Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 932: I bought it silently (three more)

Players in the forum, the player group have exchanged experience and experience, exchanged for a long time to find, we have misunderstood Chen Mo!

Such a conscience game is really rare, and it will be bought at the time of sale!

Many players who said that they "resolutely don't play" and "resolutely don't buy" saw that everyone's word of mouth was so unified, and they couldn't help but try it out.

After all, don’t want money...

After playing it for a while, I found that it seems to be exactly the same as everyone said!

So, these people also silently said "true incense", and then went to prepare to buy the game money...

This game is obviously more friendly than most people think, plus it is a hot topic recently, which naturally attracts the attention of a large number of players.

Of course, for the players, the only fly in the ointment is that the artificial intelligence system that was said before is not too much.

In the big fierce dragon, it is a little bit manifested. It is that it will be wary of the stalking human beings and will run away. It is really a battle for the beasts after there is no way to escape.

But when you think about it, you will find that this level of artificial intelligence is not unusual, and the previous technology can do it.

If there is anything different, it may be "feeling."

Compared with the mentally retarded herbivorous dragon of Guan Tuanlong, the fierce dragon gives people the illusion that it seems to think. Although the intelligence of the player is still under the player's view, its reaction is very alert and seems to be true. It is in the judgment of the dangers of hunters or other animals to make decisions.

Some players have found that when the savage dragons are hunting, they do not see the herbivorous dragons, but they will observe them first and only swallow them. Because the coronal dragons in the group action will resist when they are attacked, which brings certain risks to the hunting of the fierce dragons.

Moreover, the fierce dragons are not following a fixed route when they are running away, and they will not necessarily run back to their nests. It seems that every escape route is different. They will choose routes according to their own judgments and even receive other monsters. Impact.

For the players, this kind of artificial intelligence is not particularly obvious. It is very important to pay attention to it. Many players are eager to do the task, and they are not aware of the details of the fierce dragon.

But in any case, this is a good start. After all, the big fierce dragon is only the first individual type monster that the players encounter. It is normal for the intelligence to be very low. After the monster intelligence is improved, it is better. The effect of this artificial intelligence system is reflected.

With this in mind, players are even more looking forward to it!

For many players, the current "Monster Hunter" is a perfect action game, the world view is novel, the combat system is rich, the difficulty is moderate, and most players can play well.

Instead, some **** players say the game is too simple!

Indeed, in terms of the difficulty of the fierce dragon, Lin Xue can play the game without pressure at one time, which is definitely low.

Think about the difficulty of "The Soul of Darkness". It is just that Gu Da teacher is enough for the average player to die seven or eight times...

After many players have finished playing the fierce dragons, I feel that I haven’t worked hard yet, have you fallen? This game is less difficult to say that it should be added two levels, okay? The fierce dragon is here to let me die at least once!

However, these players are not willing to buy because the game is simple. They are also very clear that Chen Mo can't make such a low-level mistake in the difficulty design. There will definitely be something like "expert difficulty" waiting for the game to be officially released. There will be.

Therefore, this time it is very rare, all players are very satisfied with the "Monster Hunter", are eagerly looking forward to its official release.



On October 14th, "Monster Hunter" was officially released!

The price of "Monster Hunter" is the same as the previous vr game, the original price of 1980.

Relatively speaking, "Monster Hunter" is similar to "Dark Soul", mainly for **** players, but because it can be free to play, and is friendly to novice players, so the scope of the player group is correspondingly expanded It is.

Even many players who are not good at this type of game want to take this opportunity to experience it.

Although "Dark Soul" has persuaded countless players with super difficulty, it is also very famous. Many players have long been interested in this type of combat system, but they are afraid to enter the pit because they are afraid of the "Dark Soul".

Now with "Monster Hunter", many players who dare not play "Dark Soul" will just take this opportunity to try it out.

At the forum, there is an atmosphere of “real incense” everywhere.

"Hey, you all said that you didn't play "Monster Hunter" when you were killed. How did you buy it after you sold it?"

"Do you mean to say other people? You didn't say that you didn't play at the time!"

"Cough, this... I mainly want to maintain the ecological environment of the ancient tree forest, in order to bring you this **** to fight those powerful monsters..."

"Do you say that everyone has chosen the weapons they want to use?"

"Too knife does not explain!"

"emmmm, it is said that the data party has tested the stakes. The currently recommended weapons are shield axe, double knives, bows and arrows. If the novice is a double knife, it is quite good. Of course, the sledgehammer and the big sword are also good."

"I don't care, I use a knife!"

Previously, players who never played "Monster Hunter" were all together, or they formed a small team to hunt together, or discussed which kind of weapon is better.

However, at this stage players are still not able to feel the difference in weapons, because playing monsters is really too simple. Take the big fierce dragon, the Taidao Party can also have no pressure output, and Deng Longjian can do this as long as it does not cut the air.

The default option in the game is that there is no damage display, so the Taidao party all feel good about themselves and will not feel that they are inferior.

Although some players try to test the damage data of various weapons, but the stakes and actual combat are different after all. When playing mobs, each weapon looks very strong, but when encountering cologne, different weapons The damage between them is completely opened. Some ten minutes will solve the battle, and some may hit half an hour.

So far, players are still ignorant about the weapons in Monster Hunter.

In fact, Chen Mo has specially balanced 14 weapons. The knife is not as boring as when the previous game was just on the line. However, the characteristics of the Taidao itself determine that it is still a very difficult weapon to operate, so for the very general novice players, they may still become "Lonely Taidao"...

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