Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 921: Serent’s sinister intentions (one more)

After the design concept was finished, most of the people in the room understood the sinister intentions of Serent.

I am afraid that the player who died in the pit will not pay for it!

"Dark Soul" belongs to the difficulty in the beginning, the mobs can hurt you, Gudah directly persuaded, strictly speaking, this game is quite kind, at least let you have a chance to refund.

However, "Monster Hunter" is a thief. The first task is very simple. The first few monsters are fierce dragons, crown dragons, and weak ones.

However, when the difficulty is added to the back, I will go there. When the middle of the game, what kind of dragons and horned dragons will have a very strong repellent effect; as for the late cool dragons, such as extinction Dragon, Steel Dragon and Yan Wanglong, that is, you don’t discuss it in minutes. The difficulty goes directly to the top boss of Dark Soul, and the time is longer.

The key issue is that when I hit the horned dragon here, I have already had a refund time.

"The Soul of Darkness" is a bit like a road robbery. When you come up, you will come out directly. "This mountain is me, this tree is my plant." You have met the money and you are finished. The "Monster Hunter" is more like that. A kind of black boatman, "When you get the heart of the river, ask you to eat the knives or eat it." If you squander the money, you may be taken off the boat directly. It is simply a dead man who does not pay for it...

Everyone shuddered and made up their minds.

After the game is made, it will be done well and it will never be played!

To say the difficulty, "Monster Hunter" is actually lower than "Dark Soul", because the whole process is in the boss battle, and "Dark Soul" may be more difficult to deal with than the boss.

But this does not mean that the old **** of "The Soul of Darkness" can play the "Monster Hunter".

Because "Monster Hunter" has its own set of gameplay, the combat system looks a bit similar to "Dark Soul" but it actually differs a lot.

Want to play "Monster Hunter", the first is to skillfully use various props to strike the dragon in a targeted manner; secondly, to understand the monster's habits, including its rules of action, attack patterns, meat quality, etc.; It is the same as the "Dark Soul", the timing of the output, not the knife, the timely avoidance and so on.

What's more, although there are certain variables in the "Dark Soul", but in general it is still backboard battle, as long as you can remember the attack law of the boss can still pass; but the monsters in "Monster Hunter" can be It is self-aware, not necessarily bloody, but knows how to escape. It is very difficult to predict monster behavior.

In other words, the hunting of "Monster Hunter" is as intense and exciting as the hunting in real life, and the crisis is so dangerous. Moreover, the human beings inside can have no advantage in force. It is completely crushed by monsters. This is worthy of the name. Dance on the tip of the knife.

However, since Chen Mo has to do it, then do it. Anyway, the players are abused...

Maybe this game will come out, and the group of people who like "The Soul of the Dark" will cheer!


The production of "Monster Hunter" is very fast, because the main workload is on a variety of monsters. As for the construction of the whole scene, because the corresponding resources in the art resource library are many, it will be much faster to make.

The different weapons, movements, equipment, etc. used by the players also need to be made from scratch, but those are not technical activities, and they are made very quickly under the premise of the original painting.

What's more, relying on the powerful effect of the Pangu engine, the physical rules of the whole world are also readily available, and there is no need to adjust it repeatedly. It is only necessary to fine-tune some of the characteristics of Monster Hunter.

For example... no matter how high the place is, the hunter will not be injured.

Just wait for everything to be done, turn the entire jungle into a complete ecosystem, and then fill in the various monsters ai, and the jungle will immediately rejuvenate and become the same as the real jungle.

On the other hand, the propaganda materials of "Monster Hunter" are also being prepared in parallel.

This time, the protagonist is no longer a player, but one of the strongest monsters in the game.


As for why Chen Mo is going to be a "Monster Hunter"...

Very simple, resentful value!

Although there is also "Silent Hill" used to collect the value of resentment, but the speed is still a little behind. After all, mainstream games, like the Legend of Zelda, bring a lot of happiness to the players, and they are constantly being produced.

"Dark Soul" has been played until now, most of the players who like this type of game have basically been thoroughly understood, and there is no new soul game in the market, which makes the players feel Very lonely.

It’s time for everyone to experience the thrill of being abused!

Oh no, it’s time for everyone to relive the thrill of wearing a big sword and wearing everything! (just blame



On the web, many players are discussing new artificial intelligence.

The cats and dogs that have come alive really make many players feel very surprised, but when they touch it carefully, they will feel that it is too big to use.

"The cats and dogs have been so good these days! But it feels like something is wrong."

"Yeah, I also think that such awkward artificial intelligence technology is just a bit too much to be an electronic pet..."

"But, think about what else to do? Animal-related games?"

"Elves World is said to be joining this intelligent system, but it is just a gossip, there is no real hammer."

"It is said that in Europe, vusoft wants to play a game called "Wild Hunting", saying that it will use the latest artificial intelligence to freely chase various prey in the range of dozens of square kilometers."

"Well? It sounds good! Then it must be played to make it. Is it a fps game?"

"Yes, fps game. But it is not a strict pfs game. Because this game, the shooting method is not the most important. You think, even if the big prey is shot by a shotgun, it is directly gg, and it is really a pure fps game. I can't show artificial intelligence. So, the key to this game is to track the prey and fight with the prey. When it's really shot, it's going to be a hit."

"Isn't that a ‘hunting simulator?' Okay, after all, most players don’t have any similar experiences and can experience hunting in the vr world, which should be a good thing.”

"Well? Wait, look at Chen Mo's Weibo, the new game has a letter!"

"New game? Yes, it’s almost time to play a new game. What game?"

"Oh... I don't know! You can read the information yourself!"

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