Why does this thing not look like a natural creature, but more like a created 'magical' creature?

"The prophecy has come true... Unknown invaders have appeared on the battlefield in the second realm. It seems that our advance deployment is still effective. The prophecy is exactly the same as at this moment. If we fail to attack the second realm, the invaders will be there within one year at most. Appearing on the Dawn Continent.”

Beria looked at the scene in front of her and said with a heavy tone.

But fortunately, everything is too late now. They still have a lot of time to think about how to prevent the unknown intruders from entering the morning light. They even want to go further and see if they can do what the gods failed to accomplish thousands of years ago, which is to bring the unknown intruders into the sky. The invaders are completely eliminated!

Chapter 273 Space Collapse, Destruction Plan

When the unknown intruder appeared, Gudern also decisively issued an order for the entire army to retreat.

For these monsters, conventional troops cannot cause harm to them. If they stay on the second battlefield, a random aftermath attack can cause considerable casualties.

The purpose of attacking the second world is to find a way to annihilate them. As for the hell clan, it is just a side mission.

The unknown invader emerged from the huge space rift, and his terrifying aura power was not covered up at all, and it was rampant on the entire battlefield of the second realm.

Near the divine domain where the space door was opened, the God of Thunder and other gods changed their expressions drastically after sensing the aura again.

"Unknown intruders...why are they here?"

Regarding the invaders, the gods of the divine domain are all people who survived the ancient battles. They are very clear about the strength of the invaders.

This kind of monster is not only powerful and difficult to kill, but more importantly, its number is limited to its location. They killed at least more than a hundred of these monsters in the battle, but the number of unknown intruders did not seem to change at all. Still investing the same scale of troops to achieve their 'goals'.

"Damn, it must be the fault of those guys in Chenxi. How long will Starzhuo need?"

Feeling the power of fear, the God of Darkness gritted his teeth and asked quickly.

"No...it will take half a day at the earliest."

Faced with the inquiry, Starzhuo gritted his teeth and responded hurriedly. At this moment, everyone in the venue was very anxious, but it was useless to be anxious. They could only continue to bury their heads and output with all their strength to try to close this.

But now, all the terrifying hell monsters are attacking one after another like crazy.

Even for a divine domain where the gods have an advantage in numbers, this kind of attack is very stressful.

The unknown intruder who arrived at the same time seemed to have received the signal, and the huge body began to move in this direction.

The unknown intruders continued to approach, as if some kind of death countdown was continuously decreasing. The special vibration and low roar made all the gods feel a little throbbing, and a sense of fear could not help but arise from their hearts.

"Half a day is enough for us to be slaughtered three times. If we continue, we will die. We must find a way."

Tude, the God of Thunder, said with a serious face. Everyone present was very clear about the terror of the invaders. It was very difficult for them to deal with even one intruder, let alone ten of them at once.

"Is it possible to destroy it with divine power?"

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Tude asked in a deep voice.

"It's possible, but doing so will cause the space to collapse. The passage connects the two domains. Once destroyed, it will also affect the divine domain..."

Space collapse is a serious disaster. Once formed, it will swallow up the surrounding space bit by bit, and can absorb and swallow everything around it.

And this process is irreversible. Even as gods, it is difficult for them to control the collapse of space and restore it.

But considering the current threat from unknown invaders, it seems that the issue of space collapse is not worth mentioning.

"Let's take action. When the other side takes action, we will have no chance."

The God of Darkness on the side said in a deep voice, compared with the choice between these two things, choosing a little sacrifice is still insignificant compared to the sacrifice of the entire divine domain.

Regarding this choice, the God of Thunder also stood decisively with the God of Darkness. Looking at the attitudes of the two, the God of Space gritted his teeth slightly and nodded.

"Okay, I understand, leave two blocks and the rest can withdraw."

The two nodded slightly and immediately issued an order to notify the other gods who were fighting to immediately break away from the battlefield.

Gudern continued to pay attention to the battlefield situation in the Divine Realm. The sudden withdrawal of the gods in the Divine Realm made him shake his head slightly.

It seems that the gods of the divine realm have made a decisive decision. They directly choose to give up and destroy part of the divine realm, which will also cut off the connection between the second world and the divine realm.

They and their team have also analyzed the choice of God's Domain. Brutal cracking uses the power of space to close it. Even if the God of Space comes, this unique technology is integrated with the power of the world's will. It is impossible to close it within a period of time.

During this period of time, according to the normal plan analysis, they were waiting for the God's Domain clan and the Hell clan to fight each other, while they, Chen Xihao, waited quietly.

Even if God's Domain can successfully close the space channel later, before that they can open another one again while the other party is not paying attention.

The gods of the Divine Realm can reproduce such disgusting tactics for Chen Xi, but for them, they have already prepared strategies to deal with it and do not panic at all.

Based on the current situation, it is impossible for God's Domain to close the space door through normal means, so the only option is to destroy it.

In the command room of the World Base Point, Gooden thought for a moment, then immediately connected to the communication and issued the order.

"Inform all the troops in the second battlefield to withdraw, take away all supplies, and destroy what cannot be taken away. In addition, the independent army will be left lightly armed to garrison the bridgehead base and be ready to evacuate at any time."

Following Gudern's order, the million-strong army that had been prepared on the front line immediately started the evacuation process in accordance with the order of the retreat plan, and gradually teleported back to the morning light.

The independent regiment that received the garrison order also began to shrink its troops and stationed in the bridgehead base for observation.

At the same time, the gods on the other side of the divine realm also worked together to inject divine power to forcibly destroy the space door before the unknown invaders arrived.

