Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1059: The truth of the blood source 3 (three more)

Destiny did not give Lawrence the opportunity. In the maze, Lawrence's septic disease became a beastly disease, and the first bishop Lawrence became a huge cleric monster.

The escorts were completely destroyed, and only one person survived, the "church assassin" Brado. He killed Lawrence with a huge blood-sucking hammer, took the animalized skull back to the cathedral, and handed Lawrence's gold watch to the agent, Amelia.

As the only survivor, Brado has gone crazy after he left the grave. His statement that "Lawrence is a monster" obviously cannot convince the church organization.

Thus, the church imprisoned Brado in an underground prison and declared that Brado was dead. Bishop Lawrence temporarily left because of the affairs. Amelia became the agent of Lawrence during his absence.

After paying so many sacrifices, Amelia began to summon the Red Moon ceremony to fulfill Lawrence's long-cherished wish. Yousefka looked at the blood of Orton in front of him, and as long as the red moon came, she could give birth to the Son of God.

But at this time, a man of Cain Hearst suddenly entered, and with the silver pot, he took the blood of Orton and left the church.

The huge red moon is high in the air, all the residents are insane, the suburbs of Yanan have been completely chaotic, the hunters have lost their hearts, and eventually they can only burn the whole city, and there is a black smoke and smoke everywhere. The stench of corpse burning.

At this time, the curse of Coase came from the sky: "Curse those demons, and their children and grandchildren, until the descendants of the children, to the eternal truth."

The hunted hunters suddenly disappeared, and they were all dragged into the nightmare of the old hunters; the beasts in the lower city completely lost control, until the sunrise, the residents of the lower city have all turned into beasts.

Residents of the Yanan Center wanted to flee to the church town to seek refuge, but the bridge was closed and the horrible clergy monsters were here to make the bridge completely isolated.

The old hunter Emirates (machine gun brother) woke up in an ashes. He saw the tragic scene in front of him, smeared with his white ash on his hunter suit, hoping to cover up the stench of blood.

Then, he began to guard the old Yanan monsters in his own way, because he knew very well that these monsters were once residents of the old Yanan.

The healing church lost everything overnight. This terrible **** moon disaster must be taken care of. The healing church must take out the pot. It must not let the people know that they have recruited blood.

The Healing Church claimed that Cain Hurst had stolen a taboo item called "Bloody Blood", which led to this terrible disaster. The Church of the Cure sent Rogarius to lead an organization called "Axe Hand" to retaliate against Hidden Castle.

The sword axe encountered a powerful Queen's Guard in the process of attacking Cain Hearst. These people are proficient in blood fighting skills and the battle is extremely fierce. Finally, Logarius crushed the last guard member with a rotating wheel and came to the Queen.

Queen Annalith has a more beautiful look than Maria. Obviously, she has the purest Sumerian blood. At this time, the Queen has already drank the blood of Orton, and the Sumerian bloodline is merged with the blood of Orton.

Logarius found that Anna Liss was crushed into minced meat and she would be born again on the throne.

Logarius could never complete the task of killing the Queen, so he used a black iron-cast helmet to lock the Queen's beauty and succumb to the cold castle roof.

Logarius, cursed by Cain Hearst's Wraiths, became the gatekeeper of the Undead Queen. Only by defeating him and wearing a crown can he see the road ahead.

In the **** month, Yousefka did not bear the children of Orton, but Maria married the "moon god" in her dreams, and was pregnant with the **** of the moon.

At the request of Geman, Maria finally gave birth to this son, then she returned to the Star Clock Tower and ended her life with a glass of poisonous wine.

Geeman regrets this. As a good friend of Lawrence, he directly participated in many hunting operations. He also had a strong interest in becoming a superior, so he hoped that Maria would give birth to this son.

However, Maria's death made him fall into the abyss of pain and remorse. He built a doll in the workshop. The doll has the shape of Maria, but Maria will never live again.

Geman obtained a third umbilical cord, and Luna built a new dream. Here, the hunters who signed the contract with Luna will gain the ability to resurrect from the dream.

The old hunter Geman could not resist the power of the Luna, became its agent, guided the hunter into the dream, and completed the planning of the Luna. But somehow, Geman did not carry the precious third umbilical belt with him, but placed it in the workshop, waiting for a special hunter to get it.

Many hunters were brought to the hunter's dream by the covenant, and they could be reborn after the death of Yanan, as if the previous death was just a nightmare.

Hunters who are constantly dying and resurrecting can continue to grow stronger, but they are bound by eternal hunts. Only Luna knows that these hunters have only one mission, which is to eliminate all competitors for Luna.

The healing church has collapsed with the death of Lawrence, the **** moon, and the destruction of the knife and axe. Only the agent, Amelia, still holds the gold watch in the cathedral and cries at Lawrence's animalized skull.

However, the mad exploration of the ancient gods has not stopped. An organization called the Mansi School is still exploring the truth of the ancient gods in its own way.

The leader of the Mansith school is Miklas, which is what is later called the "Lord of the Nightmare". If Lawrence is a careerist, then Miklas is a madman.

He believes that the ancient gods are the living bodies that have gathered powerful forces, so if you can't find the ancient gods that already exist, then you can create the ancient gods. He also created a special metal cage helmet for himself, which he believes can limit the free will of human beings and serve as an antenna to become a channel to communicate with the ancient gods.

The Mansis school of Miklas left Byronvis, who was entangled in a village called Yahagul, sent a kidnapper to plunder the residents of Yanan to Yahagul, waiting for the ritual of creating the ancient gods. .

The crazy study of the Mansith school created a deformed ancient god, and found a brain full of eyes in the dream, but these results are obviously far from the summoning of the ancient gods, and even the south.

In the end, Miklas decided to continue to promote the plan of the Red Moon. He found another engagement ring in the Sumerian maze, so he and many countless scholars wearing the cage, through the ceremony to escape the spirit into the dream of the ancient gods, In this nightmare, the **** moon will come, and the ancient **** Meigao will be born.

Killing the upcoming Mei Gao is the only goal that Luna has set up for the dream hunter, and the only means for the hunter to leave the hunter's dream.

At this time, the stranger was eager to go to Yanan with the yearning for the home of blood therapy.

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