Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 892: Great progress (two more)

Other players waiting to buy swithpro and matrix glasses are basically the same mental journey.

Grab it, happy.

Found that there is still goods, a little lost.

Found out sold out, happy!

Although everyone knows that this idea is not very kind, but the button that saw [buy] has become gray [sold out], everyone still feels happy honey.

Many players rushed for a minute before they even grabbed it, and they almost moved to cry.

As for those players who only want to buy after 7 minutes, they can only wait annoyedly and wait for the next batch.

The high-profile version of the matrix glasses is much better than the swithpro performance, swithpro only adhered to 7 minutes, the high-grade version of the matrix glasses actually held up for 11 minutes before sold out.

Wait, it seems that there is nothing to be proud of...

After all, the cost of selling matrix glasses is expensive. People who can't afford a lot of money can't afford it. It's a matter of course to sell it slowly. But even then, it only lasted for 11 minutes and gg.

But in any case, sticking to ten minutes means that the most **** players have bought it, and the snap-up button is not grayed out for a second. It is a huge improvement...


The Internet has already been blown up, and the players have said that, um, the same recipe, the same taste!

"Specially sold out! Zhou Jiangping is not vowed to say that this stock is enough? How is it sold out!"

"That is, the matrix glasses sold so well, Le Hui should not lack the flow of funds now, how is it still so sly! Can you order more goods to die?"

"More preparations, insist on seven minutes, historic progress!"

"Progressive fart, the old version of swith still insisted on 5 minutes, 2 minutes called a chicken's progress!"

"The old version of swith seems to be stocking 150,000? Then according to this calculation, the new version of pro only stocks 210,000?"

"Upstairs math ghosts, admire!"

"My classmates go to work in Lehuimen store. According to him, there are still some goods in the store! Not many, but they haven't sold yet. You can go to Lehuimen store to try your luck tomorrow, maybe you still have to sell it!"

"I saw swithpro on Haitao, and there are goods! But they need to be transshipped and may be taxed... Oh, sorry, no."

"Foreign netizens are also selling out, I hahaha!"

"Le Hui really did the hunger marketing to go abroad? It is much better than some of the manufacturers of 跪舔洋大爷, hunger marketing is hunger marketing, domestic and foreign alike, comfortable!"

"Let those foreigners also experience the pain of being dominated by hunger marketing. 23333"

"Forget it, old rules, can't buy swith, then buy a cassette of "The Legend of Zelda."

"Ah? No swithpro to buy a cassette, what to do in the old version of swith?"

"Oh, of course not. The newcomer upstairs tells you a secret, swith's cassette, is sweet."



At night, Chen Mo was sleeping blindly, and the phone rang.

Chen Mo also wondered, who told me this big night? Mainly this mobile phone number is not known to anyone.

As a result, Zhou Jiangping...

Just after picking up, I heard Zhou Jiangping reluctantly said: "Chen Chen, save me..."

Chen Mo Le: "What happened? Zhou Zong?"

Zhou Jiangping sighed: "It’s sold out again! My Weibo has been blasted by the players, and they are all sprayed into dogs!"

"What are you spraying?" Chen Mo asked.

Zhou Jiangping is speechless: "What else can you spray? Hunger marketing, monkeys, but, Chen, you testify to me, heaven and earth conscience, this time really bite your teeth and stock up!"

Chen Mo yawned: "Who are you blaming? I have told you about the stocking. I am telling you that I am short of money. As a result, you patted your chest and said no problem, absolutely no problem, what is the result?"

Chen Mo looked at the time: "This is out of stock in fifteen minutes?"

Zhou Jiangping said desperately: "It’s not fifteen minutes, seven minutes is gone... I have a full stock of 2.6 million units, 2.6 million concepts! This is twenty times higher than the original swith!"

Chen Mohehe smiled: "There are overseas areas, there are not many 2.6 million! Besides, now that you sold out and told me that it is still useful, I can't give you swith!"

Zhou Jiangping: "Hey, I told you on Weibo that the global stocking is 2.6 million. They don't believe it! I also said that I am monkey, I really don't! Mr. Chen, you can prove it to me, they believe you."

Chen Mo is very helpless: "Let's do it, then I send a Weibo, you hurry to remind them to stock up..."

Zhou Jiangping said: "No problem, no problem, we all work overtime, it must be full capacity, OK, thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Hanging up the phone, Chen Mo is also very helpless.

Sold out again?

This is no nonsense, you have 2.6 million stocks worldwide, you are not sold out who is sold out...

Although the past Nintendo was awkward, but Swith was not a particularly promising machine at the beginning of the listing. In this way, more than 3 million stocks were sold out, and for several months, it was continuously out of stock, and the price increase was 50%. The state of the purchase can be seen as popular.

With the international influence of Thunder and Mutual Entertainment, and the global market that Lehui relies on with matrix glasses, there is a vr version of the legend of Zelda, which is escorted by swithpro, swithpro is stocked 2.6 million, not sold out. That is unscientific.

Chen Mo hinted that Zhou Jiangping had asked him to stock more times, but Zhou Jiangping also understood the grade of 2.6 million. It can only be said that poverty limits the imagination.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Zhou Jiangping is also a pot.

Chen Mo took the phone and checked the data, and then sent a Weibo.

"I understand very well that everyone wants swithpro mood, but the 2.6 million stocks have all been sold out, but everyone does not have to worry, the next step is definitely full capacity, you do not have to think about the increase in price, you will soon be able to buy. If you can't buy it, Zhou Jiangping always gives everyone a mourning for women's clothing! In addition, everyone should not rush to buy the "The Legend of Zelda" Leica, this time the card taste has been changed, has changed the salty mouth, sweet party, etc. A batch."

As soon as this Weibo came out, there were hundreds of messages in an instant.

"The trough, 2.6 million!"

"I am not mistaken? The old version of swith domestic stocking is only 150,000, pro directly turned over ten times?"

"There are math ghosts who have figured out that pro is stocking 210,000. Hahaha, it turned out to be 2.6 million!"

"The world is 2.6 million. There must be a lot of preparations in Europe, America, Korea and Japan. There are certainly less than one million in the country."

"No wonder this time is 7 minutes. The stocking of 2.6 million is quite a lot. This time, it’s not black week. I want to ask, when is Zhou’s women’s dress, which channel is live?”

"I want to know, saying that swith is a women's machine, pro is so high with no one who bought the class, where are you going?"

"Chen Mo is too bad, and wants to lie to me to buy a cassette! How do you know that I like salty mouth?"


Zhou Jiangping looked at Chen Wei’s Weibo.


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