Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 824: Learn about the history of Egypt (one more)

In the experience store, Chen Mo is watching the new game development plan sent by the cooperation designers of the Thunder game platform.

In the new year, many independent game designers in China have arranged new development plans, and the development time in the planning is also different.

In fact, before the Thunder's mutual entertainment designers were independently developing R & D plans, after the completion of research and development, they were released to the Thunder game platform. Chen Mo also basically did not ask how the quality of these games is. According to the feedback of the player, the follow-up recommendation can be decided.

This can basically be seen as a stocking policy, which game will promote which one.

However, since last year, the Thunder game platform has launched a new regulation for its designers, which is to coordinate their research and development direction as much as possible.

This is not to limit their freedom of research and development, just to make better use of existing platform resources, to avoid game crashes and waste of resources as much as possible.

Although the number of users of the Thunder game platform is still growing steadily, the attention of players is limited. If two games of the same type appear at the same time, and the quality of both games is good, it is equivalent to diverting the players, and both games may be difficult to achieve good results.

Therefore, Chen Mo considers that all the designers who cooperate with the Thunder game platform will submit new game development plans in a unified way. On the one hand, they will find out the new games in the future for a certain period of time, and it is convenient to arrange the recommended positions. On the other hand, it is to avoid The designers of each of them collided with each other to generate internal friction, so that they can make more full use of channel resources.

For the players, this is also a good thing. For example, some players especially like rpg. As a result, rpg appears in a certain month. After this month, there is no rpg, all of which are strategy and casual games. They will also feel that they are doing nothing during this time.

Through the overall planning, it is a good thing for designers and players to properly arrange the upcoming games on the Thunder game platform. Therefore, these designers are also more supportive, although this regulation does not have any mandatory, but these designers are more cooperative.

"Lin Mu... "Greece"?"

It was just a routine, and I went over it, but after seeing Lin Mu and the name of this new game, Chen Mo could not help but stop.

Lin Mu was the designer who developed the "Sheng Tang" in the previous year. In that year's annual game selection, he lost to Chen Mo's "Watching Pioneer" with a slight advantage. After that, Lin Mu developed two games, namely "London" and "Babylon". Although they could not be sold, they also caused good repercussions in the country and sold them to overseas markets.

The reason why there is no big sale, or the problem of the previous "Tang Tang" is that it is particularly excellent in terms of scenes and cultural background, but there are no other significant advantages in other aspects.

This is also related to the personal preference of Lin Mu, who prefers to delve into the historical and cultural connotations, but has a weaker control over gameplay and many of the qualities that attract players.

"Sheng Tang" is based on Chang'an City. "London" is based on the 18th century London. Both of them are based on a large number of historical facts. They even visited some famous universities and professors. The history at the time is the goal. "Babylon" has adopted more illusions, but the response is average, so to this year's new work "Greece", Lin Mu apparently decided to go back to the old road before, or to reproduce history as the first goal.

Such a choice can not be said wrong, after all, " faithful reproduction of history" is also a good gimmick, for some players, domestic such as Lin Mu such a solid test, to do similar games can be said to be a single, There are not many similar designers abroad, so these players who are interested in history have basically become core fans. Even if the games of "Tang Tang" and "London" are not particularly good, they will also buy them. .

Now, Lin Mu puts the vision of the next sequel into "Greece". If nothing else, the game should still be called a qualified sequel.

However, Chen Mo feels that letting Lin Mu, a designer who only works as a city at a time, is a little bit sloppy. After all, Lin Mu is an independent game designer, and the funds that can be invested are very limited. Therefore, the research and development cycle is long, and it is difficult to increase the sales volume. The scale of the whole game is difficult to spread.

Chen Mo thought about it and decided to call Lin Mu.

"Hey? Lin Mu, I am Chen Mo. Asking you a question, is it familiar with the history of Egypt?"


After receiving a call from Chen Mo, Lin Mu immediately said that this will rush to the details.

After hanging up the phone, before Lin Mu arrived, Chen Mo had half an hour to draw the lottery.

This time, Chen Mo used a lucky capsule, which was finally a burst of luck, and he got a few books on the history of the ancient world. However, after this draw, the time from the last draw was relatively short, so there was no lottery.

In terms of Chen Mo's professional knowledge, it is still difficult to make an original exotic ancient background game. However, Lin Mu is responsible for the background culture of the whole project, and there is basically no big problem.

Soon, Lin Mu arrived.

Chen Mo and Lin Mu have already seen it and they have known it for a long time. However, the route taken by two people is not the same. Lin Mu still insists on doing independent games, while Chen Mo is a commercial game route. The volume of Thunder's mutual entertainment has expanded rapidly in the past two years. The gap between the two people has already It’s a different day.

However, Lin Mu certainly will not regret his original choice. After all, people have their own aspirations, and independent game designers have their own principles and persistence. For him, it is also a very happy thing to be able to create games like "Sheng Tang" for players to popularize and promote ancient cultural knowledge. What's more, he is not good at taking the commercial route. It is much harder for him to play the game of mutual entertainment and meditation. It is much more difficult for him than to play games.

There aren't too many chills for the two people. After all, they are all designers, and they all talk straight.

"You said on the phone, do you want to play an Egyptian background game? Want to work with me?" Lin Mu asked.

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, I think that as a domestic designer, you should be the most suitable candidate. By the time, I will be responsible for the gameplay structure, plot, battle, etc. of the whole game, you are responsible for the game. Historical evidence, cultural connotations, etc."

Lin Mu hesitated and asked: "I want to know why Egypt is? I hope to produce a sequel to "Uncharted Waters", a similar adventure theme?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "In fact, not only Egypt. There are also North America, Jerusalem, Florence, Paris..."

He paused and continued: "This will be a series of games, and even cover many major historical events in the ancient history of the world."

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