The hand of the mage!

As a magic without any offensive or destructive power, it is very suitable to use it as the initial learning object.

Following the steps in the book, Gudern began to build the magic nodes bit by bit.

With the help of a multi-tasker, he built a complete node in just a few seconds.

Then, countless colorless magic elements began to pour into the nodes. At this time, Gooden suddenly had the illusion that he had an extra hand.

This is a sign of successful magic!

Using his mental power to carefully control this invisible mage's hand, Gudern couldn't help but sigh.

"Magic is quite simple..."

Chapter 28 Questions and Answers


"Simple? Is this what people say?"

"When I first learned magic, it took me more than an hour to successfully move the magic element."

"At that time, my teacher still praised me as a genius, but what about him? He didn't even have ten minutes, right? This included the time he spent reading!"

"Is that human being?!"

The peeping Moss was instantly shocked when he heard Gooden's comments.

Magic induction movement, as the first step to becoming a magician, seems simple, but it still wiped out more than 80% of the people on the entire continent.

It is normal for a normal person to feel the sensation for three to five days, but for Moss, as an absolute genius, one hour is indeed short enough.

But as a plug-in, Gudern is naturally not good enough compared with him.

"I'm thinking, if you catch him and study him now, what chance do you have of winning..."

Anna said faintly at this moment, Gudern's talent is really outrageous. One second he was insulating from magic, but the next second he could successfully release magic.

This thing is even more magical than Moss announcing that he has given up peeping.

"Forget it," Moss waved his hand.

"I understand why you said I was beaten badly. With this talent, even if I reach the Holy Spirit, I will still be beaten to death by him."

"...You are a legend now!"

"You said I was going to get beat up pretty bad."

"You are a legend now!"

"He can cast his first magic in ten minutes!"

"You are a legend now!"


"Forget it, the worst I can do is risk my life and kill him!"

As he spoke, Moss seemed to have decided something, rolled up his sleeves and was ready to go out and have a big fight.

But after reaching the door, he silently turned back and sat down, pretending that nothing happened.

The two were quarreling and quarreling, forgetting to talk about important things.

"Speaking of which, Gudern is indeed a little weird. Just before we came, he was seriously ill due to the attack, and then suddenly recovered overnight."

"My detection methods can confirm that he is a complete magic loser."

"But judging from the situation, you and I have been deceived. Now he either has something that can block detection, or..."

Moss slowly told Anna his opinion. After speaking, the two of them looked a little serious.

"With your strength, can't you find them?" Anna couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it can, but now both of us have misjudged it, and I don't even know whether to believe in magic anymore."

Sighing, Moss said helplessly.

While the two were thinking and discussing, Gudern had already begun to try to learn to use fire magic.

However, for safety reasons, he did not practice directly in the study, but found an empty room.

At the same time, he also asked the maid to prepare a basin of water and put it aside to prevent accidents.

While reading the contents of the book, Gudern also followed the instructions in the book.

Soon, countless fire elements around him began to gather, and the temperature of his fingertips began to rise.

A wisp of sparks suddenly appeared, and then a small flame also spewed out along with the sparks.

The slowly burning flames made Gudern very curious. What does this thing rely on to burn?

However, out of curiosity, Gudern did not forget about business, and further enlarged the structure that guided the fire element, thus attracting too many fire elements to enter.

At the same time, the small flames on the fingertips suddenly grew into small fireballs, and the surrounding temperature also rose again.

But he still couldn't reach the temperature he needed. If he wanted to soften the manganese steel ingot and reshape it, it would require a temperature of at least eight to nine hundred or more.

The flames in his hands were probably only one or two hundred at most, but when Gooden wanted to expand the small fireball again, he faintly felt that the magic structure seemed a little unstable.

This was a prelude to something beyond his control. Realizing that he was about to fail, Gudern quickly removed the magic power and cut off the supply of fire elements.

Without the supply of fire elements, the fire ball in his hand flickered twice and then went out out of thin air.

