Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1057: The truth of the blood source 1 (one more)

At the beginning, Yanan was just a remote small town. Even the Nannan people forgot the origin of this place. The historical documents about this small town were only preserved in the only academic institution in Byan, Byrons College.

In fact, Ya Nan’s geographical location was originally the center of the ancient country called “Sumerian Civilization”, but the Sumerian civilization has long disappeared into the long river of history, only the occasional excavation of the ancient Sumerian era. The tomb can give a glimpse of the glory of this ancient civilization.

Byronvis College has a strong interest in the excavation of the ancient Sumerian civilization. As more and more ancient tombs are discovered, scholars have discovered that the tombs contain a lot of incomprehensible knowledge, such as "the ancient gods". , "Beast Disaster", "Upper", "Eyes", "Beyond Thinking" and so on.

They speculate that the ancient Sumerians once coexisted with an exotic life called the "old god" and created a highly brilliant and splendid civilization, but they suddenly vanished because of some mysterious power.

As a result, Byronvis set off a research boom in Sumerian civilization, and the leader of the study was the Dean of the Byronvis College, Master William.

They organized an expedition to explore the ancient tombs of the Sumerian civilization. Although they encountered unprecedented terrorist monsters, they also produced countless stunning archaeological discoveries.

The Sumerian literature records that by acquiring the "inner eye", that is, "spiritual vision", it can enhance the level of human thinking, evolve into the "old god" level of thinking, gain knowledge beyond humans, see beyond The phenomenon of human vision, thus achieving human evolution.

According to records, the "inner eye" exists in the human brain, and the more the number, the higher the level of thinking.

However, for how to get the "inner eye", Master William had no clue until the unearthed of the Holy Grail of Iz.

This weird thing is sealed in the center of a huge maze, with a strange shape and no rules.

In the study, it proved to be an active object. As long as the human blood is contained in it, the Holy Grail will release the eggs into the blood, and once again, the blood will be taken to obtain the "inner eye".

Dean William, with the help of his proud disciple Lawrence, infused this "blessed blood". In just a few days, the old William master felt his insight became sharp and his mental state improved rapidly, as if There are many eyes that observe the world at the same time.

This result made the Bayronvis College excited, this blood began to be called "the blood of the ancient gods", and the "inner eye" was renamed "Lingshi".

The study found that continuous input of the blood of the ancient gods will continue to increase the magnitude of the visual, so the college began a large-scale blood transfusion experiment under the guidance of Master William.

More students have gained the vision, so the study of the Sumerian civilization has soon ushered in a faster development.

However, the side effects of blood transfusions quickly appeared.

Transfusion researchers show varying degrees of blood dependence and will continue to increase their doses and increase their level of vision.

For human beings, the improvement of spiritual vision is not endless. After a certain limit, the human brain will be mad because it cannot withstand huge amounts of information. The extra vision will appear on the human body in the form of eyeballs. .

Master William found that his forehead had many squirming eyes, which made him feel scared.

Finally, Byronvis appeared the first case of blood transfusion, the student violated the regulations, a large number of blood transfusions for a long time to commit suicide.

After dissecting it, the head of the student’s head was full of eyes, like a fly, and the true face of these eyes was actually a special parasite that perceives the outside world and then perceives it. Information is transmitted to the human brain, which is the true face of the vision.

The vigilant William master covered his eyes with a huge hat, because he no longer needs to look at the world with his eyes.

Subsequently, Master William ordered the ban on blood transfusion experiments to end this suicide. However, this move caused protests from his student Lawrence and many students who were dependent on the blood of the ancient gods.

Because research shows that human beings are not incapable of controlling a large number of spiritual visions, but only need something called "the eye of the eye." As the name suggests, this kind of thing is the rope that links the brain to the eye.

Lawrence believes that the dependence and violentness of blood transfusion are only phased side effects. As long as you find the "eye of the eye", everything will be solved, and you can't interrupt the experiment because of the temporary setbacks.

In this regard, Master William gave a public speech. He found in the investigation that the "eye of the eye" is called "the third umbilical cord" in the Sumerian literature because it is the physiological structure carried by the ancient **** when he was born.

The ancient **** has three umbilical cords, the first link between God and the mother, the second link to the will of the **** and the universe, and the third link to the brain and the inner eye.

Humans can indeed control a large number of spiritual visions through the "eyes of the eye" or the "third umbilical cord", but the third umbilical cord can only be obtained by killing the ancient gods. This is tantamount to the Arabian Nights.

Thus, Byronvis terminated the blood transfusion experiment, "fearing the blood of the ancient gods" became the teachings of this school.

However, a ban is not a complete ban.

Byronvis is still studying the Sumerian tomb. A large number of addicted students are still making blood privately. They are drawn from the students who have already imported blood and are looking for high-quality blood objects.

It is speculated that the bloodlines of this high-quality blood source object should be closer to the ancient Sumerians, even close to the ancient gods.

Lawrence is still ambitiously continuing to explore the ancient tombs of Sumer. He found a new area called "Laurent City" around the original "Iz" tombs, a city of Sumerian civilization. However, it was destroyed because of the "beast disaster."

Here, Lawrence discovered a substance called "The Blood of Orton". According to the literature, the invisible Orton is a genuine ancient god. As long as he accepts the blood of Orton, at the right time. The blessed uterus will give birth to the Son of God.

In other words, Lawrence's dream of the third umbilical cord can be obtained in this way.

So Lawrence took the blood of Orton to say goodbye to William, and the mentor and the disciples parted ways because of the conflict of ideas. Some scholars followed Lawrence and they founded the organization called "Cure Church."

Using the blood of Orton to treat incurable diseases, Lawrence led the healing church to promote blood therapy in Yanan. On the one hand, it continues to expand the influence of healing the church, and on the other hand, it is to find the right time to let Europe The son of Dunn was born in this world, thus taking the third umbilical cord.

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