Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 975: Cool! (two more)

At 5 o'clock in the morning, there are long queues of Thunder game experience stores, Lehui House and some technology market gates in major cities across the country, and there are still many foreigners.

According to the "internal news", this time the matrix game cabin is not too much, it will be distributed to all parts of the country for players to try and experience, and when it is officially released, it is likely to be grabbed.

It’s normal to think about it. After all, the value of this thing is too high. I don’t know how well the market accepts this thing. When I first start production, I must definitely consider the problem of the capital chain. When the heat comes up, I will also mass production. Not too late.

For the matrix game cabin, which is known as the "next generation", everyone's attitude is also very different, but in general, they are all with three points of suspicion.

“Is it really so popular in the promo?”

Many people do not believe that there is another very important reason, that is... foreign countries have never heard of this stuff!

Before that, there were some high-tech products that basically appeared in Europe and the United States. Although in this world, the domestic technology level did not fall too much, but it was often a short time to follow up. That is to say, the news that everyone had been informed of these high-tech products was first seen in foreign news, and there were reports from domestic technology media. Only then did the domestic self-developed similar products.

But this time, the technology that hangs the sky is actually the first in the country, which makes many people feel a bit unreal...

It’s not just the Chinese people who think so, even the foreigners are all awkward.

What the hell? Has the next generation vr game cabin with neural connection technology? What are our technology companies doing?

Foreign technology companies are also aggressive, what is it? Has this thing been made? And have to be put into production and sold? We have just touched the doorway with similar technology on our side!

Hurry and see if this stuff is bragging...

It can be said that once this news was released, it really caused a sensation in the world. Many foreign companies did not believe it at all. What? Le Hui? Are they not doing smart glasses? Isn't it the best price? When is this level of research and development, can this kind of black technology be made? ?

If there are key figures in the country who are suspicious, Chen Mo can use the wisdom of the aura to brainwash, and foreign countries can't manage it, let them guess it!


The Thunder Inter Entertainment Headquarters is the most lively, after all, the matrix game cabin is the most.

But no matter how much, in fact, it is only 20 sets. These are the first batch of samples produced for the players to try and use, but they have not had time to mass production.

As for the size of the players at the Thunder's Mutual Entertainment Headquarters, these 20 game cabins are basically not enough for the teeth, so they can only be forced to help, queue, and experience for a limited time.

Arranged, 20 minutes in a limited time, after which you have to change someone.

But even so, everyone's enthusiasm is still not reduced, there are a lot of sith and matrix glasses also brought over, while queuing and playing games; some people simply chat, sister, good new game cabin experience activities, there is a large The tendency of the offline dating party in that direction is off...

"Hey, are you coming? Are you arrogant? Well, I am going behind."

"Hey, I am coming to accompany you, bring sith? Open a game?"

"Come and come, the matrix glasses kill a plate, there is no more? Five people are less than one!"

“Is there any experience in front of the buddies, how do you feel about it?”

The experience area of ​​the matrix game cabin can be considered lively, but the people who are at the top are still not playing, because the 20 new machines are still being debugged.

After a few minutes, the debugging was done, and the first batch of testers immediately couldn’t wait to enter.

There is only one game in this vr game cabin, which is the demo version of "Detroit: Change Man". It is just the first small scene. It is the one that Zhou Jiangping tried before. "Talk about the collapse expert" Connor to deal with An unusual bionic person event, collecting information to save the little girl.

In fact, most of the rest of the game has already been done almost, but it has not been shown for everyone to play. Because this time the protagonist is the matrix game compartment, not "Detroit: change people", the main and secondary to figure out.

Looking at the first players who entered the game cabin, the people behind were all stretching their necks.

Through the transparent cabin door of the matrix game compartment, you can clearly see the cool nerve-connected helmet and restraint inside. Not only these parts, but the entire matrix game compartment reveals a beauty that transcends current technology.

A famous self-propelled causal weapon once said that whether it is a warship, an airplane or a weapon, the more handsome it is, the more powerful it is. The high and low value often represents its strength.

This argument is actually very reasonable. It can also be put on the product. When a product is perfect in performance and practicality, it will polish the appearance and polish the appearance beautifully.

(Of course, some of the second-known technology vendors who know how to do face-to-face engineering are not listed here.)

Obviously, the matrix game compartment is such a product that has approached maturity, although it has not been officially launched.

Twenty minutes later, the first players who entered the matrix game cabin arrived, coming out of the game compartment.

When I first took out the game cabin, everyone was shocked.

"The trough!"

"What a terrible thing! Just like a dream!"

"Is this special too real? I now feel that I have an illusion that I can scan..."

"The last shot is cool! Can you let me experience it again?"

"No, I have to go back and continue to line up. I want to play again."

"What? You shot? Why did I fall directly with the unusual bionic person and scare me out of a cold sweat..."

The players in the first batch of experience were very excited. They discussed while walking towards the back of the team and continued to line up.

The people in front of it are more excited to see this situation, and the vr game cabins that have all started to supplement the nerves are what it is.

But how do they make up for it, and they will still be surprised when they actually enter the matrix game compartment.

It turns out that the real crossing is like this!


Soon, a variety of posts about the matrix game cabin appeared on the Internet. Many people are asking, what is the experience of the matrix game cabin? Have you blown so hard? Is it really like crossing?

Players who have the opportunity to experience the queue have responded.

"It has been decided, no matter how expensive it will buy!"

"This thing is really subversive... It’s just about changing the rhythm of the world!"

"It is recommended that you can go to the Thunder game experience store or the Le Hui home to go to the half-day team to experience it, no matter how much money you have, you can't afford it, really, this feeling is really wonderful!!"

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