Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 805: Stand firm domestic (three more)

With the emergence of these mr games, the market position of matrix glasses has become increasingly stable in the domestic market.

On the app side, Chen can't manage it. After all, these R&D app makers can't just make apps for matrix glasses, and other smart glasses will have corresponding versions.

But the game is different, Chen Mo has said that all the mr games of the Thunder game platform are all monopolized by matrix glasses.

You can't afford to buy a hise glasses at a big price.

At this time, the power of Thunder's mutual entertainment is reflected.

Although there are a large number of game designers in China who have sniffed the mr game, they are also preparing to develop various mr games in a targeted manner. However, the problem is that it is difficult to compare with the Thunder game platform.

The advantage of Chen Mo is that he has first-class hardware, first-class channels and first-class research and development.

Other domestic companies do not have such comprehensive conditions.

For example, the emperor and the mutual entertainment, there are first-class channels and first-class research and development, but there is no reliable hardware. At present, there are only two reliable smart glasses, hise glasses and matrix glasses. The first thing players think about is buying hardware, and then buying games.

Of course, domestic gamers and hardware manufacturers can cooperate, but after all, they have slowed down and have lost their opportunities.

So far, matrix glasses can be said to be one step ahead, step by step, first to develop a reliable version of the available version, and then to launch a wide variety of mr version of the app and games, and these The game has further boosted the sales of matrix glasses.

As the market share of matrix glasses continues to rise, the situation of other gamers and hardware manufacturers will worsen.

What if other designers have developed an explosive mr game?

When the time comes, I will talk to this designer and dig into the Thunder game platform.

What about the people who interacted with each other and enjoyed each other? The photo is not wrong. The Thunder's mutual entertainment is not like the past, and it is not worth more than saving money.

This series of operations, matrix glasses in the country is no rival, the threat of hardware manufacturers to make glasses can not be equipped with Thunder and mutual entertainment games, threatening game manufacturers themselves have no reliable smart glasses.

Even if game makers and hardware manufacturers cooperate, they are already behind the matrix glasses. Under the premise that their hardware and game development level are not superior, the first-mover advantage of matrix glasses is very obvious, and it is almost insurmountable.

What's more, Zhou Jiangping listened to Chen Moyan, and the cooperation between other gamers and hardware manufacturers can be so unspeakable?

When there are more and more users of matrix glasses, it will inevitably squeeze the living space of other smart glasses, and even squeeze it out.

Your friends are playing "Three Kingdoms Kill" with matrix glasses and playing all kinds of interesting matrix glasses exclusive games. Then, when you buy smart glasses, will you consider other brands under the premise that other brands have no obvious advantages? ?

Well, you bought your teeth, and when you meet up with friends, others use matrix glasses to play online. Do you feel like you are wearing other brands of smart glasses?

This is just like the chat software. In the end, it will only be a big one. Once the absolute advantage is determined, as long as you don't die, as long as there is no new whistle, other competitors have no possibility of coming up.

As for who is the one who is the only one... The key is to get off fast, to be strong, and to use matrix glasses.



Zhou Jiangping is in a good mood.

During the Spring Festival, matrix glasses have become a hot topic. After the Spring Festival, the heat is increasing.

Every time a batch is sold, it is sold out of stock. Even now, on many shopping websites, matrix glasses are still out of stock, can you feel bad?

This is simply printing money! Who does not like to make a profitable business?

Even because of the camera event of Hise, the matrix glasses have the opportunity to expand to the European and American markets, which is a big step for Zhou Jiangping.

When doing mobile phones, he never thought that Lehui mobile phones could kill Europe and the United States, and competed with foreign big companies.

Even if it is sold to Europe and the United States, it is basically a low-cost route and a cheap route.

Of course, Zhou Jiangping knows that the current situation is mainly due to Chen Mo, whether it is the design of matrix glasses or the exclusive support of the Thunder game platform, it has a decisive role in the development of matrix glasses.

Therefore, Zhou Jiangping’s follow-up advice to Chen Mo is basically a matter of listening, especially in the aspect of game support, to meet Chen Mo’s requirements as much as possible.

If Chen Mo said in the future, to produce a 20,000 yuan flagship version of the matrix glasses, to provide players with a more perfect mr gaming experience, then Zhou Jiangping must also do the right thing.

After doing so many years of mobile phones, Zhou Jiangping is very aware of the important role of the game for hardware.

Needless to say, such as vr game console, which is specially used for entertainment, even mobile phones and PCs that meet the daily work and life needs will be affected by the game, even leading many people to hardware. Equipment purchase.

For example, in the past life of Chen Mo, the popularity of eating chicken has caused a lot of players to change the enthusiasm. Many people have asked for the desktop machine to play "League of Legends", and the host of three or four thousand dollars can run very well. Smooth, there is no need to change the better.

But after eating the chicken fire, the computer of three or four thousand dollars is hard to run, the players can only change the new one, and the 8th generation i7 is the caller of 1080ti, and even the monitor has to buy the e-sports with high refresh rate. screen.

And many laptop manufacturers have launched a high-performance game book specifically for games. They also clearly advertised the slogan "Enjoy the chicken", and even the computer wallpapers on the posters are "Jesus Survival". Game poster.

The same is true in the mobile phone field. Some mobile phone brands specialize in linking with popular mobile games such as "Glory of the King", or sponsoring the game, or making a widescreen to give players a broader perspective. In the promotion, they also use this as a selling point.

These are all examples of games that affect players' purchases of hardware devices.

Obviously, in the parallel world, smart glasses will definitely follow this route. If there is no significant gap between the configuration and quality of smart glasses, then a smart eyewear that monopolizes a lot of mr games will definitely have an absolute advantage in the competition.

Zhou Jiangping knows that he can hold Chen’s thighs now. Thunder's mutual entertainment has just swept the world's vr game circle, the annual game is soft, if the world is most likely to do mr games, it is mostly Chen Mo.

You must know that this product has extremely popular game works in the mobile phone, pc, vr field, across three platforms, no one will doubt that Chen Mo does not do mr.

Zhou Jiangping even vaguely feels that if Chen Mo can continue to maintain a high level on other platforms in the field of mr games, develop a dominant mr game, and even conquer a large number of overseas players, then matrix glasses as the exclusive platform of the Thunder game platform Equipment, I am afraid I can really kill the Quartet overseas!

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