Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1073: World of Warcraft design (two more)

When the players tried to buy the matrix game cabin, Chen Mo was not idle.

As early as before, I have prepared a large number of art resources about World of Warcraft. Some of the scenes like the big master city, the team copy, and the classic old world have basically been completed.

The rest of the work can be done very quickly under Jarvis's work around the clock.

Of course, there are a lot of other work, such as professional skill design, talent tree design, team copy design, task line design and so on.

However, these contents have already accumulated.

For example, in the quest line of World of Warcraft, although it is complex, there is a paving of the Azeroth universe, and there are many designers participating in it. A large number of task lines are quickly completed.

Some key task lines must be controlled by Chen Mo and Zheng Hongyu, such as Fengjian mission, love and family, Ahn'Qiraj opening the door and so on.

As for the other ones, you need to kill a few monsters, run errands, collect a little emblem, go to the monster camp to make a destruction, in fact, the average designer will be competent, as long as the understanding of the Azeroth universe is in place, There will be a deviation.

Of course, there is another important issue, the version of the game.

As a long-lived online game, one of the secrets of World of Warcraft's ability to maintain its vitality is the change of version.

Designing the best team, after a few months, everyone will be tired, not to mention that the new technology point allows everyone to have 10 hours of game time, which is equivalent to making most people become the emperor, players It may be shorter for us to get tired of a version.

Therefore, the version change is a must, and the version of "Wrath of the Lich King" is thrown to the players as soon as they come up. It is meaningless for the players to play the Black Wings Nest and the Molten Heart.

Therefore, Chen Mo will make all the contents of the "Wrath of the Lich King" in the game, but it is not open to the players, but to ensure that each level of the team can do the protagonist for a period of time, according to the current server The world of dynamics opens up a copy of the next team.

T1's Molten Heart, t2's Black Wing's Nest, T2.5's Ahn'Qiraj, T3's Naxxamas, T4's Karazhan, T5's Storm Fortress, Serpent Shrine, T6's Dark Temple, Hyjal Mountains, Sun Wells, TN's New Naxxarmas, T8's Ulduar, T9's Crusader Trial, T10's Icecrown Citadel.

The content of each team is actually very rich. If the version is too fast, the players have not jumped to the new copy without touching the old copy, which is equivalent to a waste of resources. If the version update is too slow, the players have nothing to do, but it is not good.

In addition, the upgrade and quest line is a highlight of World of Warcraft, and many players tend to have a brush level, crash, and missed this highlight to some extent.

Therefore, some numerical optimizations have been made for these. When a high-level player takes a low-level player to copy a copy, the experience gained by the low-level player from the monster will be sharply reduced or even approached to zero; when the player kills far When you are above a monster of your own level, you will gain experience and rewards based on the percentage of damage done to the monster.

The latter is mainly to prevent the situation from being squashed by the size of the team.

In addition, when the player clears up all the questlines in an area and gets the corresponding achievements, he will give extra special equipment. These equipments have a unique shape, and the attributes are higher than the average task loading, which is lower than the first team copy of the current level.

In other words, the game encourages players to upgrade themselves, with the same level team, or do their own tasks, as long as they are not brushed, they can get a good reward.

This set of tasks can be used as a transition to enter the advanced copy, but also has a unique appearance, with a certain collection value.

In addition, it is the server mechanism of World of Warcraft.

It is impossible for 20 million people to serve with each other. It can only be a good wish. The map of the big point will be filled with 20 million people. Even if the main city is expanded ten times, it will not fit.

But it can be very close to the global service.

"World of Warcraft" will use dynamic server settings, on the surface of the service, in fact, the player's degree of freedom is very high.

According to Chen Mo's plan, each server can support up to 10,000 players online at the same time. In fact, it is ok to be taller, but in that case, the main city may be crowded into a dog.

When the player first logs in and selects the server, he and his friends are recommended to enter the same server according to the player's Thunder game pass friend relationship.

It doesn't matter if you don't go in, the game supports the transfer service, the first free. The game also supports cross-service teams, but can't brush the current highest-level team.

Because the ecology of each server is equivalent to a part of the game, each server is equivalent to an independent world, with different ecology, and there will be cross-service battlefields and other content in the future, so the boundary between the server and the server is not complete. eliminate.

Moreover, this cross-service team and transfer service is not limited to the region, the region here refers to the national service, European service, beauty service, etc., the system will have a built-in network accelerator, the national service player to go with the US service The buddy team, the game cabin will automatically switch the network accelerator, there may be a certain delay, but still can play.

In addition, the vr version of "World of Warcraft" will use the image streaming technology to ensure that the player's gaming experience in some special time.

Specifically, it is to avoid the situation of novice villagers more than strange...

Every time a new service is opened, or a new version is opened, the players immediately flood into a certain map. As a result, many players find that there are more people than strangers. If you want to kill 8 monsters, you have to grab the task and live more than half alive. It’s a pain to finish a task in an hour...

Mirror shunt technology will automatically create a mirrored area for shunting when there are too many players in the current area. Always ensure that the number of players in a certain area is kept within a reasonable range, and you can see other players, freely team, and not Because there are too many people, it is crowded and affects the normal game of the player.

All of these settings are designed to ensure that the player gets a consistent experience in the game, maximizing the immersion and substitution of the game, letting them forget that this is a game.

Of course, most of the gameplay of the vr version of "World of Warcraft" still follows the PC version of "World of Warcraft", it is not necessarily the final form of mmorpg.

This is more like a exploration, a large multiplayer online game can be successfully explored on the next generation vr platform.

But as long as this exploration is successful, the day when all players are brought into the virtual world should not be far off. 8)

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