Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 931: Break

The battle with the fierce dragon is quite smooth, because this big lizard looks very awkward and big, but in fact the attack is very simple, slow, and the damage is not very high, in the case of four people Next, the fierce dragon is quickly scarred.

Apparently, the fierce dragon also realized that he was not the opponent of the hunters. After another tumbling, it directly gave a sigh and went deep into the forest.

At the same time, many small fierce dragons came up and stopped the hunters' way.

"Well? Will you call the younger brother?"

There aren't many nonsenses among the four people. These little fierce dragons have long been killed by n times. It is really a game of mowing, and they are all cleaned up very quickly.

"Okay, keep chasing!"

The four hunters followed the guide insects all the way to chase the trail of the fierce dragon. The cargo was very slow and the hunters quickly caught up and directed at it. The fierce dragon is obviously aware that he can't run, and he resists while he is still dying under the knives' knives.

"Yeah! The mission is complete! Unfortunately, Denglongjian did not cut a few knives, very unhappy!"

Lin Xue feels that she hasn't played cool at all. Although the big fierce dragon is like a live target, it feels very easy to cut the empty one. Not to mention the buddy next to the big sword, there are eight knives in the ten knives are cutting the air. The only buddy who hits the hit rate is the bow and arrow, but the whole process of hunting is to see him pulling the bow. As for the damage, emmm, I really didn't feel it...

It seems that the operation of this game is really simple, it is actually very difficult.

The other three buddies are also very happy, and they are all sharing their experiences.

"How do you feel? I feel that this game is quite fun, it feels like my bow and arrow are not hurting!"

"I feel that my big sword is really slow.... I slowly cut a sword and the monster is not in that position..."

"Taiwan feels OK, but I don't feel any harm..."

"Maybe this game is like this. You see that we have nothing to hurt, is this strange that will soon hang up?"

"Oh, go back and try another weapon. A Xue, will you continue?"

Lin Xue nodded: "Okay, go back to the investigation base and look at the next task."

Four people returned to the investigation base, because they did not disarm the team, so four people can also see teammates in the investigation base.

But when Lin Xue went to pick up the next main line task, a prompt box popped up.

"The demo content is over, the game will be officially released on October 14th, so stay tuned!"

Lin Xue: "..."

No more!

No more!

Have a good time, no more!

Lin Xue is simply speechless, which is even more excessive than the broken chapter of "Uncharted Waters"!

The chapter of "Uncharted Waters" is nothing more than a broken chapter of the plot, which is equivalent to a three-minute trial of the movie; but the chapter of "Monster Hunter" is very powerful, and the card is very terrible.

On the one hand, the player has experienced the entire transition, and has already understood the hunter's operations, including collecting materials, hunting, etc., and the proficiency of the weapon is basically getting started. It is the preparation for the grand plan, in the game. On the other hand, players generally feel that their proficiency in weapons is not high. It is not difficult to beat monsters, but if you practice it, you should be able to play better.

That is to say, this stage is just the beginning of the player's immersion into the world of "Monster Hunter", they are very eager to challenge the stronger monsters, continue to strengthen the thrill of this battle.

But no more!

The other three players are also awkward: "The trough! This broken chapter is simply unexpected! mmp!"

The players on the barrage are also speechless, and they are just cool, and there is no more behind!

You don’t have to look at it, the barrage is definitely a variety of “killing Chen’s broken dog” drifting over.

Lin Xue is very speechless: "What should I do now?"

She looked at the activities that can be carried out now. Basically, she practiced various weapons, took some resources in the woods, and then played the monsters she had played before.

The monsters that are stronger than the fierce dragons have not yet been unlocked, so the strongest monsters that players can meet are just fierce dragons. They can only brush it over and over again with various weapons...

Lin Xue felt very speechless, but still quickly figured it out: "Okay, I decided, wait until the game is released and buy it immediately! During this time, I have to practice the technique of Taidao and try to sell it in the game. At the time, you can do the same thing as the teaching hunter!"



Of course, "killing Chen Mo's broken dog" has once again become a hot topic...

This time the players are still in the doldrums, but relatively speaking, players have seen a more optimistic side.

Although it has been broken, but... this game is very fun! And not suffering!

The first batch of players to try, choose what weapons, such as the big sword, the knife, the shield axe, the heavy handsome weapon is a hot weapon. Although the players have not fully mastered the use of these weapons until now, what about it? Can play handsome, can abuse the blame!

Some slightly talented players are even more self-confident. If you can play, it is really cool to hold a big sword and a sledgehammer to fight a fierce dragon!

A player with a sledgehammer said: "The trough, "Monster Hunter" is too simple? It seems that it is an action game with "Dark Soul". The result is completely mowing! I use a sledgehammer to circle Directly, no matter whether it is a small fierce dragon or a fierce dragon, it is directly worn, and does not require any technology at all!"

Players who also use bows and frivolous players said: "It is too happy to use long-range weapons in this game! From the long-term safety output, teammates can attract monster hatred in front, it is simply the gospel!"

There are also some players who praised the team system of "Monster Hunter": "The team system is well received, and the five-star rating! I said, Serent has already done this, and the "Dark Soul" summons the sun. Basically, the "Monster Hunter" approach is very reasonable! Four people brush together, reducing the difficulty, increasing social, pulling more people into the pit, and increasing the player's stickiness, it is perfect!"

Most players believe that Chen Mo said that "Monster Hunter" is a mowing game, although it can not be considered as the pure mowing of the "killing the original shape", but the difficulty has been greatly reduced!

A variety of weapons, all kinds of props, can carry so many blood bottles, four people team together to play...

Look at this game mechanic design, this game does not have any difficulty in getting started!

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