Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 920: This game is not difficult (four more)

"Half hour?!"

"The shop manager, are you kidding?"

"The soul war is still playing for half an hour? I am afraid that it is not necessary to make the player nervous!"

"If I were this human, I would feel it was like a joke... Let me go hunting this thing? Nima..."

Everyone is shocked, what is it?

Everyone knows the difficulty of "Dark Soul". The whole boss battle is highly nervous. If you don't pay attention, you will be photographed as a **** by the boss. The result is now telling me that this kind of difficult battle should last for thirty. minute? !

Let not let people live?

If it is a general western fantasy game, how can you get a forty group of dragons to hunt this kind of dragon? Or a group of twenty-five people, no more.

Look at this armor, you look at the claws, you see this corner... Normal humans are basically as big as their claws. Is this pedicure repaired for half an hour? It feels like a stone hitting the stone...

Qian Qian scratched his head: "The manager, this game... Wouldn't it be a "pedicure hunter"?"

Chen Mohe smiled: "There is no existence. "Monster Hunter" will not determine the life of the monster according to the bloodline, there will be a more complicated algorithm. In short, the entire hunting process will be infinitely close to the real hunting battle. ”

"That is, it is impossible to win the cologne by pedicure. The pedicure will only cause the dragon to kick the leg and affect its attacking action. But if you want to put it to death, destroy its armor and let it lose too much blood. Or it is fatal to the head and important organs."

Everyone: "..."

This is even more difficult!

Everyone knows very well that if this is changed, the difficulty of the game is simply fancy.

Because the dragon's normal posture is the four-claw landing, the player wants to drill down to the belly of the dragon to attack its abdomen is too dangerous, not to mention the head, can not touch. Therefore, the vast majority of players should only be able to pedicure, because they can only hit the feet...

If there are long-range weapons, it will be a different matter, but if the long-range weapons are good to fight, the weapons will be unbalanced and there will be problems.

If the pedicure repairs the dragon, it can be considered a bad news for many players who play melee weapons...

It’s not impossible to cut off the four legs of the dragon, to cut the adult stick, oh no, dragon stick?

Seriously suspected that the players were killed 10,000 times before they were cut into dragon sticks...

Starting from "The Soul of Darkness", players have long been skeptical about the design of Chen Mo's difficulty in the game with the worst malice, but this game seems to have surpassed the worst malice...

Everyone present couldn't help but squeeze the sweat in the hearts of the players.

Chen Mo saw everyone's nervousness and smiled: "Everyone doesn't have to be too scared. It's not that difficult. In terms of difficulty, "Monster Hunter" will be lower than "Dark Soul". Um... can't That said, they all have their own difficulties, but "Monster Hunter" may be easier for players to stick to."

Everyone is a look of unbelief. Is it easy for players to stick to it? ?

The meaning of the expression of everyone is that right, right, you are right, anyway, the masochistic madness of "The Soul of Darkness" will definitely like to play, you will continue to do it...

Chen Mo continued: "Monster Hunter will apply the most advanced artificial intelligence system, which means that all animals will have a sense of autonomy. Or, the core of this game is the wit between players and monsters."

"Players need to go deep into the complex jungle and track the various large monsters that inhabit the jungle. The monsters will escape after being hurt, and the powerful potential will erupt when the beast is fighting, so the whole hunting process will be long. And it's painful. But after defeating the monsters, players can collect all kinds of material from them and build more powerful weapons for themselves."

"So, the biggest difference between this game and The Soul of Darkness is that its main highlight is the process of 'hunting' itself, the actions that players can take are very free. Or, the 'malicious' in this game is very rare. There are almost no traps, mainly to test the player's wisdom and operation."

Everyone suddenly realized that this is the case, waiting for it!

Are the monsters here all using artificial intelligence systems?

That feeling is exciting enough!

If you use this artificial intelligence system on a dog, it is actually a little overkill.

Because the virtual pet is in a cooperative relationship with the player and is in a state of peaceful coexistence, it is relatively difficult to express the brilliance of such artificial intelligence.

But what if you put artificial intelligence on such a mighty dragon?

This dragon has the power to crush human beings, and at the same time has a higher intelligence?

It feels like it all at once!

However, this difficulty... I am afraid it is going to rise straight...

Chen Mo continued: "The following is a brief introduction to the entire environment of the "Monster Hunter" and the goal of the players to hunt. In short, this time to build a complete ecosystem, and this ecosystem is complete Fictional, it has nothing to do with the jungles and wild animals in reality."

"The current map is one of the seamless maps in the game, called the ancient tree forest. This monster is called the big fierce dragon, which is characterized by the like to swallow the prey..."

Chen Mo introduced the various monsters in the game one by one, and the players also understood why Chen Mo said that the game is easier to use than the Dark Soul.

What is the difficulty of Dark Soul? As soon as they came up, the players were hard-anal, and most of the players were cut by the teacher Gud.

However, "Monster Hunter" has just started hunting for small monsters, or herbivorous dragons, even if it is a monster like a fierce dragon, it is also very simple to kill, not to mention the foundation of "Dark Soul" Even if it is an ordinary player, it is normal to try to hunt successfully.

However, if you look back, you will become more and more mad...

Horned Dragon, Female Fire Dragon, Male Fire Dragon, Sakura Fire Dragon, Wild Claw Dragon, Destroy Dragon...

Which of these special hits is abused!

Just looking at Chen Mo’s concept draft, I haven’t seen the specific value yet. Many of the people present here are an expression of “disturbing”.

Take the horned dragon, its head, chest, wings are considered to be weak points, the damage will be higher, but ... who would dare to rush to the front to knock its head and chest? As for the wings, the height is not touched!

I played the most legs and hit the tail, but the legs and tails were hit without any damage bonus. I went to the monkey year and went to the moon...

Chen Mo Yue is not afraid of how this game is not difficult, everyone is more and more unbelievable.

This is not difficult, deceive!

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