Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 891: Also have to grab (one more)

On August 26th, "The Legend of Zelda: The Interest of the Wilderness" was officially released.

At 0 o'clock on the same day, Lehui official website and major e-commerce websites at home and abroad also put on the swithpro and matrix glasses flagship version.

For the players, whether to buy the "The Legend of Zelda" in the first place is not the first time to worry about it.

The first thing to worry about is... grab swithpro and matrix glasses!

"The Legend of Zelda" will not sell for ten minutes, after all, it is possible to buy a digital version, but after 10 minutes of swithpro release, no matter what?

Think about the consistent urineiness of Lehui, and then think about the scene of the first generation swith when it was sold out...

Although Zhou Jiangping vowed to say that this purchase of swithpro has a new policy, but most players still do not have much hope for this.

The so-called new policy is nothing more than to prevent someone from maliciously snapping up and then when the ox is gone.

The two new equipments are booked in advance, and a deposit of 500 yuan is required. When you book, you must bind your own Thunder game pass and ensure that you are an active player before you can pass the system review.

As for how to judge the active players, there is an algorithm that combines the factors such as the consumption of the account, the length of the game, and other factors. In addition, the Thunder game pass is bound to the ID card and the mobile phone. This method can directly screen out most of the scalper accounts. Normal players will not be affected.

What if the player is a scalper himself? Then there is no way. After all, Chen Mo and Zhou Jiangping will not be able to reach out to the second-hand transactions between players. However, as long as the shipment of new equipment can be guaranteed, so that players can always buy on the official website, players will find that they can't make money by reselling this thing, and they will not continue to toss.

After the reservation, on the 26th, 0:00 on time, it is the speed of the fight and the speed. Grab the tail-end delivery, if you don't grab it, you can choose to refund the deposit.

If you don't want to buy it, you can refund the deposit in advance, but you can't grab it when you sell it.

Of course, this way of snapping up will change. Only when the initial supply is scarce, this method should be used to prevent the machine from falling into the hands of the ox. If it is stable, it will be sold open. There is no need to make it so complicated.

But this policy is nothing more than giving the players a little psychological comfort. Most players are still pessimistic about this.

The reason is simple, because of the legend of Zelda!

Before, many people were not optimistic about swithpro and matrix glasses flagship, because the two devices are not irreplaceable, just a lot of expensive tools.

But with the advent of the Legend of Zelda, the situation suddenly changed.

Want to play "The Legend of Zelda" on the console, you must buy swithpro.

If you want to experience the cheap version of the vr version of "The Legend of Zelda" without using the game console, you must buy a set of swithpro and matrix glasses.

what is this?

This is just what you need!

Buying a house is just a need, playing games is not just needed?

For many players, the new game is not available for sale. It is harder than killing him. When the new game is released, the whole network is being discussed. The major anchors are also crazy about video Raiders. Spoiler, good games will form the current hot spot...

Then you told me to bear with me, wait for half a year to buy the game and buy it casually, but also discount?

Wake up, when the heat has passed, everyone else is tired of playing new games, and you ran to the Internet and said "Wow, I just got through the "The Legend of Zelda" game is really fun"?

It’s not good to say that eating ** can’t keep up with the heat...

Therefore, for many players, the perfect score for this thing can not be met, the best situation is only one year, this is too expensive to wait, I am saying that I am a **** player?

What's more, is the current swithpro and the original swith sale comparable?

How many people are optimistic when the first generation swith is released?

Many people think that buying this gadget is not as good as buying a game mobile phone. There are still many people worried about hardware problems, games, etc. "Super Mario Odyssey" is very good in foreign countries but not as good as "The Legend of Zelda" in China. .

In this way, the first generation swith is still out of stock in less than five minutes, and it took more than three months to fill the gap.

Now swith is already a very mature product. A lot of Thunder and Mutual Entertainment game escorts have already matured the manufacturing process and design. The legend of Zelda’s annual perfection works can be said that the vast majority of Chad The players who have made this money have no concerns.

As expensive...

Is 4,000 dollars expensive? Compared with the 2000 of the original swith, it is really expensive, but the top of 4,000 yuan is also the level of a medium-high mobile phone or a good tablet. For many people, it really can't be afforded.

Therefore, for the swithpro snap, many people do not want to be optimistic, it is really optimistic...


A group of college bedrooms.

"Swithpro wants to open the rush, get ready, click this link!"

"I have waited for a long time, still remind you?"

"Can you grab it?"

"Who knows, when I think about the senior year, we have four people crowdfunding to buy swith. The most irritating thing is that the old three have heard that they have no problem with the speed of the ticket. The result is still not grabbed!"

"I said that it was not my pot, it was a campus card! I have to blame you for blaming the great alma mater!"

"Okay, this time everyone is working, there is money, the speed of the network is also good, each grabs each, each with its own skills!"

"It started, let's hurry!"

These buddies are the students who have heard Chen Mo’s lectures in the past, and the first players to snap up swith. Although swith was not expensive at the time, it was a student party after all, and only four people were crowdfunding.

Not to mention, this swith does bring a lot of laughter to their senior life.

After the work, four people also have a small chat group to contact, I heard that swithpro wants to sell, and four people are planning to buy one to play.

At 0 o'clock, the official website will be refreshed instantly, and four people will click on the [buy]!

"Well? I am in the trough, I grabbed it! I grabbed it!"

"Oh, I also grabbed it! Strong invincible!"

"Well, my network card is a bit! Ah? Also! Great, I also grabbed it!"

"Cough, I am..."

"What the hell, four people have even grabbed it? This is too unscientific?"

The four people were still sharing their joy in the group. They found out that all four people had been robbed?

This makes people very lost...

If you only grab yourself, it’s better if someone else doesn’t grab it...

All four people have such a faint sorrow, probably in the college age when they can't go back...

"Oh, I even grabbed it. Why am I a little lost?"

"Yeah, sad. I feel that I can't buy the best."

"Don't think about it, just grab it, you shake it into a sex? Go and buy a game."

"Hey? Wait, you can take a look at the page again?"

"???sold out!"

"Ha ha ha, persisted for seven minutes, great progress!"

"Laughing at me, I thought that this stocking is finally enough!"

"Okay, satisfied, happy!"

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