Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1056: The mystery of blood source 2 (three more)

Master William is the leader of Byronvis, and Lawrence is one of his most proud students.

But in the sight of the hunter touching the Lawrence Skull, Lawrence decided to leave the Master William and stand on his own, because the two people's ideas have produced serious differences.

Master William hopes that Lawrence will remember, "Fearing the blood of the ancient gods."

This sentence is the secret order to Byronvis.

The hunter left the Orton Chapel to prepare for the forbidden forest, and traveled through the emergency forest to Byronwest to explore the truth of the bleak blood.

But there was a weird black man at the door of the church. The defeated hunter did not wake up in the hunter's dream, but was put into a bag and taken to a place called Ahajur.

In the underground prison of Yahagul, many abducted residents of Yanan were held, and these residents were already on the verge of beastification.

The hunter defeated the beast, Paar, who was buzzing with electric light, and returned to the old Yanan.

This time he can finally embark on the road to the taboo forest, where he once again met the "knife hand" Alfred, who is still looking for Cain Hearst Castle and wants to complete his mission.

The hunter crossed the taboo forest and defeated all kinds of evil and chaotic creatures. At the end of the forest, he met three mysterious people wearing cloaks. They were called the shadow of Yanan.

The three mysterious people have been parasitized by snakes, and the hunters have finally beaten them and then came to Byronvis.

There are more strange things in Byronvis. The most bizarre is a humanoid monster. They are like students, but their heads are full of eyes, like the head of a fly. These monsters are called "eye seed beds."

After a lot of trouble, the hunter finally smashed through the encirclement and came to the top of the Byronvis building, a place called the moon watching platform.

The aging William master sat in the rocking chair and watched the moonlight on the lake without saying a word. The hunter tried to talk to him and wanted to ask more about the blood of the bleak, but Master William just raised his scepter in his hand and pointed to the lake in front.

The hunter flipped through the classics in Byronvis, and through various messages, he roughly inferred the reason why the night of hunting was so long.

Master William used the "spider" to ban the time of Yanan, so the night will never pass, and the hunter will never escape the nightmare.

The "blood blood" that the hunter has been looking for is actually the blue sky with the **** moon falling. In other words, only when the blood is coming, the hunter can wake up from this eternal nightmare.

As a result, the hunter jumped into the lakeside and killed the "stupid spider Rom", ending this endless cycle, the endless night.

After the death of Rom, the secret of the cover was revealed.

A huge red moon appeared, approaching from the sky, a woman wearing a white wedding dress and blood on her belly appeared in the distance, as if she was crying.

The hunter was in a coma, and when he woke up again, he found himself coming to Ahagur, the place where the baggage continually plundered the residents of Yanan and held them.

Countless crazy residents wandered around the red moon, and even if they were killed, they would be resurrected by a woman who was ringing.

The guys who are carrying the bags have all disappeared, replaced by more deformed monsters.

Returning to the Orton Chapel, the prostitutes and the nuns all held their heads as if they were tormented by endless nightmares; the old woman ventured out to find sedatives for the hunters and died outside the church.

The hunter met at the door of the cathedral and helped her hunter Irene, who was dying. She had wanted to hunt a hunter but was seriously injured.

The hunter rushed into the cathedral and was inextricably linked to the hunter wearing the Cain Hurst silver mask. Fortunately, the blood collection bottle of this crazy hunter has only the last bottle left. Obviously, Irene’s battle has caused him great consumption.

In the end, the hunter completed his mission for Irene.

He looked at the **** moon in the sky and finally understood why William had to ban Yanan.

Once he thought that nothing was more terrible than a nightmare that never ended, but now he understands that the master of William is afraid of a nightmare under the **** moon, a more terrible nightmare than a nightmare.

The hunter entered the Yousefka clinic through another road and was shocked to find that the patients in it had turned into blue big dolls.

He pushed the deepest door, where he once talked to Dr. Yousefka. At this time, a blue big-headed doll suddenly fluttered in desperation. After the hunter killed it, he found that he had dropped the blood bottle of Yousefka.

If this is Yusefka, who is the woman who has been talking to herself?

At this time, the fake Yousefka was making a painful voice on the operating table. Obviously, turning the little girl and Dr. Yousefka into a big-headed doll is all good for her.

The hunter killed her angrily, she gave birth to a weird creature, but soon died. The hunter was shocked to discover that this eccentric creature also has a third umbilical cord.

The hunter remembered the sentence, "When the red moon is low, the blessed uterus will give birth to the Son of God."

Can it be said that the third umbilical cord is something belonging to God? So where did Geman’s third umbilical cord in the hunting workshop come from?

Before the hunter came to the church in Yahagul, he had already received a high vision and saw the strange creature called Amithara. He showed the creature the previously acquired tonsil stone, which was captured by the monster and sent to the teaching building of the Mansis School.

Master William, Lawrence, and Migrash are the leaders of Byronvis, the Church of Healing, and the School of Mansis, and their methods of doing things are different.

Obviously, they are all pursuing the wisdom that transcends humanity in their own way. In other words, they are betting on the whole of Nannan's life and playing a game of summoning the ancient gods.

Migrash, known as the Lord of Nightmare, led everyone in the Mansis school into a dream. They wanted to summon the Red Moon in the dream and complete the coming of the ancient god.

The protagonist found the ancient **** named Amithara at the border of the nightmare. Its characteristics exist in plural form, so it exists at the same time in many buildings of Yanan. Only when it is more than 40 points can it be See the true body of it.

The hunter killed the Amithara and found a cursed gold cup. The hunter could not find too many clues from this golden cup, but he accidentally turned out a special prop, the eye of the bloodthirsty hunter.

He came to the Orton Chapel and showed the eyes of the blood hunter to Amitala, where he was immediately involved in another nightmare.

It turns out that the key is not the cursed gold cup itself, but the ancient **** who cursed the gold cup. In the nightmare created by this ancient god, the hunter will see the most secret past of Yanan.

Combining the bits and pieces that you have seen and heard, and the scenes in the nightmare, what happened before is beginning to clear, and the hunter infers an unbelievable truth.

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