Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 955: Mission task (one more)

"How are you doing with a little fat man, have you washed the ass, I have to line up." Lao Qin said in the voice.

Zou Zhuo’s mouth twitched slightly: “Can you be civilized, don’t always say Daqin! I haven’t read the skills of these sects...”

"Oh, wait until you enter the game and look at it. You are not familiar with the skills, others are not familiar with the skills, everyone is not the old ass, while playing and not familiar with it." Lao Qin is obviously very confident.

In fact, the battle system of "Jianghu" has something in common with "Dark Soul" and "Monster Hunter". It is no wonder that Lao Qin feels good about himself.

"Okay, okay, let's take a look at it." Zou Zhuo said, pushing the door next to the backyard.

A white light flashed, and the inn and surrounding scenes quickly turned into a disappearance of data flow. At the next moment, Zou Zhuo found himself in a courtyard with a neat blue stone slab in front of the main hall. There is a copper stove burning a large incense; the plaque on the top reads the three characters of "Zhengqitang".

The initial area of ​​the players is Huashan, just like the quality square of eating chicken. This is random, and it is possible to be assigned to other sects.

There are all kinds of martial arts people around, and the costumes are different. Zou Zhuo had already recognized the costumes of different sects in the inn, and recognized the disciples of Shaolin, Wudang, Huashan, Tangmen and other sects.

There are a lot of them, and they should be over 100. Some people stand still in the same place, just caressing the long swords on the waist; some people look around and look around; others are simply walking around.

At this time, a line of prompt information appeared at the top right edge of Zou Zhuo's field of vision.

[There are 24 players in this game. The total number of disciples is 108. All are currently alive. 】

[Current identity: Wudang disciple. 】

[Target: Defeat all competitors in the martial arts conference to become martial arts ally and destroy all evil sects. 】

Zou Zhuo was shocked: "Is this a multiplayer game?!"

In fact, he had a foreboding for a long time, and he could double-row with the old Qin. This is obviously not a stand-alone game.

Then look down at your costume, it is indeed Wudang's clothes, dark gown, wide robes and large sleeves, hem down to the upper edge of the boots, looks like a dusty, very chic.

"Old Qin, what martial art do you have?" Zou Zhuo asked.

After two seconds, Lao Qin answered very reluctantly: "less... Shaolin."

Zou Zhuo almost "噗嗤" and laughed out loudly: "Let you not go away from **** every day, this is good, really not close to female color."

Lao Qin: "...what are you special about a stupid priest who can get close to a female color?"

Zou Zhuo: "I am sorry, many of the Wudang factions in the novel are able to marry and have children."

Lao Qin is a bit speechless: "I don't know much about the matching mechanism of this game. We have a small team and we have assigned two different sects?"

Zou Zhuo: "Oh... maybe it’s to prevent exposure. You want 24 players and 12 martial art. If two people are necessarily assigned to the same sect, isn’t this kind of team relationship really good?”

Lao Qin: "It’s also said to us... We’re chatting like this, won’t you be heard?”

Zou Zhuo looked around: "No, the system prompts, our voice is limited to the inside of the squad. Strictly speaking, other players, regardless of decent and evil, are our enemies, just like "Jesus Survival", we They can't communicate with each other."

"That's good." Lao Qin was curious to look at the East and West. "108 disciples, only 24 players. Guess what are the players?"

Zou Zhuo shook his head: "I really can't see it."

It stands to reason that players and npc should be well-resolved, but from the "Jesus Survival" mobile game began Chen Mo began to play routines, npc is completely in accordance with the player's rules of action to act, and some simply jumped and made, Some actions that don't exactly match the npc settings, but... he's really npc.

And it can't be completely distinguished from the appearance.

Different martial arts costumes have different characteristics and pendants. For example, the same Wudang gown, the player can hang jade on the waist, hang the sword spike on the long sword, or change the unique shape of the hair. Of course, these are the special appearances of opening the box, just like the little skirt in "Jesus Survival".

However, npc will also get some of these pendants randomly, so there are not necessarily players with special pendants, and none of them are not necessarily npcs. It is not realistic to expect the appearance to distinguish players.

Lao Qin doesn't care much: "It doesn't matter, there are only 24 players in total, which is much less than the number of players in "Jesus Survival". It is very likely that they will not touch the real players in the early stage."

Zou Zhuo: "Da Qin people are optimistic, how do I feel that I might not be able to beat npc..."

The two chatted for a while, and after a minute, the game officially began.

A goshawk flies past the air.


Zou Zhuo’s vision quickly rose and he came to the sky, and the entire map was unobstructed.

There are mountains, water, jungles and deserts.

In addition, there are a lot of cities and sects, and there are words ui one by one.

Among them, the three evil factions are on the periphery of the map, the Tianlong teaches in the northwest, the five poisons teach in the southwest, the shifting flower palace is in the southeast; the sects such as Xiaoyao, Emei, Tangmen, and Huashan are more distributed inside, and there are some special ones around. Locations, such as the desert, the western villages, bamboo forests, etc.; in the meantime, there are three major sects of Shaolin, Wudang and Gangbang, as well as three cities of Luoyang, Hangzhou and Chengdu.

At first glance, there are a lot of places, but in fact, it is well remembered on the big map.

For example, Wudang Mountain in the center of the entire map gives people the same feeling as the city of P in the Jedi Survival. The Tianlongjiao in the northwest corner is a bit like the port of G. The other scattered places are somewhat like the Jedi. The abandoned towns in Survival are scattered throughout the map.

Then, the goshawk swooped down and fell to Wudang Mountain.

At this time, Zou Zhuo's game character is in the bedroom of Wudang's head. Wudang's head is sitting on the bed and kneeling on the bed and healing his face. His face is very ugly.

On the side, one of the disciples of these disciples was heavy and released the task to everyone.

"The feelings of the older brothers in the past few days are not very good. I thought it was a cold feeling. I didn't expect the condition to suddenly deteriorate. I tried my best to ask for the doctor, but I was told that the master was in the middle of the eclipse. The poison of the heart! This poison runs slowly, and it will not endanger life for a while, but it has a great impact on the internal organs. If it can't be cured in time, the master of the martial arts may not only have a martial art, but if it is into the heart, it is very likely to kill! ”

"The doctor said that if you want to solve the poison of this eclipse, you need to find two kinds of medicines. The same is the seven colors of the Tianshan Mountains. It is the same as the golden dragonfly. I also want to protect the masters here. This important task can only fall on You are all on. You are all studying in Wudang since childhood. At this time, the turmoil in the rivers and lakes is the time when you use your feet. Remember, it’s a great achievement to find the medicines in the first time. I will teach you. Senior mind!"

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