Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 947: Decent sect (second)

Qian Qian raised his hand and asked: "So, the manager, the whole game process, is it similar to "Wulin Group Heroes"?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, but the rhythm is greatly accelerated. The game is roughly divided into three stages: the first stage, the first stage, the completion of the various martial missions, the fight everywhere to improve their own strength; the second stage, the integration of martial resources, decent internal competition The martial arts lord, the evil sects contend for the martial arts hegemony, prepare for the decisive battle; in the third stage, the two sides of the sinister and the decisive battle, and finally decide the martial arts lord or the martial arts overlord."

Qian Qian slightly frowned: "But I still feel that the decent strength is stronger. The decent martial arts lord can lead nine sects, and the evil sect has only three sects. This gap is too big, it is difficult to balance with npc. After all, etc. After the players got all kinds of advanced martial arts, most of the npcs were sent to die."

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, but you neglected that decent and evil factions behave differently."

"Specifically, decent can't kill, and evils can. In the early days of the game, all decents have their own problems, can only defend; even if the problem is solved, decent can not attack other decent, even if the player wants to attack, decent The head, npc will not agree. If the player is willing to go his own way, he will even be expelled from the division."

"But the evils are different. In the early days of the game, the evil faction is completely full of blood, and it can launch attacks on the decent. Once the door is successfully destroyed, it can search for a large amount of martial arts and resources, and the forces will expand rapidly."

"That is to say, in the middle and the middle of the game, the decent and evil factions are in a tug-of-war state: the decent must try to defend against the evil factions and restore their strength, while the evil factions must try their best to get more strength from the decent. The intrigue between the two sides in the first half of the period will directly affect the strength of the two sides during the final battle."

Su Yuyu asked: "That, the manager, I have a problem. Since this is a zero-sum game, if I am a decent player, there is a player who is much more powerful than me. What should I do?"

Chen Mo said: "You have three choices: first, find an adventure, fight the wild, improve the strength over him; second, use the poison or even collude with the magic to slay him, of course, this is equivalent to betrayal, there is May bear the risk of being expelled from the division; third, honestly follow him and let him be the martial arts leader."

Su Yuyu: "Ah? What is it like to mix with him?"

Chen Mo smiled and explained: "This game is a zero-sum game, but it does not mean that you have to fight for the first. Everyone like chicken, under normal circumstances, it may take two or three days to eat chicken. The game is also, you can get a martial arts lord in two or three days, it is already very good."

"So if you can't get the martial arts lord? Is there a difference between the second and the last one? Of course not. We will decide their ranking according to the order of the players' deaths and give them rewards. When you are not sure now When you are a decent player, you can mix with him first, hold it, and wait for the way to yell at him later."

Su Yuyu thought for a moment: "Then, there will be 24 players, 6 evil players will come up, and then the remaining 17 decent players will all follow a big shout 666?"

Chen Mo smiled: "There may be a situation in theory, but the probability is very low. First, we will have a balance mechanism between the forces. If the evil player loses the light, then the decent player can rebel in the past and can directly obtain the evil. Appreciate and get some advanced martial arts directly; secondly, the players are all aggressive, how can they do nothing to make you a martial arts lord? Or bright or dark, surely there are players who want to unite to take you In addition, if the last number of decent players survive, except for the martial arts lord, the rest of the people are ranked according to the comprehensive score (including his strength, props, etc.), if you call 666 when the salted fish is full, then you finally get The ranking rewards are basically not too much compared to landing boxes."

"So, the rules of this game are relatively fixed, but how it will develop is unpredictable, because each player has his own ideas, trusting others too much, and may be sold to replace the number of people. Of course, as a designer, We are happy to see the players arranging each other."

Qian Qian asked: "What about the profit model of this game?"

Chen Mo: "The same as "Jesus Survival", buyout fees, the currency obtained in the game is used to open a box to buy a special look, can be cash transactions, we draw transaction tax. Of course, in order to prevent the special appearance of the player's exposure, enter the game After that, all npcs and players will randomly get a special look, just like "League of Legends" provides the skin to the robot."

"Understand." Qian Qian nodded. "The last question is that the mechanism of "Jianghu" is much more complicated than "Jesus Survival". How to solve the difficulty of the player's getting started? Also, this game will not be too bad for the opponent. Friendly?"

Chen Mo explained: "It's very short answer, matching mechanism. Like "Jesus Survival", each game scores according to the player's performance, and the players with similar points are divided together. In addition, in order to take care of the disabled players, the game will Comes with a combat assist system."

"In short, if both players are initial attributes, then whoever wins the game will win, this is the same as the "Jesus Survival" everyone's spelling method, you can't do it, then you will go to practice, otherwise you should play low scores. In addition, if you get special martial arts, you will make up for the lack of operation to some extent."

"For example, if you get the top internal strength of "Yi Jin Jing" and practice it, your blood is thicker than others. It is very difficult for ordinary boxing to hurt you; or you get "Easy Travel" This top-level body, then you have a high dodge attribute, the system automatically assists you to do the dodge operation, others are not easy to hit you; you get the top sword method of "Tai Chi Sword", even if you A sword is cut, and the system automatically corrects it for you, just like the micro-inspection."

Qian Qian was shocked: "Isn't that if a player gets a bunch of peerless martial arts, can he go straight?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "No. The martial arts world is a low-devil world. Even if you are a peerless martial artist, you may not be able to defend against drugs. You may not be able to defeat the top ten masters, or even a worse player than you. You may also You kill, like "The Soul of Darkness", it is really painful to cut others, but it is also very painful for others to cut you. You know, when you are busy looking for an adventure, others are not idle, it is difficult for players to pull It’s too big a gap, so it’s almost impossible to go straight to the past.”

"Returning 10,000 steps, if you really get all the top martial arts, then you really should hang other people to play, no problem. It is like a master in "League of Legends" and "Jesus Survival" Like the abuse of vegetables."

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