Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1060: The truth of the blood source 4 (one more)

On the eve of the arrival of the stranger, the entire Nanan has fallen apart, and no organization can fully grasp the control of Yanan.

Byron Wiss, led by Master William, is still in the awe of the blood of the ancient gods at the other end of the taboo forest.

Under the leadership of Miklas, the Mansis school plundered the villagers of Yanan in Yahagul and attempted to let Mei Gao descend in the nightmare.

The power of the church was almost lost, and the last group of church elites formed the "Saint Poetry" and marched into the taboo forest.

A long time ago, members of the Church of the Evangelism questioned Lawrence’s practice. They believed that the fascination with the blood of the ancient gods would lead to the healing of the church and the insistence of the teachings of the great master William.

After the **** moon came, a large number of clergy became monsters, and the hymns controlled the healing church. They received the research results of the church: the brain fluid experiment and the third umbilical cord of the Kos orphans.

The second phase of the brain fluid experiment has achieved amazing results. They have successfully created a lot of blue-skinned big-headed dolls. These big-headed dolls will spread fluff from the huge head, allowing humans to get in touch with the ancient gods. It is a token of the ancient god.

So the choir came to Byronvis, got the sealed Izmir Cup, and summoned an ancient god, Ibitas, at the orphanage.

One member excitedly used the "get in touch" posture to greet him, but he was instantly burned into a dry corpse, because the human brain could not afford the knowledge of the ancient gods, and the human eye was not qualified to look directly at the face of the ancient god.

The choir called Ibitas the "female of the universe," but the ancient **** did not open the door to foreign knowledge for the hymns. It simply pointed to an area below the orphanage, indicating that people were digging there.

Then, a huge cave was dug under the orphanage, where a statue resembling a spider was dug up.

Ibitas meditated in front of the statue every day, as if still crying, and the choir could not understand the intention of Ibitas for a long time.

At this time, the singularity of the sinister singer sent a message to the spies of the Mansi school, and Mikarash has entered a dream, and he will once again summon the ritual of the bloodmoon.

This news has caused everyone to panic. The last **** month brought the destruction of the entire old city of Yanan. The horror scene is still vivid, and after a **** month, how many people will die of madness?

I am afraid that the entire Nannan will become a real hell.

The choir found that the spider statue in front of Ibitas was the body of a dead ancient god. The ancient **** had the power to master time, and even its body had some time to trace back.

Therefore, the choir sent the umbilical cord of the Kos orphan to Byronvis, hoping that Dean William could stop the **** moon.

There is only one choice for Master William, which is to recreate a superior, to copy the power of this ancient god, like a spider, to control the time and prevent the blood from coming.

The hunter from a foreign land had doubts when he jumped off the lake and killed the stupid spider Roma. Why is this superior, called "stupid"?

(In Japanese, it is simply and rudely called "idiot.")

Some people think that it is because "Rom has never taken the initiative to attack others. It is only known to dodge by the hunters, and he does not see how much wisdom, so it is "stupid."

However, there are many similar low-energy creatures in the whole sub-nan. It is very inappropriate to measure the wisdom of the ancient gods in the way of human beings. Roma has the wisdom of the ancient gods, the ability to acquire the power of the universe, and it is obviously not appropriate to be called "stupid."

In fact, the stupid spider Romburn is the master of William, in order to prevent the blood coming, but based on the spider statue and the third umbilical cord, the "eye seedbed" everywhere in Byronvis is in the research process. The failure product in the middle.

The stupid Roma is a disciple of Master William. When Byronvis is constantly declining and most people follow Lawrence, the stupid student of Roma is always with William and is willing to become such a The fat worm completes the mission that William Master has given it: to constantly transfer the time of Yanan back to the **** month.

Perhaps it is already tired of this long night, perhaps the witness of a foreign hunter makes William Master remorse, he trembled to lift the scepter to the lake, so the hunter killed Roma, **** moon.

Blood Moon brought all the residents of Yanan into madness. In the Orton Chapel, the niece was pregnant with the Son of God; at the Yousefka Clinic, the sister of the sorcerer who transformed the patient and his sister into a big doll Killing, also gave birth to a weird creature.

The hunter got two third umbilical cords, and with the third umbilical cord that Geman stayed in the hunting workshop, he already had the power to become a superior.

The hunter entered Miklas's nightmare through Amithara. He killed Amithara, killed Miklas, and entered the nightmare of Kos orphans through the eyes of bloodthirsty hunters. What happened to Nan in the past.

He defeated Ludwig, who became a monster, defeated the loser of the Mingshu Garden, defeated the Star Clock Tower of Maria, killed Kos's orphan, and ended the nightmare.

In the end, the hunter came to the stroller of Meco, but he could only hear the crying and could not see the shape of the plum. The guardian of the young Mei Gao, Mei Gao's nurse, launched a crazy attack on the hunter, but under the hunter's skillful fighting skills, Mei Gao's nursing mother fell, and Mei Gao's crying gradually stopped.

The hunter holds the third umbilical cord of Mei Gao. At this time, he has obtained four third umbilical cords. The sources are Geman (Luna), niece (Ouden), fake Yousefka, and Mansi (Meigao ).

After killing Meco, the hunter has completed the task that Luna has arranged for him. He returned to the hunter's dream and found that it was surrounded by raging fire.

Now, the hunters in a foreign land can wake up from the hunter's dream as long as they find Geman in the garden, and welcome the sunrise of Yanan.

In front of the hunter are three different endings. He has already learned the truth about Yanan. All this disaster stems from the exploration and sacredness of the ancient gods by William, Lawrence and Miklas. Ambition, but in reality they are just the pieces in the hands of the ancient gods.

The Luna, who built the hunter's dream, still doesn't know where to look at it. After Mei Gao's death, Luna has become the only ancient god. It has already used the hunter's hand to remove all competitors in Yanan.

So, what happens when I go to Geman now?

Obviously, the hunter in a foreign land has the last mission. Therefore, he used all the third umbilical cords in order to trace the secrets of Yanan's deepest, in order to achieve the goal that Nannan had never reached.

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