Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1072: Consideration of the charging model (one more)

Why use this charging method? Obviously Chen Mo has been well thought out.

For players, the fairest charging model is buyout and time charging. Buyout charges are a real loss for games like World of Warcraft that take a lot of time, need to be updated continuously, and require a lot of players to work together to experience fun.

Moreover, this also relatively increases the threshold of the game, like Chen Mo's previous "The Legend of Zelda: Wild Breath" game, the world's first month sales of nearly 4 million, although there are Chen Mo's reputation in the parallel world. Cheng, but after all, the vr version of the price is high, once and for all, sales are not too high.

The number of players who like to buy a single game is still relatively small. If World of Warcraft has only five or six million players, Chen Mo is definitely not satisfied.

Just kidding, when the matrix game cabin has 20 million users, can't you give me "World of Warcraft"?

Maybe some people have to say, why do you want more players to play free rides? Isn’t it the same as the League of Legends?

But the problem is that the pattern of World of Warcraft is not the same as League of Legends.

In World of Warcraft, there are not so many heroes, most of them are the main characters playing one or two characters, and a large one and a small one will be finished. Even if someone likes a full-time tyrant, it is certainly impossible to graduate with each number.

Want to say a full set of fashion? Special illusion? Mall paid mounts and pets?

Can do, but the difference is not the same.

Mounts and pets, Chen Mo's previous World of Warcraft also did, but this is obviously not the main profit point, can not afford the huge cost of the game.

As for the full set of fashion... Many players in League of Legends are buying dozens of hundreds of skins. Can they buy dozens of hundreds of clothes in World of Warcraft?

Of course, it is not excluded that there are such local tyrants, but under the premise that most players have to play one or two accounts, their favorite clothes may be one or two, and it is unlikely to be bought without restrictions.

Like some domestic games, the fashion system has been made alive, but the routine is not a way to "World of Warcraft", it is difficult to copy.

Besides, in the game of "World of Warcraft", the equipment as the props worn on the player, the stronger the better, like the t2t6 set of the Paladin in Warcraft, the t6 set of the warlock, the t3 set of the priest, Warrior t3 sets, etc., as the top set of this version, these clothes are the most handsome.

Because in World of Warcraft, the multiplayer team symbolizes the pve gameplay and even the highest challenge of the game, and the players who complete these challenges are the highest glory.

Weapons and equipment are sent to them as rewards of this highest glory, not only in terms of attributes, but also in appearance, which is a special part of the reward mechanism.

Let's assume: If you have worked hard for a month or two, the team got the graduation suit of this profession, just put on the lap of the main city show, and when you first entered, you saw a few new clothes bought in the fashion. The most irritating thing is that people's fashion is better than your clothes...

This is much more heart-wrenching.

It's not that these people can't afford fashion, but the fashion thing is actually a bit conflict with the top set positioning, at least "World of Warcraft" does not have this tradition.

Therefore, it is better to simply do it. Since it is decided to charge the time, don't make so many moths, cut off the profit points of those corners, and let the word-of-mouth of the game rise straight, why not.

Of course, the most important thing is that Chen Mo is very clear, even if it only sells game time, this game will never lose.

Because the new technology point can guarantee that each player has 10 hours of playing time after falling asleep, players now feel that they can buy a card for at least a month or two, but in reality, it is very likely that they have not How long have you been going to change the monthly card...

It is an average of 8 hours per day and 20 days in a month. This is already 160 hours, and 640 a month is already more expensive than the monthly card.

If you buy a monthly card? 500 in a month, as long as four months, a 3a masterpiece of money will come out.

What do you think, World of Warcraft can't live for only four months?

First set a small goal, if World of Warcraft's life span reaches two years, the players' money is far more than the average 3a.

What's more, the official will also smoke the transaction tax, just like the routine of "Jesus Survival", although it seems that each pen is not much, but if there are 20 million players, this base is very big.

Some people may think that what does not prohibit the trading of gold coins and soft sister coins?

The problem is that this thing can't be banned.

The trading system between the auction house and the player is one of the foundations of World of Warcraft and a very important gameplay in the game. Player a buys the garbage of player b directly at a high price online, and then b directly plays money in reality, how can this be banned? Is it possible for Chen Mo to jump out and grab money from the player?

Since it is forbidden to trade privately, it is better to directly support such transactions. On the one hand, it avoids the pitfalls of swindling money and swindling money, on the other hand, it provides convenience for players who really need gold for money or money for gold, and the official It can increase income, and it will not be beautiful.

Some people are worried that there will be a gold studio.

There is a corresponding method for this Chen Mo. Besides, this game is actually difficult to completely distinguish between "hardworking farmer players" and "playing gold studios". As long as these people play games within the rules of the game, you can make money by playing gold. It is also a contribution to contribute tax to the game and enrich the market environment within the game.

As for what more accounts, script mining, etc...

Thinking more, for Chen Mo, the plug-in of "Jesus Survival" can be extinguished, let alone this kind of insects and tricks?

This kind of player who wants to use the script to hang up, is still wondering if he can use the script in the matrix game cabin to realize the unmanned operation.

To put it bluntly, the key issue to be solved for World of Warcraft is time.

Players don't have time to play, you just think about how to open the toll entrance, add to the fashion and even sell the power, it will only damage the word of the game, the effect is not good.

As long as we can solve the problem of time, we will only rely on the card charge, and this game can make a big profit.

Now, the time problem has been solved by the system's black technology, so for Chen Mo, the time to launch "World of Warcraft" is now fully mature. 8)

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