Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 842: Killing people is the perfect sneak (two more)

The rich story of Assassin's Creed: Origins quickly became one of the focuses of players' discussions.

In Assassin's Creed: Origins, there are five major chapters, more than 120 main lines and side missions. In addition, there are more than a dozen ancient tomb adventure missions and a variety of full collection elements, such as papyrus, stone rings and synchronization points.

From the content point of view, these branch tasks can be said to be all-encompassing, involving drama, horse racing, poetry, philosophy, traders, weapons forging, helping the townspeople, assassination, etc. It can be said that a large number of branch tasks are simply It is a panoramic view of life in ancient Egypt, covering all fields and presenting a highly detailed three-dimensional picture.

Here, people of all ages and occupations in ancient Egypt, their lives are all exposed in front of the players.

At the beginning, many players felt that these side quests were similar to mmorpg. They were nothing more than running, finding people, killing, and collecting, just to find something for the player and forcibly extend the game time. But as the story progressed, players quickly discovered that this view was completely wrong.

In Assassin's Creed: Origins, the quests are distributed in the towns and cities that Bayek travels to. Each town has different customs and responsibilities. The tasks are also different. Looking for someone in a city, and continuing to find people's repetitive tasks in b city, basically did not appear in "Assassin's Creed: Origin".

Moreover, these feeder tasks will also complement the mainline tasks. Before some of the main task of the conspiracy, if the player completes the sideline task ahead of time, he will get some clues about the main line mission or hidden clues. Although it is not enough to rewrite the mainline story, it will make the player feel the plot of the whole area. The settings are more reasonable and complete.

Many people will have an inexplicable sense of reality after the customs clearance of Assassin's Creed: Origins.

It stands to reason that the two factors in the design of the game are deviated from the "realism". On the one hand, there are many historical figures in the plot, such as Caesar, Cleopatra, Brutus, etc. They are all well-known figures in history, and there is a certain gap between them and the players. On the other hand, there are a lot of original plots in Assassin's Creed: Origin, such as the fragments of Eden, the remains of the temple, the Assassin organization, etc. There is no content documented in the text.

But why give people a high degree of realism?

Many players understand after they have played in depth. This kind of realism mainly comes from the perfect reproduction of ancient Egyptian society.

From textures, sets, architecture, costumes, to the clothing, behavioral habits, and movements of the characters, the origins of Assassin's Creed are all carefully studied and strictly in accordance with historical data. Therefore, Egypt in The Assassin's Creed: Origins does not give any feeling of "playing", and countless details are combined to make it very easy to immerse.

A variety of colorful quests allow Bayek to go deep into that historical era and experience the lives of countless small people.

For example, the husband who was "fairy", the vendor who sold fakes, the blacksmith who was killed by the chariot, the slum dwellers who broke the strange disease...

Every little person suffered in this troubled world, some were saved by Bayek, and some died like grass. This is like a real life. In the chaos of the people, the ordinary people can't control their own destiny. They can only hope that an organization in the dark can provide justice for them.

Therefore, a large number of branch tasks allow players to more deeply understand the daily life of the Egyptian people, which makes the story of the whole game more "grounded", diluting the aforementioned "unreality."

Not only that, the two lines of daily life and history line are intertwined with each other, allowing the player to have the feeling of “I am experiencing history”. There is a close relationship between historical events and daily time, each time history Events will change the social environment of a certain area, making the player's experience more intense.

In addition, the high degree of substitution in the game is also derived from the ingenious limitations of a variety of rules.

For example, in other games, players are often in a bad mood to do things that are exactly the opposite of characters. For example, it is clearly a hero with a sense of justice, but it is going to kill innocent people; it is obviously a lord of tolerance and charity, but it is going to torture its own people, and so on.

Many players have this kind of hobby, looking for this "absurd feeling" in the virtual world. The most remarkable behavioral feature is that no matter what game, these people will try to attack civilians or try to kill the village. If the game does npc invincible mechanism, then the players will vomit this game is not true at all; if the game allows npc to be attacked, then there will be many players who will slap the butcher...

In the Assassin's Creed, it is directly through the "memory synchronization" setting, which perfectly limits the player's behavior and finds the basis for the setting. When the player tries to use Bayek to attack the villagers, or the cats on the side of the road, Bayek will say: "The guardian does not kill the innocent people / cats are sacred creatures, the guardians should respect them." If the player obsessed If you do, you will directly lose synchronization.

This setting is equivalent to using a very clever rule that limits the player's behavior, allowing the players to act unconsciously, according to Bayek's ideas and character, and as a guardian constantly "walking and martyrdom" In the process, the players gradually recognized this identity, and the sense of substitution became stronger.


"Assassin's Creed: Origin" is different from the characteristics of other games, and soon spawned a number of unique "stalks" in the player community, becoming part of the "Assassin's Creed" game culture.

“Chen Mo has created a grand ancient Egypt to play for the players. You can use the photography mode to play better. You can get a better photo experience through auto driving, even through the eagle eye of Seinu. Take a photo to watch... And in this game, you can even be an assassin."

"The name of this game should be called "Knight Warrior Creed", assassination? Doesn't exist! Picking up the axe is awkward, the guard is also correct! I haven't played "The Soul of Darkness" before, but I played "The Warrior Creed" After that, I suddenly felt that I could play "The Soul of Darkness"! Koko!"

"The ancient Egyptians were really cat slaves. I found that if you kneel in front of the cat, Bayek will lick the cat, it’s just!"

"I think this game is called "Assassin's Creed" is very suitable, killing all people, no one knows that I sneaked in? This is the perfect sneak!"

"I think the horse racing seems to be the same. Just throw people who are more than me, I am the first, this is the perfect horse!"

"It’s the same way to borrow a ship from a civilian. It doesn’t matter if you sink into a sink. If you don’t have a living person to let me return, you can’t borrow it!”

"There is a very interesting thing. I went to the task of the book of the Dead. As a result, I just left for three minutes. The old man who was still alive and kicking is already dead! But this is not the most sloppy, most What I did was that I carried him to bury, and then my prank suddenly exploded. I threw his body into the water. As a result, guess what? He himself climbed up from the water! Climb it up. After that, I lay down and hang my body in my own place. I am so cute!!"

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