Then Gooden took a spoon, carved out a small piece and tasted it.

The pure sweet milk flavor and the cold texture make this taste a feeling of happiness!

"Well, it worked. Let's have a try."

Gudern said as he took a bowl from the side and scooped a lot of it into it, then added the fruits prepared by the maid into it and handed it to Moss.

After tasting the ice cream, Moss was quickly conquered by the taste.

"It's so delicious. The taste is better than that of the emperor... ahem, it's definitely more delicious than any of the royal banquets!"

Moss almost spilled the beans and quickly came over, but Gudern didn't care and made another copy to send to Anna.

As Gooden expected, Anna was immediately conquered by the unique taste of the ice cream.

After all, what girl doesn’t love sweets?

Especially when it’s ice!

"how is the taste?"

"It's so delicious. The unique flavor of the cream and the sweetness of the ice are really incredible!"

Anna tasted the ice cream and expressed her feelings at the same time.

"As long as you like it, I'll write you a recipe later. It would be too troublesome for me to make it. This thing requires magic to make it easy."

"Then thank you so much, Master Gudern!"

Gudern proudly gave the ice cream recipe to each other, while Anna and Moss interacted crazily in private.

"Gudern hinted to me that he wanted to learn magic, but with his physique..."

"Then why don't you just give him some basic teaching materials? It's not a secret anyway. They have sent me the ice cream recipe. Why don't you express your gratitude?"

"That's what I said, but I always feel like something is wrong..."

"If you hadn't been greedy and deceived, would you have needed to buy a book?"

"...Then don't eat it?"

Chapter 27 Magic is quite simple

Anna and Moss were bickering with magic in private, apparently eating faster than anyone else.

In no time, he finished the bowl of ice cream.

"Master Gooden, do you still have this ice cream?"

"Also, but eating too much of this food may have some effects on the body?"

Gudern originally wanted to remind him, but suddenly he thought that this is a different world, and people's bodies have different changes.

His concern seemed to be nonsense. After laughing awkwardly, he stood up and asked the maid to help him get another one.

Looking at Gudern's leaving figure, Moss waved his hand casually, and two special magic books appeared in his hands, and said with a smile.

"Look, Gudern has already said that eating too much of this food is not good. I will take care of your share later."


Anna rolled her eyes at the other person and ignored his nonsense.

Gooden went to the kitchen, made some more ice cream, and took advantage of his free time to send one to Irene.

How could such a good thing forget her? He still needs to brush up his good feelings.

After these two days of busy work, Irene's favorability score has reached over 80, which is much better than the previous shabby 65.

"This is called ice cream. Try it. Remember to pass the rest on to others, but don't eat too much secretly. It's not good for your health."

Gooden handed all the remaining ice cream to Erin, and then returned with the remaining two portions of ice cream.

"Come on, this is the last bit left, enjoy it slowly."

Pushing the ice cream in front of them, they made a gesture of invitation.

But the two of them did not use it directly. Just when Gudern was still a little confused, Moss took out two books from nowhere and put them on the table.

"Master Gooden, these two books are some of my experiences on basic magic. If you want to learn magic, these two books are quite suitable. I will give them to you as a thank you gift for the ice cream recipe."

Gooden was stunned for a moment, with some surprise on his face, and then declined.

"Isn't this... going to be bad?"

"It's okay. This is not a book banned by some churches or colleges. I compiled it myself, no problem."

Moss said it very easily. As a legendary Holy Light Warlock, although he is not a pure mage, his magical attainments are not inferior to those of ordinary legendary mage.

The two books he gave him were written by himself. As long as you can understand them and have a little bit of talent, becoming a mage is inevitable.

But...Gudern's talent situation...ahem.

"Thank you in advance, Mr. Moss."

Gudern took the book and thanked him solemnly.

After all, this is the note of a legendary boss. This kind of thing gives him an ice cream recipe in exchange for it. No matter how you think about it, he earned it with his blood.

