Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1058: The truth of the blood source 2 (two more)

Blood therapy makes Ya Nan famous, this is a cure for all intractable diseases, so many patients who have been ill for a long time come here and hope to save their lives through blood therapy.

As a result, the city of Yanan became a veritable “home of blood therapy”, with blood collection devices, blood transfusion clinics, and even pungent blood cocktails.

Everything about Yanan is **** with blood.

The wealth brought by blood therapy has allowed the whole Yanan to expand rapidly. The old town has rapidly expanded the church town and the Orton chapel. The healing church has also gained a lot of prestige, wealth and manpower, and has become the new master of the entire Nanan.

However, blood therapy soon revealed the same drawbacks as the Byronvis blood transfusion experiment. The blood transfusions showed a serious dependence on the blood. They began to suffer from blood stasis, cough, lung necrosis, nerve destruction, and degeneration. Blood monsters wandering around to attack humans to take blood.

So the hunter appeared.

The first hunter Geman and Lawrence were friends. He established a hunting workshop to create professional weapons, armor and firearms to hunt monsters.

Every time the full moon, Ya Nan ushered in the "hunting night", the residents were closed, and the hunters were moving out of the night to sweep away the monsters in the city.

In order to make the beast disease not destroy the entire Nannan, the hunters are still hunting, and the night of hunting has become the tradition of Yanan.

After tireless exploration, Lawrence finally discovered the last secret of the birth of the ancient gods in the tomb group of the Sumerian capital of "Ikhur".

"When the red moon is low, the blessed uterus will give birth to the Son of God."

The Red Moon, also known as the "Pale Blood" or "Dark Blood" in the Sumerian literature, is the body that describes the red-green moon as if it had been drained.

However, summoning the Red Moon requires a woman with pure Sumerian blood to wear a white wedding dress and a marriage contract with the ancient gods, but now no one knows where the pure Sumerian bloodline exists.

For Lawrence, the glory of healing the church ushered in a terrible reversal at this time.

The ritual of summoning the Red Moon was halted, and the spread of the beast disaster made the healing church questionable. Even Lawrence himself suffered from blood stasis because of the long-term intake of the blood of Orton, and felt that he had not had much time.

In order to maintain the reputation of healing the church, Lawrence is eager to consolidate his rule with blood therapy through more powerful means.

The original hunter group had been unable to cope with the increasing number of beasts, so Lawrence ordered Ludwig to form a church hunter group and use the powerful weapons developed during the exploration of the maze to “eliminate treatment” for patients in Yanan.

The savage hunting operation allowed the hunter organization to develop rapidly, and different hunter genres were born.

In the hunt, a race called Cainhurst appeared in Yanan, and some of them joined the Hunter Organization.

According to legend, Cain Hearst Castle is solitary on the sea and connected to only one bridge in the Yanan Highlands. The gate has been closed, and the Hursts of Cain have never been married to the outside world.

This Cain Hearst team came to Yanan to find a special kind of blood, and then joined the hunting because of the flood of beasts.

Maria is a Cain Hearst. She is as beautiful as a pure angel. She is passionate about helping the weak, and she is very disgusted with the blood-based fighting style of Cain Hurst's tradition.

Maria became the disciple of the first hunter Geman and loved this powerful hunter.

At this time, a message made Lawrence, who was in a desperate situation, rekindle hope: "The ancient **** Cos will give birth to the Son of God."

The field research team found a small fishing village in the bay around Yanan, where the residents enshrined an ancient **** named Kos. The fishermen believe that Coase is a **** living in the deep sea, and the ocean is connected to the universe.

According to the records of the Sumerians, the vast majority of ancient gods are unique. They cannot raise their children. They can only give birth to the Son of God through the rituals of the Red Moon.

But Coase is different. It can make a son of God through his own uterus. It is equivalent to a metamorphosis, fading away the old body and ushering in a new childhood.

So Lawrence immediately decided to assemble the healing forces of the church to attack the fishing village, capture the **** of Kos, and get the third umbilical cord that he dreamed of.

Residents of the fishing village were slaughtered, and Coase and the hunters fought a desperate battle, but they were eventually hunted. The creatures it gave birth also died very quickly. This creature, known as the "orphan of Kos," was taken away by the healing church, and Lawrence finally got the third cord that he had dreamed of.

However, Lawrence did not usher in evolution, because according to the Sumer literature, which was finally unearthed, humans want to be called the superior and become the complete ancient god. They need three third umbilical cords.

This is also why the ancient gods almost disappeared, because every three ancient gods can provide a human being to become a superior.

Lawrence once again fell into despair, but it is clear that his madness will not stop there. Through research on villagers in Kos and fishing villages, Lawrence found that brain fluids can be cultured by injecting Cox parasites into the human brain, which will allow people to interact spiritually with the ancient gods.

A large number of patients who cured the church were injected with this brain fluid, their heads swollen and they heard the sound of dripping. In the end, their heads will fall off and die tragically.

However, there are also some excellent experimental subjects who have made progress, so the church is still full of confidence and believes that the messengers who can communicate with the ancient gods will eventually appear.

Maria was confused, sad and lost in the fishing village's hunting operation. She came to heal the church and take care of the suffering patients. And these patients regard Maria as the only sustenance in their tragic life.

The four failed works were placed in the Mingshu Garden. Although they failed to achieve their goals, they already had the ability to summon the power of the universe. Lawrence is convinced that he will soon find more ancient gods and become superiors.

At this time, a casual thought changed the fate of healing the church.

"Is the seclusion of the hidden Hearst people maintained the bloodlines of the ancient Sumerians?"

Under the guidance of this clue, Lawrence noticed the sisters of Yousefka. The twin sisters were Cain Hears, adopted by the church, the sister assisted in brain fluid research, and the sister became a powerful hunter.

So Lawrence secretly launched the preparations for the first round of the Red Moon ceremony.

At this time, the beast disaster in the Lower District has caused the entire city to collapse, and even the hunting hunters are constantly in the midst of madness. The hunter organization has differentiated a group of special personnel who are all strangers and have excellent resistance to septicemia. They have become full-time "hunter hunters", including crow Irene and church assassin Brado.

Raven Irene was the "bird sister" who helped many foreign hunters afterwards, and the church assassin Brado used a unique weapon called "Blood Hammer."

Hunters are hunting wild beasts, while hunter hunters are hunters who are mad at hunting. A large Gatling machine gun was placed on the top of the building, and the entire sub-district of Yanan was in chaos.

In order to summon the **** moon ceremony, Lawrence forced the patient to enter the ancient tomb again, looking for a ring that can enter into a marriage contract with the ancient gods, hoping to make Yousefka a bride and give birth to the son of Orton.

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