Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 953: Really martial arts game with fake chaos (two more)

As the lens turns, many different scenes are presented one by one.

Thatched cottage in the jungle.

A teahouse made of bamboo and wood near the wide official road.

The pines and cypresses are covered with clouds and hazy mountains.

The stone steps covered with moss, the broken wall debris.

The majestic Daxiong Hall, the Shaolin disciples are chanting Buddha.

The steep cliffs of Huashan, the swordsman flashes.

In the vast desert, the knights wearing the fight are moving silently.

At the top of the snow peak, two knights flew away and chased each other.

At this time, the background melody suddenly became heated!

In the dense drums, the landslide and tsunami-like shouting sounds swept away!

At the foot of the Shaofang Mountain, the martial arts people in the two schools of Zheng and Xie gathered here, a violent storm.

In the midst of the scuffle, the knights wearing different martial arts costumes are all fascinating.

The Shaolin disciples were wearing shackles and waving long sticks. The whole body was surrounded by golden Buddha light; the gang helped the disciples to drink a sip of wine, while the latter half drunk and half awake, slashing and smashing; the Tangmen disciple was smart and innumerable. The violent storm rushed out of the hand; the Huashan disciple’s three-footed sword in his hand, the swordsman swallowed, and he was invincible...

In the Wan Jun Cong, the martial arts lords in the decent and the martial arts tyrants in the evil sects leaped and jumped, and two powerful forces instantly touched each other!

The aftermath of terror swept the audience, and the promotional video came to an abrupt end.

The picture is black, and the name of the game appears: "Jianghu"!

"December 14, officially on sale!"


After reading this propaganda cg, the first reaction of the players is heartfelt inspiration!

why? Because there has never been a domestic martial arts game, this quality is reached!

Strictly speaking, martial arts games are best suited for making action games, but the problem is that the threshold of action games is very high.

The so-called threshold is not just the aspect of picture, modeling, and action. In fact, domestic game companies cannot compare with foreign 3a on the screen, but they will not be worse.

The threshold of action games is multifaceted. Strictly speaking, it also follows the theory of wooden barrels: pictures, models, actions, sound effects, special effects, physics engines, damage determination, special presentations...

This kind of threshold is multi-faceted, and any short board may make the game feel broken.

In many games, I can see some "striking police". I can't say that this game is not good. The game is not good.

Of course, this kind of behavior is very stupid in itself, because the "sense of percussion" is a kind of "feeling". Many people say that the "sounding feeling of a game" is just out of a sense of unreasonable feeling. I will not analyze the impact of this game from a professional perspective.

Even some cloud players haven't even played the game. Just watching the video on the Internet, I said that the game's hitting feeling is not good, and there is a big joke.

However, this example also illustrates from the other hand that players are demanding on action games.

In fact, the so-called "striking sensation" is indeed a topic that cannot be avoided by action games. If you really want to do well, you need a very deep foundation.

Domestic gamers often lack this kind of heritage.

However, after Chen Mo has produced the game of "Dark Soul" and "Monster Hunter", he and the entire R&D team have been using the Pangu engine to be very good at driving, and then to make the battle in "The Rivers and Lakes". It is already handy.

Therefore, in this propaganda cg, Chen Mo almost shows the martial arts style of combat mode to the players in a sleek way.

When the knight was hit by the hidden weapon, the body shook slightly; the masked man was pierced by a sword, the blood splashed, and almost fell to the ground; the beauty of the palm directly printed a clear palm print on the back of the masked man, instantly Shake his internal organs.

In the final big scene, the Shaolin disciples were full of Buddha's light, and between the long sticks, all the evil sects who dared to rush forward came to the bones; the Huashan disciple's long sword flew, the blood was arrogant...

This almost perfect battle scene has been the same as many martial arts dramas played by real people, and it has reached the point of being fake.

Therefore, it is enough that this propaganda cg is enough to win the game. Players just want to think about the "Soul of Darkness" and "Monster Hunter" level martial arts battle? This alone is enough for many martial arts fans to buy and buy without hesitation!

What's more, this game also has the golden signboard of "Chen Mo produced".

However, players have different opinions about the type of the game.

"This is definitely mmorpg, is this still used? You see so many sects here, so many big scenes, naturally is the way of mmo!"

"mmo is really half cold, but Chen Mo has never done mmo before."

"I said that mmo is cold, I don't agree. Now the domestic MMO games are still alive. Although the heat is not better than before, it is not bad, but the profitability and activity are not bad. Besides, now MMO can't, because the manufacturers are not arguing, currently The world's mmorpg, can you play it? Whether it is the plot, connotation, picture, system... all aspects are made by 3a stand-alone masterpiece! The game is not good, don't blame the player for not buying it. what!"

"Well, what you said makes sense, but Chen Mo doesn't have to raise his strengths and avoid weaknesses! The games he wins are single games, why bother to do mmo?"

"When you look at it, you don't know Serent. When did he play the game, he didn't do whatever he wanted? Besides, this year he has made three stand-alone games, "Assassin's Creed", "The Legend of Zelda" and "Monster Hunter". Now this Chinese style game "Jianghu" is obviously the ticket game at the end of the year. There is no pressure on word of mouth and profit. To be honest, I don't feel strange about the type of game."

"I still think that this theme is quite good for a single machine. Is there a fan of "Wulin Group Heroes"? Old game, if it can be changed to vr version, it must be very fun! I want to watch the vr version of the wind blowing snow sister Clothes!"

"You upstairs hentai..."

The players guessed and guessed, no one can guess what kind of game this is.

In fact, with such excellent quality, whether it is doing mmorpg or doing stand-alone games, it will definitely attract the attention of the players. The difference is nothing more than the gameplay and profit model.

However, both of these guesses have their own problems.

The growing decline of mmorpg is an indisputable fact. The biggest problem is that players have a heavier time pressure. The activities that can be completed in seven or eight hours a day are a heavy burden for most people. Although the stand-alone game is good, this year Chen Mo has already released three of the industry's top single-player games, not to mention the theme of "Jianghu", there may not be much competitiveness in doing stand-alone games.

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