Lao Qin wiped the sweat, although his role does not sweat: "Stabilized like an old dog, completely flustered."

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