Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 949: The law of falling from the sky

At the same time that "Jianghu" officially started research and development, the journey of players in "Monster Hunter" is also continuing.

[The Black Sword of Desire: After intervening in the migration of the ancient dragons, we finally found out where the mysterious ancient dragons and dragons that we have been facing each other for a long time are located. After investigating them, it is expected to be closer to the truth of the migration of the ancient dragon. 】

"Wow, the first eight-star mission! I feel that the monster hunter snow is getting more and more powerful, well, let us have this big hedgehog!"

Lin Xue took the task very happily and then chose to transfer the eastern camp of the Dragon Crystal.

For this dragon, Lin Xue is really not too concerned.

Because the annihilation dragon appeared in the story of the two fused mountain dragons, the players also played against the goods. As a result, the first time the dragon was destroyed, the story was taken away, and the second time it was thrown all over, it didn’t matter.

It can be said that the two occurrences of the dragon are completely soy sauce. For many players, this product is not as good as the horned dragon, and it is not as difficult to fly as the male dragon and the cherry fire dragon. It is a professional soy sauce dragon. Only.

"Han Heng, today the hunter is to teach this soy sauce dragon to do the dragon mouth!"

When I came to the land where the dragon crystallized, the blue guide insects gathered in a cornice blocked by white crystal clusters. Lin Xue walked up and curiously observed the white clusters.

"Should it be here?"

Lin Xue was wondering, and after hearing the white clusters, there was a rumble of vibration. A group of indigenous aborigines in the forest were screaming and fleeing in the direction of Lin Xue.

At this time, a behemoth suddenly rushed out from behind the white cluster!

Lin Xue subconsciously rolled over and saw that the behemoth slammed into the ground behind Lin Xue, and picked up a large piece of smoke!

Its huge wings slowly open, two thick pointed corners outline the horrible contours in the smoke; the powerful front claws are slammed on the ground as if they were shot in a hard dragon crystal. Pit; the spikes on the body are under the close observation, but it is a heart-warming cold.


The extinction dragon rushed to Lin Xue to make a dragon scream, and Lin Xue was directly stunned.

Then, the dragon slaps his wings and flies into the air, and his right paw is photographed in the air!


Lin Xue was scared and shouted, and hurriedly rolled to the side. As a result, the palm passed her and took a heavy foothold before Lin Xue.


The ground of the dragon crystal is composed of hard crystals, that is, a cluster of white or dark gray crystal clusters, sharp like a blade, but this palm of the dragon has shot directly on the ground. Deep palm print, splashing clusters of debris on Lin Xue's body, even with a slight shock!

This palm, the ground shakes the mountain.

Lin Xue was scared of a cold sweat: "This special! If I was shot by this palm, isn't it a direct cat car?!"

However, it was too late to feel the emotions. Lin Xue could only retire on the head of the dragon when he stepped back.

"Fortunately, I entered the split gods in the morning. Is this monster a special melee?"

Lin Xue is retreating, and he will see that the dragon has once again vacated!

"Come back? You have a problem with the horned dragon? The horned dragon is not finished with the dragon car. You have not finished the trick from the sky??"

Lin Xue was shocked. Does this make people play well? She hurried again and again, and this time the dragon's palm was still shot.

However, after the palm of the dragon was finished, it was rolled on the ground, and the wings and the back of the dragon were aligned with Lin Xue, and then the iron hill was slammed forward!

This time Lin Xue is inevitable, because the body of the dragon is very large, and behind the snow is the cliff, this iron mountain directly squeezes her on the cliff!

Lin Xue feels his own face, from chest to toe, all have a dense sense of shock, the same is true of the back!

After destroying the dragon, the iron mountain was directly squeezed by Lin Xue, and the wings were raised, and Lin Xue was picked up in the air!


The head of the dragon was destroyed, and two huge dragon horns caught the snow falling from the sky and nailed it directly to the wall.

[Exhaustion! 】

Lin Xue: "..."

The barrage was also shocked. Say this is a soy sauce dragon?

"The trough, this palm is really special! Ah Xue, do you want to pick it up and try to see if it will be seconds?"

"Ha ha ha, since A Xue entered the split religion, there has never been such a wolf!"

"Is this dragon's AI improved again? This set of strokes is simply pleasing to the eye, and does not give any space for operation 2333"

In the camp, Lin Xue said while eating cat rice: "Hey, I didn't eat cat rice just now, I was a little careless. I told you that my big splits are invincible, and all the dragons are correct. Do not believe you are waiting!"

five minutes later.

Lin Xue came down from the cat car and felt that the whole person was not good.

Splitting the gods can not beat this goods, is this special? ?

Not scientific!

Lin Xue tangled for two minutes and said to the barrage: "Forget it, I will go to the forum to see..."


In the forum, there have been several posts about the discussion of destroying the dragon. The players have said that they are too much. This time it is really excessive!

We will endure the horned dragon and the male dragon, which is the killing of the dragon? ?

Although Lin Xue is playing as an anchor every day, but after all, the technology is relatively slag, "Monster Hunter" has been on sale for so long, and it is inevitable that it will be overtaken by some big cockroaches.

The first players who contacted the dragons were basically players who were very confident in their own technology, or players who had a lot of experience in the escaping of the gods. The results were all destroyed by the dragons...

"It’s almost like killing the dragon. It’s a fatal one. It’s a matter of seconds, it’s not a matter of negotiation!”

"Yeah, the problem is that it will be even more tricks than the horned dragons. The whole process is all about me playing, patronizing and running. What special time has to fight back??"

"Destroy the dragon is a good thing, it knows that the offense is the best defense..."

"When you talk about Cheng Jing, do you know that the four of us went to the team to wipe out the dragons? In the final stage, the goods flew to the sky. I saw that this position was coming to me. I ran, and the result was this. Even a big turn, a slap in the face of killing my two teammates?? This special machine is too deep!"

"Oh, where are you going? I have been four times, and I played well in front, then the goods ran and went to sleep. I thought it was right, and the result was woke up, direct three cats. ......"

"Get out of the dragon's wake-up gas... Don't say it, it's hard to say a word, three cats in an instant, twenty minutes in front of the trenches..."

"I really didn't feel that I was killing the dragon in the hunt. This goods chased me all the way! I felt like I couldn't beat it and I wanted to hurry up the wall. As a result, guess what, this goods came straight up, and then gave me a slap. Shooted dead!"

"This "Monster Hunter", ‘hunting’ is a verb!”

"This special thing, the damage of the dragon is so explosive, almost half of the blood is gone, AI is still so high, this is a basket!"

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