Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1061: The ultimate source of blood (two more)

There is also controversy about where Geman’s third umbilical cord came from.

Some people think that the umbilical cord should not be the umbilical cord of Luna, otherwise why does Luna do not personally give the player, but instead want to go around the circle and put it in the hunting workshop?

Inferred that this is the umbilical cord of Coase that Geman got when he was killing Coase. In fact, this inference is completely wrong.

Because in the description of the umbilical cord it is clearly written: "The third umbilical cord is involved in the shackles of the pale moon, this scorpion summons the hunter and constructs the hunter's dream."

In the other three third umbilical cords, these words did not appear.

In other words, this umbilical cord is the product of the first blood month, Luna in the first blood month, built a hunter dream, and chose Geman to become his agent.

Therefore, this umbilical cord is very likely to be handed over to Geman by the young Luna, the role is to build a hunter dream. However, why does Geman not use it, but to put such precious items in the hunting workshop to wait for the hunters in the foreign land to discover, this has become a mystery that can never be solved.

Obviously, as a friend of Lawrence, Geman is very aware of the power of this third umbilical cord.

Therefore, the stranger made a guess: Luna dared to give his third umbilical cord to Geman, because it knows that even if Geman obtained this umbilical cord, he could not be an enemy of himself. This umbilical cord may be a necessary item for constructing a hunter's dream, or a lure used by Luna to lure Geman, and this umbilical cord tricks Geman into a deal and becomes its agent.

Geman could not resist the power of the moon, but he could only become an agent and be trapped in a dream. He knew that this third umbilical cord was the key to defeating Luna, so he hid it in the hunting workshop and waited for the strangers to find it.

If the stranger completes the mission of Luna, then he must acquire the umbilical cord of Meco, plus the one that Geman gave him. After that, he only needs to obtain any umbilical cord from the prostitute or Yousefka. Achieve this goal.

Perhaps the first hunter, Geman, who was imprisoned in the eternal dream, hoped that the stranger could end the nightmare, so he deliberately handed the third umbilical cord to his hand.

As for why Geman is always obscured and unclear, did not personally hand the third umbilical to the stranger? Probably because he is the agent of Luna, every move is under the surveillance of Luna.

A stranger who ate all the third umbilical cords came to the garden, and Geman asked him to surrender his life and wake up in a nightmare.

But the hunter is very clear, if he dies, then he will wake up in reality and get rid of this nightmare. However, Luna’s plan to remove Mei Gao has been completed, and the world has become a plaything for Luna, and the cycle of hunters in endless hunting will continue and nothing will change.

The so-called "Yannan Sunrise" is just a dream of self-deception.

Therefore, the strangers rejected Geman.

As the agent of Luna, Geman must eradicate all threatened people for Luna, so Geman joins the hunt, forcibly killing strangers and driving him out of the hunter's dream.

However, the power of strangers is no longer the same as before. Geman fell in the middle of the garden, smiling, and did not leave a word. Maybe he is tired of this endless nightmare, maybe he foresaw everything that will happen next.

Perhaps he is pleased with his relief.

After Geman’s death, Luna must find a new agent, so it descends from the moon and hugs the stranger to make him a new agent.

If the stranger does not get three third umbilical cords, he can't resist the lure of the moon with the human body. He can only replace Geman's position and become a new agent.

However, Luna was surprised to find that the strangers had already acquired three third umbilical cords. At the same time, they accumulated countless blood reverberations and spiritual visions in the hunting. This is already a true ancient god.

Luna retired to the corner of the garden in a panic, and it desperately launched resistance, but in the face of the powerful power of the hunter, it was simply unable to withstand.

With the death of Luna, the last nightmare of Yanan was also ended. The ancient gods in the world have all died, and human beings have gained freedom.

However, the stranger who became the superior has been separated from the human sphere. He has lost the human form and turned into a new young god, who is unable to roll on the ground.

The doll picked up the stranger who rolled on the ground and gently stroked it. She will take care of the new ancient **** to spend its childhood. Obviously, compared with other ancient gods, the ancient **** who became a stranger is more likely to lead mankind to a new future.



Many players have suffered a lot of bitterness, and after playing for twenty or thirty hours, they all collapsed.

At the beginning, many players thought that “Yan Nan Sunrise” was the best ending, but as they explored the plot, they found that there was no such thing as a good ending.

"Yannan Sunrise" is actually self-deception. The strangers surrendered their lives to Geman. It seems to have escaped from this nightmare, but Luna is still there. The biggest behind-the-scenes black hand is still manipulating all human beings.

The second ending is that the stranger replaces Geman as the new agent, which should be the worst ending. This means that strangers like Geeman are trapped in the hunter's dream and will never get liberated.

In this ending, the flame of the hunter's dream is extinguished, which shows that Luna has found a new goal, which requires the hunter to perform. The stranger has forever become the chess piece of Luna, until a new hunter appears and kills him.

Obviously, the ancient gods will never be close to human beings. Since the moon **** has cleaned up all the other ancient gods, it is self-evident that who will deal with them next.

From the second ending, we can also predict part of the first ending. Obviously, even if the protagonist leaves the hunter's dream, Luna will still succeed, and it will continue its plan after passing through Geman.

Therefore, these two endings are bad endings, because Luna has completed its goal and become the only ancient **** who can enslave human beings.

Considering the preciousness of the third umbilical cord in the plot setting and the difficulty of collecting, the final [childhood start] is the most difficult ending, and it is also the end of all the ancient gods.

But what made people uncomfortable was the last scene. The strangers defeated all the ancient gods, killed Mei Gao, and killed the black hand Luna.

But after using all the third umbilical cords, he evolved from a human to an ancient **** and became a squid rolling on the ground, which is unacceptable to many players, because in terms of human aesthetics, the ancient **** is too Ugly is too ugly!

Moreover, the ancient gods do not necessarily mean strong, they are just the same dimension of thinking and human beings. No player really wants to give up the human body and become a squid, even if this squid has the powerful power of the ancient god.

But obviously, in the story of Blood Curse, strangers have no choice.

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