Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 946: Role identity (one more)

Qian Qian scratched his head: "Let the player play npc? Wow, this idea is good."

Indeed, how can we make players and npcs confuse? NPC's intelligence is not enough to play the player, it can only be reversed, let the player play npc.

In other words, more than 70 npc, 24 players, together play more than 100 martial arts characters, and finally only one final winner, boarded the martial arts leader or the martial arts overlord.

Chen Mo continued: "In order to allow players to better mix into the npc, we need to provide some mechanism."

"First of all, cancel the player's voice function in the game, only the players of the same team can talk privately, the content is completely confidential. All the contact of the martial arts characters is automatically completed by the system."

"That is to say, when the player and the player meet, the dialogue they trigger, and the npc encounter npc, the player encounters npc is the triggering dialogue is exactly the same rules. Daily conversation, greetings will be entirely from artificial intelligence Finished, when it comes to the solution that needs to be selected, only the corresponding options are provided for the player."

"When triggering similar choices, the player only has a few seconds to decide, and correspondingly, npc will also take a random time to react. For example, Wudang disciples are looking for Shaolin disciples to explore a certain place, Shaolin disciples There are 10 seconds to choose one of the multiple options. After the selection, the corresponding story dialogue will be triggered automatically. All the conversations will be completed by ai."

"Note that the Wudang disciples here, the Shaolin disciples, may be players or npcs. If the player does not actively reveal his identity, it is impossible to judge his exact identity from the game mechanism."

"The above is just a situation of 'disguise'. The relationship between the martial arts people can also be hostile. The player can attack any martial arts person freely, whether he is an npc or a player, but he must bear the corresponding consequences. Such as enmity, being retaliated by this martial art, etc."

"The players can't determine how much left 24 players are left. They only know how much of the more than 100 martial arts people are left. When a martial arts person is killed, if his body is found, or if he disappears for a long time, the news will be passed. Open, let all players know."

“That is, for the player, the core content of the game is:”

"Live to the end, get enough powerful martial arts to compete for the martial arts lord or the martial arts overlord."

"As for the strategy adopted by the player, there is no limit. The player can pretend to be npc, from the beginning to the end, and with a stunt, but from the outside, it is a normal soldier; you can also show your player identity in a high-profile manner. , killing each martial arts person."

"In order to help players better accomplish the goal of disguising npc, we will provide players with a complete artificial intelligence assistance system. For example, when player a's strength (including internal strength, moves) and so on is much higher than player b, player b wants To attack player a, even if player a does not find it himself, his character will automatically complete the dodge action and reduce the damage he has suffered. Because according to common sense, it is almost impossible for a small weak chicken to attack the heroes of martial arts. ”

"So in the case of a disparity in strength between the two sides, if you want to weaken the system, you can't solve the problem by force: either use life skills, use advanced poisons; or take advantage of people to besiege."

"Next, it's the issue of player identity."

"All players will play the fledgling young hero, born in a certain martial art."

"The martial art in the game includes: Shaolin, Wudang, Gangbang, Xiaoyao, Emei, Tangmen, Huashan, Baguamen, Tibetan Swords, Five Poisons, Tianlong, and Shihua Palace."

"Nine decent, three evils. The player's martial attributes will be bound to themselves from beginning to end, and you need to wear the clothes of this sect all the time. That is, the identity of the players and npc is directly identified throughout the game. When the player makes an act that does not conform to the position of the martial art, there is a possibility of exposure."" Each sect has initial martial arts and advanced martial arts. When the player contributes to the martial art to a certain value, he can get from the master. Learn advanced martial arts. In addition, there are various adventures on the map, including martial arts, military blades, special props, etc. The distribution is completely random. Killing a martial arts person can plunder all the props from him."

"Then is the player's birth rules. 12 martial arts, 24 players, means that each martial art will be divided into 2 players. Players of the same team will not be assigned to the same martial art, as long as one player lives in the team. In the end, the entire team is declared victorious. That is to say, the same team may be split into different sects of decent and evil factions. As for the decent route or the evil route, it is entirely up to the player to decide."

"The initial combat power of the players is completely equal, that is, the initial martial arts of these twelve sects have the same fighting power. However, the righteous and evil are not two, the default goal of the decent is the martial arts main goal, and the default goal of the evil sect is the martial arts dominance goal. The decent and the evil factions are unconditionally opposed, and the decent and the evil faction cooperate, which is equivalent to the rebellion."

"A decent player who wants to take the martial arts hegemony (or vice versa) must renege the division. After the first rebellion, the hostile forces will receive unconditionally and can be rebelled again, but they can only be a lonely one."

"Considering that the evil faction has only three sects, it is in a weak position, so we have a corresponding balance in the game mechanics."

"First of all, from the background of the whole game, the rivers and lakes are in turmoil, and all the famous factions are facing crisis. For example, the Shaolin School’s Zangjingge’s theft, the Wudang’s head poisoning, the gang’s helplessness, and so on. Poison, Tianlong, and Shihua Palace are the three major cults, and they are the martial arts masters.

"Being born to the decent players, in addition to searching for adventures on the map, you can also complete the various martial missions. For example, to find the stolen scriptures for the Shaolin school, you can get a high-level mentality; for the detoxification of Wudang, you can get Taiji swordsmanship, etc.. Evil faction players are trying to do everything possible, such as finding and destroying herbs that can detoxify the head of Wudang. After completing the mission, they can also get props, or ask the demon leader for more advanced. The martial arts."

"This kind of righteousness and evil is essentially an 'unfair pvp', and there are many people who are decent, but each is fighting and storming; there are few evil people, but there are many miscellaneous soldiers. You can use all kinds of intrigues and tricks, and hide in the dark. It is possible to grasp the initiative. From a macro perspective, the forces of righteousness and evil are basically the same, and the key is to see the performance of both players."

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