Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 823: Aftermath (three more)

One month after the launch of Elf World, some similar mr games that imitated the game were also launched.

However, these games did not shake the status of Elf World, and did not even make too much waves.

The reason is very simple, they can copy the gameplay of Elf World, but it is difficult to copy ip, but can't find any way to offset the first-mover advantage of Elf World.

The premise of the cottage is comparable to the original, at least in some respects beyond the quality of the original, such as gameplay, quality, ip, the number of players and so on.

However, in contrast to "Elves of the World", its gameplay and image quality have temporarily reached the top of this type, there is not much room for improvement.

Ip, not to mention the other big ip mastered by Thunder, but the elf image in "pokemongo" is also a classic image that has been double tested by the taste and time of the player. The game company wants to defeat "Elves World" through the fake image that has been produced for more than a month. It can basically be said that it is a fantasy.

Moreover, "Elves World" has already set off a global enthusiasm through the world boss activities, and this activity is precisely unrepeatable.

Other gamers also want to do world boss activities, but how? Opened a boss, the result is only a few dozen people? These dozens of people face each other and don’t feel particularly embarrassed...

When you look at this game, there are only a few people playing, but it will have the effect of persuasion.

This kind of game has a strong social attribute, and the more people you play, the more scale effect it has. For other gamers, how can we promote our own "Elves World" game under the premise that "Elves World" is already global? This is a difficult problem that can hardly be solved.

What's more, "Elves World" has penetrated into every aspect of the player's life. Even when many friends meet, they will discuss the pets they have just caught and play pets. In normal times, players are used to let their pets. When you are bored, it will be very pleasant to watch the elf you have worked hard to stretch out and pose.

At this time, if a player plays other games like "Elves World", is he willing to join the topic of friends?

Moreover, even if he wants to show off, other people can't see his pet at all. Even if he sees it, he doesn't think it is precious.

If you don't fully enjoy the social help brought by this game, it can be said to be **** in terms of the game experience.

Only when the number of players reaches a certain level, only after the players really agree with the value of the elves in the game, the gamers can establish a stable and valuable price system to form a large and stable game community.

At this point, all the players of "Elves World" were firmly held in the hands of the Thunder, and other similar games could not be dug.



In the experience store, Chen Mo just finished talking with Zhou Jiangping.

Zhou Jiangping is very excited about the historical breakthroughs in matrix glasses in overseas markets. The market share has increased by 3 percentage points compared with last week.

Chen Mo is quite calm about this, but he has roughly explained to Zhou Jiangping about the promotion plan for a period of time in the future.

At the same time, as a brand-new smart device, matrix glasses will also develop more practical functions to further facilitate all aspects of people's lives.

For example, glasses and mobile phones are bound to manipulate Jarvis to handle transactions on the mobile phone, such as replying to information, answering calls, etc., to achieve the effect of controlling the mobile phone in disguise.

You can also consider cooperating with the police. After real-name authentication and verification of the user's identity, you can temporarily turn on the camera function to record the crime scene when dialing the alarm call, for evidence collection, thereby reducing the crime rate.

Of course, these functions need to be continuously developed and improved, they need to work closely with various institutions, and the concept and consciousness of all people need to be gradually changed.

But in any case, technology is changing the lives of all people. Smart glasses will go deeper into the real world sooner or later, and even one point will become like a smart phone.

And in terms of games:

After that, Elf World will still perform a world boss capture every once in a while, and will also slowly update the wizard illustrations and add new gameplay to maintain the player's enthusiasm for the game.

However, Chen Mo is also very clear that after the game is over the world, it will gradually enter a period of stagnation and stability.

The reason is also very simple.

On the one hand, there is still a bottleneck in the mr technology. At present, the picture that Elf World can display is already the highest level of the picture. To make a more complicated game with richer gameplay, you need to wait for the hardware level to be further improved.

On the other hand, the enthusiasm of the players for Elf World cannot rise without limit. Now is the stage of the "Elves World" is in the fire, many players even spend more than 20 hours a week to catch the elves in the wild, this time is obviously a serious high, and squeezed the time they take off work, play other games.

At the beginning, the players were very fresh about the gameplay of Elf World, but this heat will gradually fall back. Maybe after two or three months, many players will have a "sleepless" attitude towards this game. Take the initiative to catch the elf in the wild and change it to "catch the elf when you go out." The weekly game time falls back to less than ten hours or even shorter.

After all, most players have their own work and life, as well as a variety of other entertainment activities, "Elves World" is like other games, after all, it will be tired.

However, for Chen Mo, "Elves World" reached this heat in a short time and has perfected its mission. On the one hand, it has become the most popular mr game nowadays. On the other hand, it has promoted the matrix glasses to the whole world and seized a large market share, which is equivalent to laying a solid foundation for the future mr game competition.

If at some point in the future, the mr game field ushers in new technological changes or new game outlets, then with the market share of matrix glasses, Chen Mo will also establish a first-mover advantage in the mr game field.

What's more, the entry into the stable period of "Elves World" does not mean that it will be cold. Old players will gradually accumulate. For a long time in the future, "Elves World" will be the best for players to go out. Mr game, no one.


The mr game is an episode, and Chen Mo will also consider the next R&D plan.

At the current level of technology, mr is a new enthusiasm, but the dominant position is the vr game.

This year, Chen Mo will continue to launch more quality games that can compete for the annual game, further enhancing the dominance of Thunder's mutual entertainment in the game industry worldwide.

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