Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 806: Focus on overseas (four more)

In foreign countries, although Hise's "camera event" made it controversial and lost some market share, it still did not let it fall.

Because the main competitor of the world in the world is not matrix glasses, but other brands. And other brands... basically have done this camera.

Therefore, the nickname of the “camera event” was actually shared by other friends. When discussing the incident, users in Europe and the United States basically focused on the entire “smart glasses” market instead of just staring at it. Hise a hammer.

Although the matrix glasses have opened up a certain market share with the lack of camera function, but after all, the lack of information, most European and American users are instinctively distrustful of the first reaction of a Chinese brand that has not been heard before.

From the up-and-coming to the exclusive market, it takes a long, long time, and it can even be said to be difficult.

This is also a matter of reason, just like mobile phones and computer brands, many domestic manufacturers sell well in the domestic market, but really want to enter the European and American markets and hard-hitting with the old hardware manufacturers, it is still very mysterious.

After the "camera incident" became more and more fierce, the hise glasses had to make a compromise in time, indicating that they would launch new glasses with different shapes and remove the camera and live broadcast functions.

Although such a toss makes the Hise glasses research and development group a bit of pain, but after all, it is a veteran big factory, not to hurt.

The new glasses are actually changing the permissions and changing the color, so they do it very quickly, and the response is good after coming out. Seeing the hise glasses in the European and American regions will pick up.

After all, smart glasses are the trend of the times, and most people still need this thing. Now that there are no concerns about privacy issues, many people are beginning to buy with confidence.



Chen Mo is talking with Zhou Jiangping using matrix glasses and browsing a report he sent.

Zhou Jiangping is very pleased to explain the situation of the current matrix glasses to Chen Mo.

"At present, the situation of matrix glasses in China is very good, and it has already won nearly 60% of the market share, and this number is still rising. Yesterday I asked them to expand more production lines, as much as possible to ensure the matrix glasses. Capacity can keep up with current market demand..."

“There are many domestic companies that have indicated that they will provide exclusive versions of the app for matrix glasses, and add more mr functions in combination with the characteristics of matrix glasses. We are also very active in organizations such as ball associations, municipal transportation departments, etc. Communicate and customize a variety of professional apps for matrix glasses to further integrate matrix glasses into people's lives."

"As for overseas markets, the expansion rate of matrix glasses is also gratifying. The market share has reached 12.9%. It has reached the top five in Europe and America, and even surpassed many old manufacturers in Europe and America. This is an unprecedented achievement."

Listening to Zhou Jiangping's quite happy description, Chen Mo did not react. Instead, he frowned when he heard the 12.9% figure: "So low?"

Zhou Jiangping paused: "This is still low? The highest share of the domestic mobile phone single brand in the global market is only close to this figure, and it also includes data from the local and Southeast Asia, Africa. The 12.9% share of the matrix glasses. But after deducting the share after the domestic market, we are already making history."

Chen Mo said: "Sith was selling overseas much better than this."

Zhou Jiangping is happy: "Chen Chen, it is a special game machine, the world is doing what we are doing, proper niche things. It is basically going to buy your game, it is not at all. Competition. But smart glasses can be different. This is the trend of future development. How many manufacturers in the world are staring at this fat?"

"And, the potential market for smart glasses is much bigger than sith, and stih is directed at a small group of players, but smart glasses are for everyone in the world! Overseas, matrix glasses are not that big. With the advantage, the road has to go step by step. It’s only a few days after the product went on the market, thinking about putting the giant hese up, isn’t it realistic?”

Chen Mo asked: "The overseas version of the matrix glasses, have also updated those mr games?"

Zhou Jiangping nodded: "Updated, but no domestic effect is so obvious. Mainly the cultural influence of "Three Kingdoms Kill" is relatively limited, and it can not spread to Europe and the United States. Other mr games are good, but there are also gamers in Europe and America. In the development of mr games released to the hise glasses. As for the app, not to mention."

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "That is to say, our mr game currently has no dominance."

"It means this." Zhou Jiangping explained, "But this is normal. The mr game is an emerging field. Designers all over the world have no experience, and they are at the stage of trial and error and exploration."

Chen Mohehe smiled: "Old Zhou, there is nothing that can't be solved by an explosion game. If there is, then come again."

"Ah?" Zhou Jiangping did not know.

Chen Mo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I will take care of this matter. You don't have to worry about it. In short, it will increase the production capacity. Matrix glasses will be sold more in the future. It is enough to produce. Our ultimate goal is to occupy the world. In the smart glasses market, don't be dragged down by capacity problems."

Zhou Jiangping nodded: "Reassured, I understand."

After the call ended, Chen Mo began to consider the next goal.

At present, the development of matrix glasses in China can be described as smooth and smooth, but the expansion rate in foreign countries is far from the expectations of Chen Mo.

Mainly because matrix glasses have no word of mouth accumulation, and there is no advantage in the technical level. For users in the European and American markets, there is no reason to buy.

In China, "Three Kingdoms Kill" is a very fun mr chess game. The various mr games on the Thunder game platform are also very attractive to players. However, "Three Kingdoms Kill" is not attractive to foreign players, after all, the cultural atmosphere is different.

As for other mr games, it is impossible to become a reason for European and American users to buy matrix glasses. After all, these games are not explosive games, and their influence is very limited.

For Chen Mo, it is impossible to work **** the hardware. It is very good that the matrix glasses have not lost to the hardware on the hardware.

If you want to further expand the market share of matrix glasses in Europe and America, Chen Mo needs a more explosive mr game that is more suitable for foreign markets than "Three Kingdoms Kill", or ... many models.

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