Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 954: Trial (three more)

On December 7th, "Jianghu" officially opened the demo.

Zou Zhuo is wandering in the vr game experience area. I want to find a game room to enter, and I hear someone saying hello to him.

"Oh, I actually met **** here, pong friend, are you coming to pass the fire?"

Zou Zhuo’s mouth is slightly twitching, and he hasn’t turned his head yet, guessing who it is...

This mouthful of Daqin dialect, except Lao Qin, is no one else.

Zou Zhuo turned around and saw it, it was really old Qin. This product is also looking for the game cabin, it should also be a trial of "Jianghu".

"Do not pass, roll! Say, Lao Qin, you are a rarity, come to me, please drink a drink."

Zou Zhuo reluctantly refused the invitation of the old Qin Chuanhuo, and went to the next drink shop to buy a large cup of mango green tea for Lao Qin.

Two people chat while looking for an empty vr game compartment.

I have to say that today's vr game experience area is quite hot. Before the game was full of empty game cabins, I still have to find it today.

"You didn't record me "Dark Sword 22", how come you come here to fish?" Zou Zhuo asked.

Lao Qin said with emotion: "The day before yesterday, "Dark Sword 20" was just released. Yesterday, "Dark Sword 21" was just released. The high-yield up master is also going to rest. Besides, I have always been a staunch supporter of the Chinese style game. I heard that there is a part of the soul fighting in "Jianghu", how can I not experience it?"

Zou Zhuo couldn't help but vomit: "God is the "Dark Sword 20" that just came out the day before yesterday. Are you the Tiangong time? Is it a day in the sky, one year underground?"

Lao Qin gave him a look: "Oh, you have three days of salted fish with two pigeons, and what qualifications are you saying."

Zou Zhuo: "..."

How did it start suddenly... hurt each other? !


Two people found two game cabins close to each other and went in each.

First, log in to your Thunder game pass and come to Oasis to find the entrance to the Rivers and Lakes.

The entrance is... a horse.

Under a tree not far from the mansion, there is a white horse that is grazing leisurely. A long sword and a wine gourd hung on the saddle, like this rich Chinese style, can be seen at a glance.

Zou Zhuo and Lao Qin are now in a team state and are free to communicate.

Zou Zhuo rode on a white horse and flew towards the distance.

After a while, White Horse stopped in front of a inn.

The name of the inn is also very interesting, there is an inn.

Zou Zhuo looked back and found that when the entire illusory world had changed, his own mansion in "Oasis" had disappeared, leaving only this inn, solitary.

Zou Zhuo pushed in.

Really don't say that the inn is quite lively. The inn looks small from the outside, but in fact it is quite spacious. The party table is full of people from the rivers and lakes, and everyone is drinking and eating meat.

There are also some people in the rivers and lakes sitting in the corner, wearing a wide brawl to cover their own face, sipping wine in a small mouth, silent.

However, no one has any reaction to the arrival of Zou Zhuo, including the busy second of the store, but also greeted the guests with enthusiasm, and turned to Zou Zhuo who came in.

Obviously, this is an independent scene. Zou Zhuo did not participate in this scene as a player, just as a bystander.

"This should be the initial scene of "Jianghu"? Well... there is a description, this is a gangster disciple, this is a disciple of Wudang..."

Zou Zhuo looked around with curiosity.

The rivers and lakes in the inn have different costumes and different characteristics. When Zou Zhuo’s eyes move to a certain person in the rivers and lakes, some introductory information will appear automatically in the field of vision. For example: Wudang disciple, good at martial arts: Tai Chi, Tai Chi sword, advantages: swordsmanship, light work, and so on.

This simple introduction is mainly to help Zou Zhuo quickly recognize the clothing, clothing and characteristics of different martial art.

Although the players are born in different martial arts, the fighting power is similar, but the fighting methods and specialties of different sects are different. For example, Wudang's sword method and light power have advantages, Shaolin's internal strength has advantages, and Tangmen's poison and hidden weapons have advantages. Although everyone's initial combat power is similar, they play up to five or five, but this determines the player's different development direction and strategy against the enemy, so I still need to know about it.

The clothes of the martial art are actually very good to remember, because the characteristics are very clear. Wudang wears a robe, Shaolin wears a pipa, and the gangs are ruined, and the Huanhua Palace is a good-looking young lady...

Most players just have to go through it here, and they can remember that they are invincible.

Zou Zhuo went to the Tavern Inn and found that there was a military field and a weapon rack.

However, there are only basic weapons of various sects on the current weapons, such as the long sticks of Shaolin, the long swords of Wudang, the swords of the Eight Diagrams Gate, the darts of Tangmen, and so on. There are still a lot of vacancies on the weapon rack, but none of them are equipped with weapons. Zou Zhuo concluded that it should be unlocked. Only in the game can I get this kind of weapon in order to appear in this inn.

Zou Zhuo came to the side of the weapon rack and took off a long sword of the Wudang faction.

At this point, the basic Wudang sword moves automatically appear in the field of vision.

It is similar to the situation of "Monster Hunter" in the training area, but these swordsmanships have their own names, such as the whistle on the river, the flying swallows, the white cranes, and so on.

The difficulty of operation is basically similar to that of "Monster Hunter", which is easy to use, but it is definitely difficult to master.

The basic sword method, such as flying swallows, is actually a long sword straight, while the body shape flies forward and automatically performs a small dodge action, just like the gap between the swallows and the wicker. Unlike "Monster Hunter", the moves here are simple, but they all come with a little extra effect, such as a slight increase in the chance of dodge.

This is actually very reasonable, because the traditional martial arts pay attention to the tricks, there are few moves that are the same, most of the moves will leave room.

In order to reduce the player's learning cost, there are not many moves, but different moves can be seamlessly connected. For example, after using the flying swallows, the player can continue to use this trick to chase, or use the white crane to spread the wings to open other people's attacks. .

Choosing which martial art weapon, the basic martial arts of this martial art will automatically appear for players to practice.

Zou Zhuo tried these martial arts and found that the difference is still quite big. Such martial art as Shaolin is inclined to hard steel, Tangmen is inclined to kite and yin, as for Tianlong teaching... The more murders, the more powerful?

This is a typical "easy to master" combat system, and the performance is very good.

Zou Zhuo finished the game's combat system and continued to wander around the inn.

It’s just that he has a question.

I feel that this game is not like rpg, nor is it like a stand-alone game that sells plots?

This scene is similar to the ruin scene of the previous Jedi Survival.

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