Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 948: Huaxia Wind (three more)

Chen Mo suddenly remembered one thing: "Right, there is a question about the rhythm of the game."

"About 2 hours in a game, this is not necessarily true. We have to adjust according to the size of the map and the rhythm of the game, but it can only be shorter, not longer. In fact, two hours are also compared to the players. Tired, if it can be compressed to an hour better."

"However, it is not too long for two hours. In fact, it is equivalent to a small copy time of some online games. It takes more than an hour to brush a prison in Stormwind City. And in these two hours, players Most of the time we are searching and playing wild. Only a small part of the time is fighting, not so tired. On the other hand, many players may be killed in ten minutes, and they will not feel tired in a few minutes."

"This is not the same as "Jesus Survival". "Jesus Survival" is an fps game. Although it is relatively relaxed when searching for things, it always needs to run poison, and the spirit must be highly concentrated on the road and in the street fighting, so More tired, but the number of players in "Jianghu" is less than that of "Jesus Survival", and unlike the fps game, it needs to pay attention to a long distance, so it will be relatively easy."

“In addition, we need a 'drug circle' mechanism similar to Jedi Survival.”

"The distribution of these sects is geographically located. This geographical location serves the game mechanics. It does not need to correspond to the geographic location in the martial arts story. The three major sects of Shaolin, Wudang and Gangbang are at the relative center of the map; Other decents are outside; the three evils are more external, in different positions."

"Beyond these sects, there are scattered locations, random refreshing adventures, martial arts, etc. The whole game flow is from outside to inside."

"In the first phase, players are being sent around their own martial art. The evil players are trying to get things done. The contradictions between the two sides are concentrated on the periphery of the big map. As the game progresses, the peripheral adventures are almost the same. Players are constantly concentrating inwards."

"At the same time, players have begun to have the power to organize the fight against the door. The evils can destroy the evils and the decent, and the decent can only destroy the evils. Once successful, you can get a lot of resources."

“In addition, there are more and better adventures inside the big map, but most of them require certain conditions to get it, so don’t go up as soon as they come.”

"Through the tug-of-war, the focus of the righteous and evil players will be more and more concentrated inside, and eventually the decent will elect the martial arts lord, and the righteousness will force a decisive battle to determine the final winner."

"Well, the rough design is like this. When you do some detailed rules, let's talk about it. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded: "Understand."


After introducing the concept draft of "Jianghu", everyone began to separate their own affairs.

In fact, the martial arts version of "Jesus Survival" in Chen Mo's past life has a lot, but nothing is done very well, often just wearing a layer of skin, fun is far worse than "Jesus Survival".

The vast majority of rpg games, moba games to eat chicken mode, are actually not optimistic, because the combat system is not suitable.

The charm of eating chicken is that different players can adopt different strategies. The players of the dish will go to the wild, when lyb, the same can be a good technical gun player; at the same time, the good players have a great advantage.

However, most of the rpg games that do eat chicken mode are often numerically driven. In other words, my equipment is better than you. When the two meet, I will have no brains to go to you. It will be fine in the past. You basically have no good way. The difference in strength between the two sides is very different.

Where is the chicken? Fortunately, even if you are eight times the mirror am, the third level of the first three levels of A, by my m4 yin is a few shots. As long as a player's equipment is decent, he can play.

But what about rpg games and moba games? I am equipped with four pieces of equipment for you, then I will play with you with my eyes closed.

Therefore, this problem cannot be solved, and the chicken mode will not play.

The martial arts background of the chicken game, you need to solve the problem of the combat system, giving sneak attack, first-hand players enough advantage. But the combat systems that are limited by these games rarely do very well. What's more, most of the similar games are just a piece of leather, and they don't show the advantages of martial arts games. Players have played two discoveries that are far worse than "Jesus Survival" and will not continue playing.

Therefore, if you want to make a chicken game with a martial arts background, you must not be able to make a hard copy of "Jesus Survival". Two problems must be solved.

One is the dynamic balance of the strength between players, so that the master has a certain first-mover advantage, the rookie also has the possibility of winning.

The other is to show enough martial arts elements in the game, whether it is the battle system, the game between the sects, etc., must make their own characteristics and advantages.

Only by doing these two things can this be considered a qualified game, otherwise it will only be a rough copy of the skin, which is difficult for players to play in.

Of course, no one in Chen Mo’s previous life can make such a game. Another important reason is that the strength is not enough.

Can't do the "Dark Soul" level of combat system, can't do high-level ai, can't do high-level pictures...

In the end, no money, no one, no resources, you can only eat chicken for a martial arts skin, lie to a wave of players.

However, Chen Mo is not the same as those gamers, he has plenty of resources to make this game.

Fragmented game time, zero-sum game mode, certain randomness, first-class combat system, deep martial arts background, and diverse gameplay... all make "Jianghu" completely separate from other games on the market.

For those who like Chinese style and like martial arts games, this is definitely a game that should not be missed. After all, this kind of game is originally less, and it is Chen Mo. The next game like this does not know to wait. What year and month.

However, Chen Mo’s goal is definitely not just at home.

There are not many martial arts fans who like Huaxia in foreign countries. They don't understand the connotation of the martial arts spirit. However, in addition to the cultural background of the game, "Jianghu" is also a very good work in other aspects. Even if this work can't be fired abroad, it will certainly attract a group of foreign players to play, which is to some extent spread the culture of China.

Therefore, Chen Mo chose this game as the finale of this year. After so many games accumulated, he finally got the confidence to come up with more Chinese summer games.

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