Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 843: Serent's new world-class IP (three more)

Shortly after the release of Assassin's Creed: Origins, Castle: Medieval was also on schedule.

Although this is two different types of games, it is inevitably compared by many players in other aspects besides gameplay.

Such as historical background and combat system.

If you change the name of these two games, "Assassin's Creed: Origin" can be called "Egyptian Simulator", and "Castle: Medieval" can be called "Medieval Simulator". Although the gameplay kernels of the two are not the same, they have a very close selling point, which is the architecture of the entire historical environment.

For many players who like history and like cold weapons, these two games are very good choices, because they all reproduce the history of a certain period of time, giving people an illusion of crossing, while Allow players to play a very important role in this history.

However, many players will find out after the "historical elements" of these two games that the "Assassin's Creed: Origin" in history has even surpassed the 4kgame known for its historical theme games!

First of all, the story of Assassin's Creed: Origin is more grand. From a geographical perspective, the story spreads throughout the vast northern part of ancient Egypt. Each city and village has a unique story. "Castle: Medieval" is confined to a castle. Although the mission is equally rich, it is limited.

Secondly, the story background and major historical events of Assassin's Creed: Origin are inextricably linked. Players can manipulate Bayek and Aiya, and talk with Caesar and Cleopatra's famous historical figures to complete major Historical battle. In "Castle: Medieval", there are not many historical figures. Although all aspects of the game reproduce the details of the Middle Ages well, the sense of history is not too strong.

The most important point is that Assassin's Creed: Origins chose Egypt as the place where the story took place, which is more attractive than medieval Europe.

In fact, there are too many researches, literatures, and literary works in the Middle Ages in Europe, and the game works are endless. When game developers think of cold weapons battles or magical stories, the first reaction is to draw from the Middle Ages in Europe, so this is a very mature, but somewhat lost theme.

Of course, "Castle: Medieval", with its own unique gameplay, can be clearly distinguished from other medieval themes by a combination of simulated management and immersive combat, and it is still a pioneering work; Compared with "Assassin's Creed: Origin", it only appears to be eclipsed.


The label "Egyptian style" is not only popular in the country, but also attracts widespread attention from players abroad.

For European and American players who have played too many cold weapon battle themes, this story in ancient Egypt is full of freshness. In particular, the setting of the story is very pleasing, and it belongs to the historical period when the players are familiar, but not greasy. Together with the amazingly ancient Egyptian beauty, many players can't help but indulge in it.

In foreign game websites and forums, European and American players are also discussing the differences between Chen Mo's new games and previous games.

"Assassin's Creed: Origins is a great surprise for me! I thought that Serent would temporarily fall into a period of confusion after the completion of "Apocalyptic Day" or continue this style. But he did not But turned to the history field! And equally good!"

"Yes, I am also very surprised. I know that Serent has never been involved in historical subjects before, but this time, he has successfully surpassed the 4kgame, which has always been known for his historical theme. This is really unexpected!"

"Yes, especially as an open world game, the game content of "Assassin's Creed: Origin" is really rich! It is like an ancient Egyptian encyclopedia, from the aspects of humanities, history, architecture, environment, etc. For us, Egypt, which was a thousand years ago, I have been obsessed with ancient Egypt for a few days, and I just love it!"

"What interests me is the setting of the 'Assassin'. Yes, in fact, there are many clues about the 'Assassin' in the history of the world, but this game is the first game that the concept of 'Assassin' is proposed. At the end of the game, Aya and Bayek established the Assassin organization in Rome and Egypt, and told the source of the assassin logo... Since the name of the game is Assassin's Creed, I would like to know that there will be Does the follow-up story develop?"

"I think there will be. After all, what does the "creed" in the "Assassin's Creed" mean? It is not clearly stated. Moreover, there are many contents in the history of the future, some of which are more than ancient Egypt. Suitable for picking places, such as Europe."

"I am pessimistic about this because Serent never counts 2..."

"But Serent will come out of the collection dlc, have you forgotten the "Uncharted Waters"? And, in the animus, there are many un-unlocked modules, I think that with Serent's obsessive-compulsive disorder, he definitely does not Allowing unfilled pits to appear, these unlocked modules will definitely be made!"

"Really? That's great! To be honest, I really like this series, not just its gameplay, but also its historical and cultural background! If there are more "Assassin's Creed" series, then I I must still buy the explosion!"


The major game evaluation websites have also given the "Assassin's Creed: Origin" high score evaluation, and the tgn given 9.2 points gives such a comment.

"The other benchmark of Serent, the world-class ip was born!"

“Assassin's Creed: Origins” leads players into the most enticing environment of ancient Egypt in a dark, multifaceted and profound way. The main character Bayek is an assassin with compassion and courage. Driven by revenge, the player will experience a tortuous story from his point of view: there are Pharaohs and corrupt leaders in this story, as well as the love that is lost and lost. You will also see the people at the bottom of the service serving the service until they are exhausted, but No one cares about the tragedy."

"Assassin's Creed: Origins" brings a tough journey that challenges the player's concept of right and wrong, and also allows you to think about the legitimacy of killing during the game. Moreover, this game is a true restoration of ancient Egypt. The degree is surprising, and it often makes people feel a sense of crossing. It can be said that it has reached the peak in history. Although there are a few bugs in the game, from the introduction of the game, it seems to be a plug. Lent is deliberately? In any case, this is an immersive game, and there is absolutely no substitute product on the market. It is worth your time to sink into it and have a good experience!"

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