Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 976: So where can I buy it? (three more)

Not only the matrix game cabin itself, but also the test content of "Detroit: Changing People" makes many players feel very cool.

Players pass through the bionics and can experience a variety of cool skills, such as scanning, data analysis, scene reconstruction, etc. This feeling is like gaining super power, or gaining a future technology brain; and Connor When making some special actions that are difficult for humans to make, the system is automatically completed, and the player can also fully appreciate this feeling, which is simply exciting and thrilling.

Many people can't wait to post on the Internet after the trial: "Come and experience the matrix game cabin! Can't buy a loss, can't buy it!"

Even many people with physical disabilities have come to the queue. Whether it is poor eyesight, hearing loss or physical disability, as long as the brain is normal, you can feel the same feeling as a normal person in the matrix game compartment.

The players on the scene are also very friendly, and those who have physical disabilities have taken the initiative to let them go to the front.

A disabled person who lost his left arm because of a car accident, after the experience of the game cabin, tears in his eyes, the staff who directly found the experience area requested to buy, the staff can only explain to him: now still in the preparation and testing stage, these are It is a sample for display and is not for sale. It will not be officially released until a few days.

With more and more players exploding on the network, the popularity of the matrix game cabin is also skyrocketing. It does not require much publicity and has become the biggest hot topic at the moment.

On the Internet and in private, it seems that everyone is discussing how the matrix game cabin will bring about earth-shaking changes in people's lives.

The only problem is...

So where can I buy it? .jpg

Soon, the Thunder game platform and Lehui official website released the specific date and price of the official release of the matrix game console.

On Saturday, February 16, it was officially opened at 10 am.

The price is 298,888 RMB, and the next generation vr game "Detroit: Change" is given for free.

The first batch shipped 17,000 units, of which 3,000 units were purchased for the disabled and enjoyed a 10% discount on purchase. As for overseas, there is no plan for sale.

Many people are very puzzled, how is this shipment still zero? Is it difficult to make up 20,000 units?

And this 17,000 is too special, right? Although the game cabin is very expensive to sell, 300,000, but your shipment is only 17,000 units, which is definitely in short supply.

And you have to grab it!

Many players are saddened to say that Zhou Jiangping, when can you change the monkey's problem? You are not lacking the capital chain right now. Now it is the giant in the field of smart glasses. How to make a product and make a 17,000? Isn't this clear that let us grab it?

Really deserve your women's clothing!

In fact, Zhou Jiangping is suffering in the heart, because the first batch of matrix game cabins put into production is 50,000 units...

A game cabin of 300,000, these 50,000 units can directly enter more than 100 small targets, not to mention the problem of the capital chain, you want to mass production, you have to build a production line, the capacity can be raised More production, after all, this is a brand new product, the first batch can drive out 50,000 units is not easy.

As for why there are only 17,000 units left when it is released? Very simple, have been procured...

The army, the hospital, the sanatorium... There are so many sanatoriums in the country, and one or two units in each high-end sanatorium, there is not much left in the moment.

The purchase of this special unit must be prioritized over the purchase of individual consumers, and not only these special units, but also many people come to Zhou Jiangping to play the game cabin through various channels.

For example, some leaders of the amusement committee, entrepreneurs and friends who are more familiar with Zhou Jiangping, and domestic first-line game designers, some of them are self-use, some are given as gifts. These people even propose to increase the price, Zhou Jiangping can Give it?

Chen Mo’s experience store in all parts of the country has to stay a part, and Zhou Jiangping has no way to refuse.

Fortunately, the matrix game compartment is a new thing. Many people are watching the risk of this thing. Everyone is not too strong, so it is very easy to keep 17,000 units. It is already very good. If it is really robbed, it will be out of stock when the release date is announced. It is a joke.

However, Zhou Jiangping is not likely to explain this to consumers. This black pot game committee does not back, Chen Mo is not going to back, it can only work hard Zhou Zhou boss, he back...

This time it is appropriate to rob, in order to prevent the scalpers from selling after the price increase, this time still adopted very strict restrictions. Before snapping up, you must fill in your own detailed identity information, you can give it to others for your own use, but each one The game compartment must be bound to a citizen's ID card. It is detected that the information recorded by the user and the game cabin does not match. It is not possible to use the staff of the Thunder and mutual entertainment.

As for the overseas market... Sorry, domestic players can't buy it, you can do it later.

The price of the matrix game cabin is 300,000, which is beyond the limit of most working-class people. After all, for many people, this thing is blowing, it is nothing more than an entertainment device, a large game console. In some small towns, you can make a down payment for small units by adding more money.

But I have to say that the rich people in the world are beyond imagination...

300,000 in second-tier cities, it is only to buy a 15 bedroom flat in first-tier cities, may also buy a few bricks school district room.

In some cities, 40 million and 50 million houses have been emptied in an instant, and people will be very suspicious: Are you open a bank at home? How does it seem that I am so poor?

For these people, 300,000 next-generation vr game cabins? Buy, is it cheap to buy or people?

Don't say 300,000, if there is a scalper to sell, 500,000 also buy!

Everyone knows that as a mass production digital product, the matrix game cabin will definitely become cheaper and later, but its greatest value is that it can give players a unique experience, and this "feel" and "experience "It's priceless. Whether it's a young rich second generation or an older, poorly-healthy rich man, this next-generation vr experience is extremely eager for them. It used to be impossible to get money." .


On the eve of the sale, Zhou Jiangping’s phone was almost blasted, including some of Lehui’s top executives, some of the leaders of the amusement committee, and some of Chen’s men... all of them were inextricably linked. and all the crazy call and want to get a game matrix cabin through internal relations.

However, Chen Mo insisted that this batch of game cabins was sold directly to the market. Whoever wants, with the ability to grab, completely look at luck, we do not engage in black-box operations. If it is really difficult to refuse, then euphemistically tell him to wait for the next batch of matrix game consoles to be put into production.

Although the number of matrix game consoles produced is small, it is guaranteed that some players who really love the game will buy it.

Of course, looking at the current hot scene, the next step is definitely to expand the production line and put it into production in large quantities. After all, it satisfies the domestic market and the international market. The matrix game cabin is truly saturated in the world, and there is a long and long period. distance.

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