After spending tea time chatting with the two, Gudern couldn't wait to return to the study and check out the two magic books.

The contents of both books were purely handwritten, plus some magic formulas and some array diagrams that he couldn't understand.

But Gudern could read and understand the easy-to-write words, and soon he skimmed over them and got a general idea.

If you want to learn magic, the first step is to feel the existence of magic.

But for Gudern, who is naturally insulated, this point was directly strangled to death.

Fortunately, there are still two opportunities for modification and three refreshes today, and there is still a chance to break the situation.

Then Gudern called out the panel.

[Name: Gudern Aldea (Qin Yun)]

[Occupation: Lord]

[Strength: None]

[Entry: Mineral appraisal expert, dragon and tiger, naturally insulated]

[Potential: Ordinary]

[Introduction: Among ordinary people, they are already relatively successful]

After two revisions, his own potential has risen from incurable to mediocre. At the same time, it is no longer considered successful to survive through the age of thirty.

Focusing on modifications, three modifiable entries soon appeared in front of him.

These three items were all left over from the last refresh, so Gudern refreshed them decisively to find new entries.

This time Gooden's requirements are not high. If there is no suitable entry, just replace the natural insulation with an entry with a positive effect.

Anyway, he could accept that this opportunity for revision was wasted.

However, Goddess of Luck seemed to favor him again today, and he got a small top-notch entry in the first refresh.

[Multi-tasking: being able to focus on or do multiple different things at the same time]

After a quick glance at the other two entries, Gooden directly replaced "Multi-tasking" with "Innate Insulation".

At the moment when the modification was completed, the pores all over Gudern's body seemed to open at the same time, frantically absorbing the surrounding energy.

At this moment, Gudern could vaguely feel that there seemed to be something special in the air.

Without hesitation, Gooden hurriedly sat cross-legged on the spot, began to learn the operations in the book, and began to feel the magic of the world.

Moss, who had been paying attention secretly, couldn't help but be startled when he saw Gudern sitting cross-legged and starting to run the magic spell.

"What is he doing? He can't really sense magic, can he?"


When Gudern was running the magic spell, the chaotic magic power wandering around began to gather towards him.

The two people who were proficient in magic magic could feel the changes in magic power and were surprised.

It was clear that Gudern had a body that was insulated from magic power one second, but how could he be able to sense and channel magic power the next second?

The two looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

At this time, Gudern was immersed in his own conscious world.

Looking at the colorful light spots around, these are the magic elements mentioned in the book.

Different light points represent different magic element attributes, such as red fire element, purple thunder element, etc.

The basic elements of this world are divided into seven types, fire, thunder, water, ice, wind, light, and darkness.

In addition to these seven types, there are four special elemental magics, namely: colorless elemental magic, space elemental magic, time elemental magic, and life elemental magic.

Among them, colorless elemental magic is the simplest among the special categories. It does not cause any substantial harm, but when gathered together, it can have various physical effects, a bit like telekinesis.

The hands of the mage are constructed and released using colorless elemental magic.

In addition, the two most special elemental powers, space and time, are the most difficult to learn. Those who do not reach the extraordinary level do not even have the opportunity to learn.

The life element magic is very complicated. Healing magic of water and light systems also contains this element.

For example, the druids of the Elven Kingdom of Ives also use the magic of life elements.

With his thoughts retracted, Gudern calmed down and prepared to try to control the moving magic elements.

As long as the magic element can be successfully moved, there is only the last step left to successfully cast the spell.

Focusing on the blue-white ice magic element, Gudern tried to use the strange traction of the guidance technique to try to make it move.

Under his gaze and constant efforts to control it, the lazy ice element twitched slowly, and then moved slowly in the direction of the guiding force reluctantly.


Seeing the magic element that he had successfully guided, Gudern suddenly became excited.

It seems that my magic talent is pretty good?

Then he opened his eyes and planned to try to cast his first magic.

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