"Well, it seems that the mental strength is not enough...the temperature is not enough either..."

Gudern rubbed his palms, frowned slightly and began to think about the reasons for this failure.

At the same time, he opened the magic book again and looked for learning solutions.

Gudern then tried again several times, all of which ended in failure. He stopped the experiment only when he started to feel dizzy, indicating that he lacked mental strength.

"I take back what I just said, it's not easy..."

Rubbing his temples to relieve his headache, Gooden couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. This thing was really hard to do.

But considering that this is my first day of contact, I can’t be too strict.

Picking up the book, Gudern returned to the study and recorded the difficulties he had just encountered one by one to use as a correction guide for future study.

Looking out the window at the sky that has been dyed red by the setting sun, it means that it is almost time for dinner.

Gooden thought for a while, sat down and picked up a pen, writing down the ice cream recipe one by one, and also included the reaction time in detail.

During the previous production, Moss watched from the sidelines, which can be regarded as a way of recording, but if I write another one myself, it will be more sincere.

After completing the recipe, Gooden went directly to the kitchen to guide the work without taking a break.

Now that the other party has not left the castle, he has to learn humbly and see if he can solve the problems he encountered.

The main course of the dinner is dumplings, and the side dishes are some local specialties.

The two of them, who have mastered the use of chopsticks, are now feasting on dumplings with different fillings.

In order to create variety, Gudern specially made dumplings with three kinds of fillings, vegetable, meat and specially fished shrimp from the river.

The three different kinds of dumplings were well received by both of them, and Gooden did not forget to ask for advice during the dinner.

"Well, there are many solutions to these problems..."

Moss thought for a while, then took out a book from nowhere, flipped through two pages and handed it to Gooden.

"If you can master the use of magic power so quickly, you should also be able to master this magic vision quickly. After you master it, I will show you the solution."

Gudern glanced at the title on the book cover, which seemed to be a textbook from the Holy Academy of Hephros.

"Thank you so much Mr. Moss!"

With that said, Gudern put down his chopsticks and quickly studied the contents of the book.

As Moss said, learning this 'magic vision' is very simple, and Gudern was able to use it successfully after trying it twice.

"Master Gudern, if you were a few years younger, with your magical talent, I'm afraid every academy on the mainland would invite you."

"Thank you, Mr. Moss. I was only able to do this out of curiosity."

Gudern was also very humble, but Moss just smiled and did not answer. Then he put down his chopsticks, put them in place, and began to explain the problem to Gudnen.

Chapter 29 The Charm of Magical Science

"Let's start with element control."

"Controlling the elements requires spiritual guidance. As long as there is no external force to change the consumption of this part, everyone's consumption will be the same."

"If you want to continue the guidance operation after constructing the magic, you will have to continue to consume mental energy. Therefore, the most mental-saving method after creating the magic is to throw it out directly."

“If you want to control and stabilize the elements for a longer period of time, it is very necessary to rely on external help.”

"For example, staffs or some alchemy items and potions, but the amplification help of the latter has a time or frequency limit."

"Only the staff can help the caster reduce mental consumption and stabilize the magic element to the greatest extent."

At this time, Gooden was a little enlightened. He had been thinking before that he could cast spells without a staff, so what was the use of the staff?

This kind of thinking can be regarded as being misled by the movies and TV shows in the previous life.

"If you have a staff to assist you, when you gather the fire elements to increase the temperature, you should be able to break through to a higher temperature."

"This is one of the simplest solutions, but there are no tricks. Next, I will teach you some basic principles and demonstrations of element mixing."

After Moss finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, followed by a flash of light, and a simple layer of protection was arranged in the room.

"In order to prevent accidents, do a little protection."

Gooden nodded slightly without expressing any objection.

"I won't use any help now. The structure of this fireball should be the same as yours. You can turn on your magic vision to see it."

Shooting a ball of fire in his hand, Moss explained, and Gudern also quickly opened his magic vision to observe.

The fireball in Morse's hand was no different than what he had summoned.

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