Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 1074: Weibo's president of Thunder and Mutual Entertainment (three more)

With the joint efforts of all players, the sales of matrix game cabins are climbing.

At the same time, Chen Mo is not idle.

It's not that he is working hard and hard, and that the work has done Jarvis and the people below.

Chen Mo is doing another very important thing, that is...

Send Weibo.

“Happiness! The sales of the matrix game cabin have sold another million units! It’s a step closer to the world of Azeroth!”

"The matrix game cabin that was out of stock the day before yesterday, there is still a batch in Jingxi. The students who want to buy have to start quickly! It is expected that the day after tomorrow will fully resume the supply, and the small partners who have not bought will not worry."

"A lot of students recently expressed their concerns about posting money to sell matrix game cabins through private letters. I am very pleased with everyone's kindness. If everyone really wants to go... What about this week's special game?"

"In order to give back to the majority of players, in the next batch of 1 million matrix game consoles, we will randomly select 100 lucky players to present "Blood Curse" for everyone to play for free!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't want the Curse of Blood Source. You can replace it with the remake of Dark Soul, the remake of Silent Hill, and the Escape of Escape. Choose a lot!"

The players are shocked, what is your special thunder and mutual entertainment president, on the microblogging every day, like the aunt of the market, swearing like this? !

The aunt who was alive and detached shouted at the market aunt: "Today's potatoes are big, round and delicious, and they are sold out immediately, and the last basket!"

But what you are selling is the matrix game cabin. It is the world's top technology product, but each one must have hundreds of thousands!

One hundred and ten thousand, this time sold another million units, this multiplication...

Mom, I won't count! Poverty limits my imagination!

But soon some players pointed out: "Now the matrix game cabin can be sold for money! One subsidies 10,000 US dollars, 60,000 soft sister coins!"

The result is again calculated, this is what is wrong...

When it’s over, it’s still not counting, and poverty limits my imagination!

There are really players who are particularly worried about Chen Mo’s failure to go bankrupt. What about World of Warcraft?

No, absolutely not!

For love and justice, in order to maintain world peace, this -40% gta, I bought it!

I must let Chen go farther and farther on the road to bankruptcy, and definitely can't let him go!

The 100 lucky players who are drawn are also expressing mmp. Are these games played by people? !

Look at what these things are, "The Curse of Blood", "The Soul of the Dark", "Silent Hill", "Escape"...

The game of suffering is a horror game. The black and evil forces on the Thunder game platform are all ready to be sent out!

The problem is that white is also necessary. How can a good chance of +1 be wasted.

Many players feel that these games are quite expensive anyway. It is absolutely impossible to buy them. They can only be put into their own game library by giving them a lucky draw. Anyway, for the time being, let’s not play.

However, some players still have some curiosity after they get it. They have a little experience in entering the game.

Then these players said: emmm, bother, please roll out of my game compartment immediately?

In this way, Chen Mo and the players are happy, watching the sales of the matrix game cabin continue to rise, slowly thinking about the goal of 20 million.

1500 dollars.

16 million.

17 million.

It is also very surprising to say that there is not too much increase in sales, but it has always maintained a constant speed.

At this time, Chen Mo made another microblog.

“Congratulations to the cumulative sales of the matrix game cabin reached 17 million! Sorry that there is no special reward for this shot, since the promotional film please enjoy it!”

Players have said: "Yes, there are broadcasts to watch, happy!"

Although a cg is only two or three minutes, but players eat this set!

The sales volume of 20 million is about to be reached. This speed is really amazing. This is a luxury item with a price of 150,000. As a result, this sales are faster than mobile phones.

Players have never been disappointed with the new game launched by Chen Mo, and it is for this reason that every propaganda cg is very precious.


The layout of the world of Azeroth appears on the screen.

This picture has appeared many times in the Azeroth universe, so the players recognize it at first sight.

On the left is Kalimdor, on the right is the Eastern Kingdom, and the central whirlpool is the product of the explosion. They can even tell the location of the major cities.

A low female voice tells the background of the story.

"It has been four years since the Alliance and the Horde fought side by side to fight the invasion of the Burning Legion."

“Although the success of Azeroth has been saved, the fragile agreement between the Horde and the Alliance has long since disappeared.”

"Now, the drums of the earthquake are ringing again..."

In the blizzard of the sky, a dwarf's face appears on the screen.

This is a close-up of the face, the dwarf's huge nose is eye-catching, the brown beard is covered with hail, and the wrinkles on the face are all clearly visible.

This effect has even surpassed most of the big-production movies, and this is just one of the promotional videos of a game.

Out of the cg of "Wrath of the Lich King", these cg Chen Mo did not invest so much energy, but just use the real-time calculus technology and some simple post-production, this effect has also made the players true and false. Difficult to distinguish.

In the whistling wind, the dwarf hunter held a musket, took his pet a brown bear, walked through the snowfield on foot, and headed for Ironforge.

In the magnificent background melody, the lens gradually drifts away, and the Ironforge Fort built in the mountains is like an indestructible fortress. A city is a mountain.

The snow fluttering across the lens, in the quiet jungle, a female night elf with pointed ears, is looking down at the broken sword in her hand.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of the distant blade.

The night elf druid flew up, crossed the mountain and crossed the river. Suddenly, she jumped up and burst into a purple glow, turning into a black panther and jumping into the water.

Splashes of water, the camera switched again, and the undead warlock screamed a terrible spell, and behind him, the huge **** fire screamed.


Orc warrior.

Human mage.

A series of intense battle shots, different occupations use different ways of fighting. At the end of the video, the Tauren lifts the totem and slams into the lens!

The picture is black, and the game logo of World of Warcraft appears.

In the center of the logo, the Earth-like world of Azeroth is still slowly turning. 8)

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