Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1070: MMO already in the land? (two more)

What is the concept of 20 million matrix game consoles?

At least for now, this is still a distant goal.

Although on the surface, Chen Mo’s statement is quite pittile, has he ever seen a designer who talks to the players about the conditions?

However, it is really incense to stop this cold meal!

In fact, players are not disgusted with this, because strictly speaking, "World of Warcraft" is not a fried meal, it will be a brand new project.

After all, Azeroth's universe has always been in the ip, but in the end, how to be a fan is a lot of different opinions. The key is to see how Chen Mo decides.

To do mmorpg means that "World of Warcraft" is totally different from most of the games that Chen Mo made before. Without any comparability, naturally it is impossible to talk about fried rice.

What's more, many people know that the matrix game console is now sold at a loss.

And after this microblog was sent out, Thunder Mutual Entertainment and Le Hui announced that the new product matrix game room will be reduced again. The price of this game has dropped to about 150,000, which is already a price with the traditional vr game console. It is.

Moreover, when World of Warcraft is officially launched, all players who already have a matrix game console will receive a portion of the game duration and special small pets, mounts, etc. at the beginning of the line.

These are also subsequently disclosed, that is to say, the 20 million players will get a special identity tag, and the official confirms the title of "old player".

In addition, the price reduction of the matrix game compartment has also provided some "emotional" subsidies for players who previously purchased the matrix game cabin at a high price, such as additional recharge token refund, free game discounts and hardware configuration upgrades.

After all, when the matrix game cabin was just out, the price was 300,000, and it fell to 150,000 in the past year. This drop is quite big.

For Chen Mo, after the previous trials of water promotion, it has now reached the stage of mass production and rapid market occupation, and even sells it by itself. This is the only way for the development of matrix game cabins.

But for those players who started buying at a big price, they may feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, it is impossible to make up the difference for them completely. As the saying goes, “buy early and enjoy early”, the depreciation of technology products is very fast. However, considering that these people are loyal players of Thunder and mutual entertainment, Chen Mo's **** fans, their emotions still have to take care of.

Give some special discounts a little, give a commemorative version of the sports car in Oasis, and then return some tokens as appropriate, and take care of their emotions as much as possible.

Of course, the further price cuts in the matrix game cabin are definitely something to be rejoicing for the players. In fact, every price cut will attract a large number of players who are hesitant and determined to pick up their hands.

Moreover, the warm-up of World of Warcraft has provided players with a very good reason. The combination of various factors, Chen Mo’s goal of 20 million is really hopeful.

After such a long time of paving work, the matrix game cabin has been recognized by the market, the above games are enough, the price has also come down, and then do not buy, really wait for Chen Mo to send free?

The appeal of the next generation vr is also hard to resist.

Therefore, in the short time after the announcement of this series of news, the matrix game cabin was immediately snapped up as soon as the price was lowered.

All the major shopping websites have been sold out, and everyone is shouting: This time, Chen must be bankrupt!

The players did not feel that there was anything wrong with the goal of 20 million. Instead, they all worked together and hoped to help Chen Mo achieve this goal.


Some people also suspect that the sales of matrix game cabins reached 20 million, what is the relationship with World of Warcraft?

It’s hard to be, you have to have 20 million players to play with this game?

Obviously it is a nonsense, no matter how powerful online games, it is impossible to support 20 million people with the same service, isn't that funny?

Of course they won't know that this is not the requirement of Chen Mo, but the requirements of the system...

There are also a group of people who have questioned the type of game in World of Warcraft.

Mmorpg, can you do it?

This type of game in the parallel world has gone from bad to worse, from the previous days to the present, almost to the point of becoming a marginal game.

Whether it is domestic or foreign, many classic mmorpg that have created brilliant years are already one day less than a day. The number of active players and income are falling every day. Some games will also officially announce active player data at the beginning, and then simply It will not be announced.

However, it is not advertised to deceive others. After all, the game itself is more and more frequently served. The familiar friends have afk, and the social list is gray. It shows that this game type has been declining and turned into a sunset industry.

As for the new mmorpg, which claims to be a big production and uses new technology, it is even worse. It is all efforts to build momentum before going online. The heat is not low, but in the past, it has become unattended.

Speaking, why is it so bad?

It’s not because Chen Mo’s left knife has a knife, and he has made such a strong man a half-length.

At that time in the country, "The Moon God", "Yi Yi Three Kingdoms" and "The Legend of the Sword" is so hot, but then look at what Chen Mo is throwing one after another?

"League of legends".

Watch the Pioneer.

"Jesus Survival."

What is this called? Killing people is awkward.

Not to mention the vr end, even the PC and mobile phone end is not left, all occupied.

What do the traditional mmorpg fight with this kind of player? Old-fashioned games can't stand up to fans' feelings, let alone new games.

In fact, this can not blame Chen Mo, can only say that he knows the general trend, so gently pushed the mmorpg down.

After all, the decline of this type of game is not because Chen Mo can play, but because it is destined to decline, because players have no time.

Other game companies have also understood this taste, so there are fewer and fewer companies doing mmorpg, and they are doing the game of fragmented time.

As a result, now, Chen Mo himself has to dig up the type of game that he once sent to the grave and then cover the soil, and do it himself?

It is certainly impossible to say that there is no brain trust, because this violates the basic laws of game development.

Even if the quality of World of Warcraft you made is higher, can you not give players time to play out of time?

As long as the key issue of time is not resolved, it is very difficult for players to support you.

If the game is buyout pricing, how much is it appropriate?

If this game is a time charge, everyone's time is so precious that you can't let players spend a lot of time in the game. How much can you earn?

Forced monthly card? Or simply add a sheet metal element?

That will definitely not be the thing that Serent has done. At this stage, the matrix game cabins are sold at a loss, and are they guilty of damaging their reputation for these three melons?

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