Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 922: Witty players say goodbye (two more)

Players see Chen Mobo's picture and body content are all awkward, what?

It stands to reason that when others disclose new games, when the propaganda map is issued, the shots are generally the protagonists, so it is a personal class.

The result is Chen Mo this picture... The protagonist is a dragon? ?

And still a dragon that I have never seen before!

This is a high-precision huge original painting, which can be used directly as a desktop. The background of the picture is blurred, but it is faintly visible. The left side is a winding mountain. The diamond-like crystals are like a dagger. On the side is a volcano that spits lava, and the gaze is red.

The entire background has been blurred, and in the center of the picture, it is the protagonist of this original painting, two dragons!

The dragon on the left is opening its wings, and the two giant claws are making a fuss; its back, head and tail are covered with hard scales, and the unfolded wings of the wing have beautiful patterns and open blood basins. The mouth is faintly visible in the mouth; the huge claws are sharp like a razor, and the green light is shining.

The dragon on the right looks more oppressive. It has two huge sharp corners. The thick upper limbs seem to contain endless power, head, neck, back, wings, hind legs, tails... almost Every part of the whole body is covered with horrible spikes. This kind of oppressive shape makes many players involuntarily think of the big devil Diablo in Diablo.

These two dragons each have a mighty and domineering shape, occupying the central part of the whole picture, giving a suffocating sense of oppression.

"Xiong Fire Dragon: It is the undisputed 'air king' of the ancient tree forest. The body of the dragon has a visceral organ called a flaming bag, which can be used to store flammable dust and give birth to blazing dragons. The creatures that offend it burned out. Its scales are extremely heat-resistant, and the claws carry the poisonous glands, which is also the big killer of the male dragon."

"Destroyed Dragon: Known as the 'Gulong Killer', the dragon is a fierce hunter. At the same time, it is very adaptable to the environment, the whole body is covered with black scales, there is a pair of huge horns And powerful limbs. In addition, its body is covered with spikes, it can be said that its body is a weapon. In addition, the dragon has an incredible self-healing ability, can recover in a very short time after injury, and heal The back part will harden further. Remember, when the dragon is dead, the real battle is just beginning!"

The players who saw this Weibo feel a bit puzzled, what do you mean, animal world?

Obviously, these two dragons are completely fictional creatures, not only the fictional appearance, but even their physical structure and special habits have fictitious elements!

But this fiction is not unfounded. Obviously, there is a certain biological support. It finds a good balance between fiction and reality, which not only preserves the oppressive sense of the dragon, but also makes the player feel There is a certain degree of authenticity.

However, the players are still wondering, are these two dragons the protagonists of the new game?

The player plays a dragon? Swallowing dragons? Evolution into a stronger dragon?

Or is it a two-person cooperation to play a dragon and dominate the forest? And other dragons with artificial intelligence to tease?

... does not feel very reliable.

If you want to come and think, it seems that there is only one kind of maximum. Is this a hunting game? !

Are players going to hunt this dragon?

However, it is obviously unscientific to infer from the shape of these dragons. It is unlikely to be a hunting game with a realistic background, and most of them are fantasy subjects.

Thinking of this, many players feel a cold behind, can't help but shudder...

Bring up some bad memories...

When was the last time I fought this monster?

It should be "The Soul of the Darkness"... such as the Black Dragon Midiir, the Unknown King, the White Dragon Sith... Every time I think of it, it seems to be a nightmare...

"Is it... this time is a soul game??"

"Where is the trough, Chen Mo's shaking s property finally awakened again?!"

"This time it is completely unmasked! "The Soul of Darkness" also swindled us when we were on the line, saying that it was a mowing game. As a result, the new work directly took the monster as the protagonist! Did you tell us that the monster is the protagonist, we only It’s a prey!”

"Wow, this is very consistent with Chen Mo's urine. This microblog is a crazy hint!"

After being so many times by Chen Mo, the players finally learned.

Although Chen Mo’s Weibo did not say the name of the game and did not show the protagonist’s image, it can be said that there is no key information, but the players still roughly infer the type of the game.

After the inference is over, the players have said: Dear!

"The Soul of the Dark" has already been pitted by us once, still coming?

Although "The Soul of Darkness" is highly praised among the player community, its suffering attribute is also notorious. Except for a few **** players who especially like this kind of game, others have heard of "the soul battle". The four words were empty at the time.

Under Chen Wei's Weibo, the players' comments were uniform.

"Soul game? Excuse me, leave!"

"Soul game? Excuse me, leave!"


Hundreds of pieces of content were identically commented on the top, and the players were laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha Chen Mo's routine has been seen!"

"Everyone is learning, not at all!"

"Reject the soul game! Refused to suffer! Let Chen go bankrupt!"

"Love life, stay away from death!"

"I just pulled out the game compartment, the network was broken, I went to play Silent Hill, and I definitely didn't touch Chen Mo's new game!"

In fact, not everyone is so disgusted with the new game, mainly because the psychological shadow left by the "Dark Soul" to the players is too deep, so that "suffering" has become a stalk, like "no Passing, rolling, the players see that the new game may be a soul game, but also express their attitude that they will not play.

Not long after, Chen Mo sent another Weibo: "This is a mowing game, believe me!"

When you see the words "grass game", the players are even more resentful.

"Looking in the trough, I believe you have a ghost! This time is still the same as the black soul, is the player right?"

"Hahaha is a mowing game. We have already learned about Serent's "grass game", thank you, leave!"

“Is this an official hammer? I think this game can be played without skipping it!”

"That is, this game is ignored, let us look forward to Chen Mo's next game!"

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