Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1054: What is the story of blood source (one more)

Lao Qin looked down at his hunter suit and was completely contaminated by blood into a dark red.

He came to the place where Father Gascoin died, bent over and picked up the white light, the key to the Orton Cemetery.

"Well, it seems that the plot does not have the option of saving people. Father Gascoyne is probably killing."

After solving the sacred Gascoin priest, Lao Qin found that his own vision had risen directly by 4 points.

From the next staircase, use the key to open the large iron gate behind the Otun Cemetery.

At this time, the old Qin found that there was a white light on the roof behind it.

At this time, Lao Qin was in the position above the cemetery where he had fought with Father Gascoyne. The body was fallen on the eave of a house next to the cemetery. It was not visible until the bottom, but climbed up the stairs. I can see it.

The white light I saw just now is on this body.

Lao Qin leaned over and found that this was the [red jewel brooch] he had been looking for, and there was also a name on it: Viola.

Obviously, the body that fell on the roof was the mother of the little girl, the wife of the father of Gascoigne, Viola, the wounds and blood spread from her, it is not difficult to infer the truth of the matter.

Viola was attacked by the Nannan who was beastified at the entrance of the Orton Cemetery at the top of the stairs. He knocked down the guardrail and fell on the eaves below, and then was brutally killed.

The priest who witnessed all of this immediately fell into a state of madness. He had just begun to vent his anger in the cemetery and desperately wanted to smash the corpse. The Nannan, who had just been smothered, should be the chief culprit of all this.

Lao Qin looked at the ruby ​​brooch in his hand. He could choose to hand this brooch to the little girl. He could also choose to break this brooch into a blood jewel to strengthen his weapon.

"This little girl is also miserable, forget it, go back and ask her for a task. Or... go to the Orton Cemetery first?"

Lao Qin is not sure about the next route, and he still does not know what kind of fate is waiting for the poor little girl.



On the live fish platform, there are still many players who broadcast "Blood Curse" like Lao Qin.

The anchors and the audience seem to have returned to the "Soul of Darkness" when they first saw it. They trembled in one and a footsteps in a completely strange world, and they died in the conspiracy of Serent.

Players' exploration of Blood Curse is constantly moving forward. For many old **** who have already passed the "Dark Soul" n weeks, "Blood Curse" is somewhat unsuitable at first sight, but as soon as he studies it a little, he is familiar with this game.

After all, although the game made some changes to the game of Dark Soul in the combat system and some details, the essence of the two games is very close.

For many old players of "Dark Soul", the blood source of the customs may only take more than 20 hours a week. If the player compares the liver, it may take two to three days to get through.

After adapting to the gameplay of Blood Curse, the curiosity of the players shifted to another aspect.

That is, what kind of story does the Curse of Blood Source tell?

A very special feeling for the soul game to the player is the strangeness of the world view.

Just like when players first saw "The Soul of Darkness", they would think that there are too many incomprehensible things in the world, such as living dead bodies and various monsters, such as why they should ring the bell, why should they beat the old salary king? And why should we pass the fire...

Players are extremely strange to the world and cannot explain it with existing knowledge. Plus the world is full of ugly monsters, terrible traps, and every mob has the power of seconds...

The combination of various factors makes the player feel "tortured" and "suffering" in the game, making this game a real adventure.

Because you will never know, what kind of things you will face when you push this door open.

However, the black soul and blood source did not make the whole world an unexplained horror.

Players do see a lot of things that are incomprehensible and get a fear that comes from the unknown.

But as the game's story progresses, players will find the truth from the clues of the world, or the truth in their own guess.

Those seemingly weird and unreasonable things are all chained up by a plot line, and they interact and interact with each other to become a complete and reasonable story background and lead to many different final outcomes.

Therefore, for the Curse of Blood Source, its plot and worldview are also the key factors that attract players to explore more than the excellent battle and level design.

So, what kind of world is the world where Blood Curse is?

As the players continue to explore, the hunters they play are dying again and again, waking up again and again in the hunter's dream, the fragmented information is pieced together, and the hunters begin to try to restore the world's buried truth.

Everything must be said from the stranger who came to Yanan to seek blood therapy.


Because of a strange illness, the stranger came to Yanan and sought a cure.

Ya Nan is known as the home of blood therapy, and the blood here is rumored to be able to treat all incurable diseases. Therefore, even if the current Nan Nan is already dangerous, the stranger has embarked on a journey of seeking blood therapy.

The strangers walked on the streets of Yanan and found that the residents here were busy buying incense and candles. The sellers along the way always showed strange smiles to the strangers.

The strangers do not understand this strange atmosphere. He only knows that today is the traditional celebration of "Yan Nan".

The foreigner completed the blood transfusion. After the blood transfusion, he saw the hallucination. A blood-stained werewolf sticks his claws to him. It actually represents his own inner animalization. If he accepts, he will go to the beastification and finalize like other villagers. A bloodthirsty werewolf.

In the end, he defeated the inner being of the beast, but was embraced by the gnome's general messenger, which represented his inner choice as a hunter and embarked on the same path as the previous hunters.

The awakened stranger lost his memory and forgot his identity. He only saw blood-stained bandages and needles on his arms. He only remembered that he had entered blood of unknown origin, and then the nightmare began.

The only guide is only one note, I don't know who is in the chair of the room: "Look for the bleak blood to win in the hunt."


(The blood of the bleak is translated into pale blood, and the English is paleblood. These two translations are similar in meaning and represent a certain color.)

(The following chapters will explain in detail the plot and worldview of the blood curse, which can be seen from the chapter name. Students who are not interested can skip it.)

(Because "The Curse of Blood" is like the Black Soul, there is no absolutely correct interpretation of the plot. All the interpretations are made up of pieces of fragmented information in the game, and Miyazaki Hideaki does not intend to let the player know the truth, so many There are many kinds of details in the details. Here is just a speculation. If there is something wrong, you are welcome to discuss it.)

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