Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1071: Time charge (three more)

So this thing is in an infinite loop, and most designers can't figure out what it means to be a mmorpg.

It stands to reason that the plot of the world of Azeroth is a no-brainer to make a 3a masterpiece, and the charging model does not need to be entangled. It is enough to do the same as the other 3a.

But mmorpg, so many games, there is no game company to find out what good way to profit.

Buying and selling fees?

Online games require players to continue playing, which is the same as "League of Legends" and "Jesus Survival". Players are also part of the game experience, as long as player loss is devastating to the game experience.

Strict buyout system means that the threshold is increased, the number of players is reduced, and the sale of the game becomes a hammer sale. The subsequent update of the game maker is seriously insufficient. If you sell dlc, it doesn't seem to be particularly suitable.

Fashion charges?

It's OK, but it doesn't have as many skins as League of Legends can sell, and strictly speaking, this mode doesn't sound like a game with World of Warcraft. Like those Tauren, Undead and Dwarf players, what kind of fashion are you going to sell to them?

What is the time charge?

It seems to be the best solution to ensure maximum fairness. But still the problem, the current players, where did you steal so much time for them?

Obviously, if this topic is solved so well, so many mmorpg will not get colder.

However, the players obviously do not care so much, anyway, Chen Mo said that 20 million matrix game cabins are out of "World of Warcraft", and the game cabin is also reduced, what can be said?

Anyway, the players who can afford it can just start this opportunity. The players who can't afford it will scream 666, or they will buy one from their local friends.


"World of Warcraft" has been standing on various hot search topics, and the heat is far ahead.

A lot of brush companies have just started to feel, just go over, and work harder!

The result did not respond for a long time, take a closer look, this special "World of Warcraft" heat is more than a second place than the second place ... because the first place in "World of Warcraft" is a 1, the beginning of the second place It's also a 1, so it doesn't look so conspicuous, and the layout of Weibo Hot Search is very compact, it's hard to see...

These people are simply vomiting blood, do you want to be so illusory?

It’s not that their business is too scum or their eyes are not good. It’s mainly because the heat is more than a single number in the second place. This is not very common...

The enthusiasm of the players is simply beyond imagination. Just the propaganda cg of "Wrath of the Lich King" is enough for them to stay for a few days.

Players have too many questions about World of Warcraft, all trying to find out.

This game is definitely mmorpg, right?

How is the game charged?

How is it a gameplay?

Soon, the exact news came, and it was confirmed that it was mmorpg, not only that, but also the time charging mode!

The official reply is this: "World of Warcraft will adopt the time charging mode, which is divided into two payment methods: point card and monthly card. The price of the card is 200 yuan for 3000 minutes, or 100 yuan for 1500 minutes; the monthly card is priced at 500 wallet months; players will draw a certain amount of tax on gold coins and game currency transactions in the game; other charging models will not be considered for the time being."

When the news came out, the players were happy first and then surprised.

The good news is that this seems to be a very fair and fair charging model. What is shocking is that this special money can be earned? !

Just looking at this price is actually not cheap, but the key is who is better than who!

200 yuan for 3000 minutes, this is only equivalent to 4 yuan for 1 hour!

This special is simply a price of pc Internet cafes a long time ago, for vr games, it is almost the price of cabbage than the price of cabbage.

If you follow the length of the game in 3a, the game time of many 3a masterpieces is only thirty or forty hours. According to this calculation, it is not a hundred or two hundred dollars to buy a game equivalent to 3a masterpiece. time?

The 3a masterpiece of the matrix game cabin can be 1980...

The pricing of this month's card is still quite awkward, but the question is, who is buying the monthly card now?

Except those studios that specialize in making money in games...

Because most of the players' game time is seriously insufficient, it is not easy to take one or two hours to play every day. 3000 minutes is 50 hours, which is enough for a lot of people to play for a month...

Only 200 yuan a month, this is the next generation vr game?

Think again, the price of the monthly card looks awkward, but in fact it is a **** profit for those players who have more time.

Moreover, players can trade gold coins and game coins in the game, which means that the official recognition of the studio's living space, recognize those who spend time specializing in the game to brush gold, allowing you to buy and sell, as long as the official pump The achievement is gone.

However, allowing this kind of sale itself is equivalent to an official kind of profit. If you take that tax, how much income does the official have?

The official even said very clearly, regardless of other charging models, that is, regardless of the war card charges, and does not consider fashion charges.

Fairness is fair, and many players are very worried: Does this really not really lose money?

Although it is always said that Chen Mo is going to lose money, but it is all ridiculous, now watching the "World of Warcraft" charging model, many players are really a little panic.

It’s not that they are worried about Chen’s death. Chen Mo’s how they don’t care, they worry that if World of Warcraft has been losing money, then this game can’t help but stop...

Or even if you don't stop serving, the result will not be able to withstand the loss of pressure and open other charges to lose your word of mouth, but it is not worth the loss.

So there was a scene in the official forum, and the players actually demanded that "World of Warcraft" open the mouth of the charges...

"This game can be played without a skin charge? How do you let us skin dogs work? Must be opened!"

"That is, strong support, and ask Serent to let me pay for it!"

"You have to figure out, I am not buying skin for Serent, I am buying skin for Azeroth, you can't deprive me of the power to buy skin!"

In fact, these people say that it is true that on the one hand, they may have the need to buy skin, on the other hand, they hope to give the local tyrants some money to burn the money, so that the profit of the game is better, don’t really lose the service. That's it.

Because "World of Warcraft" has pinned the feelings of too many players, players even eagerly pay for the matrix game cabin, I hope that this game can be good, not only good reputation, but also profitable, so it is worrying about Chen Mo worry stand up.

But in fact, if they know Chen Mo’s plan, they will definitely silently put the money that has already been thrown back into the wallet...

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