The huge power fluctuation instantly tore the entire space door into pieces, and the violent turbulence swept hundreds of kilometers around it instantly.

All the hell monsters that came to support were torn apart by the turbulence below the shock level, and even many of the shock level monsters suffered serious casualties.

But the destruction is far more than that. In the core of the Space Gate, the torn and destroyed Space Gate collapsed and compressed into a black ball, from which violent suction and powerful space force burst out. Everything around here.

Some fear-level monsters that were relatively close and unable to react were instantly swept to death by the aftermath of the space collapse.

After sensing and observing the withdrawal of the gods in the divine realm, the intruders who arrived paused one after another, and then stopped their progress and stayed where they were, seemingly to communicate and rest.

Gudern, who is also paying attention to the movements of the unknown intruder, is currently discussing the next arrangement plan with a group of people.

The arrival of the unknown intruders allowed them to skip the plan of luring the snake out of the hole in advance, but with their arrival, another problem emerged.

How to completely eliminate the unknown invaders?

Due to the elusive form of the unknown invader and its powerful combat power, the gods have not discovered its habitat or lair since the encounter.

We don't even know the number and origin of the opponent's race. There is no way to deal with this situation.

This kind of unknown enemy is a big headache for Chen Xi.

Now this headache problem also falls on Gudern and others.

However, Gudern already has a special idea regarding this issue, and is currently negotiating with everyone to make arrangements.

"The biggest problem with this plan is how to penetrate the positioning device into the intruders, and then force them to return to their lair to rest. According to the current plan, there are two ways. The first is to concentrate the power of the gods to fight the opponent head-on. , implant the positioning device into the intruder's body during the melee, and the second method uses long-range weapon coverage to continue striking until the implantation is confirmed."

"The first of the two methods is risky, but it can implant tracking with a higher probability but is dangerous. The second method cannot guarantee the success rate, but it will be relatively safer."

Everyone thought about this proposal for a while, and then Olek asked.

"Can this tracker guarantee that it can track the other party?"

In response to the query, Olek then added.

"For thousands of years, the gods have tried various methods to find each other's lair, but they all ended in failure. If you don't have confidence, let's use the second method."

Although Olek is also a person who can go to the battlefield to fight unknown invaders without saying a word, he still needs to avoid some possible losses in such an action.

"I can't guarantee this, but this tracking technology does not use magic. Logically speaking, it should not overlap with the ideas of the gods."

Gooden shook his head slightly. The technology used in the tracker was purely made of technology. Although it also had magic components, it was only used to ensure its charging.

Even functions without magic parts can still work, but the time may be shortened a lot.

Although the technological development in Qingyuan's hands is not as rapid and complete as magic technology, he has also completed a lot of overtaking upgrades in corners with the help of magic technology.

For example, radio technology has been completely popularized to replace bloated magic signals, and other industrial upgrades have also been comprehensively improved, accelerating the production of the entire Qingyuan and even the alliance.

This time the tracker is also the product of overtaking in corners. The principle is similar to the effect of magic non-delay communication, which can realize the transmission of information regardless of distance.

After slight adjustments and modifications to this technology, it can be used as a positioning instrument, but Gooden himself cannot guarantee 100% whether the positioning can be successful.

But such a positioning idea should be unprecedented, so Gooden still has good confidence in it.

After all, there were good results in the tests in the Second World and Dawn World.

"However, the current situation still gives us a lot of opportunities. We can first try to use long-range bombing for implant positioning. If this method doesn't work, then we can also consider sending people forward."

Gooden also made plans for the installation of the tracker.

Seeing that Gudern had already made preparations and plans, everyone nodded slightly in agreement.

Then Gudern took advantage of the situation and continued preparations for the next stage.

"If everything goes well, after implanting the tracker, we will have to consider how to drive them away. According to the original plan, the invaders will not appear until at least half a year after attacking the second world. Then we will use the divine domain and the second world to To complete the destruction of the world, but now the plan cannot catch up with the transformation of the divine space door to open ahead of time, and unknown invaders are coming..."

Regarding the current situation, Gudern is also a little troubled. After all, no one expected that the Hell Clan huddled in the second realm would have such a strong force.

It is also necessary to open the space door of the divine domain in advance, but the subsequent chain reaction is the sudden arrival of unknown invaders.

Although all the news we have received so far is bad news, after analyzing it, we can find that the unknown intruder has never relaxed its attention to Chen Xi, and it can even be said that it takes it very seriously.

When the Divine Realm arrived, the unknown invaders came in person to fight. Unfortunately, the gods of the Divine Realm ran very fast and failed to let Gooden see the strength of the unknown invaders.

It is precisely for this reason that if you cannot grasp the strength of the invaders, you will suffer big losses if you start a battle rashly.

"Then your plan is to... destroy both worlds in advance?"

Beria on the side made a brief analysis of the current situation and then asked aloud.

"We have this plan. If we want to use conventional force to drive away the invaders, it will probably cost us a lot. The time of appearance is too early, and many preparations have not been completed."

Gudern nodded slightly and said his plan.

Deciding to destroy the Second Realm and the Divine Realm in advance is very meaningful to everyone.

"But isn't the deployment of the destruction guide still being prepared? Is this time enough?"

"This is also a problem that everyone needs to solve. The ideas for guiding destruction are almost there now. Next is the stage of experimentation and exploration. We need help from all races."

Gudern listed the issues needed at the moment one by one, and everyone in the room agreed after consultation, and then immediately started preparations.

At the same time, the independent legion stationed in the second realm also followed the instructions and prepared to attack the unknown.

Their attack is used to cover up some special equipment to study how to implant trackers, but it is also possible to anger the opponent after the attack, leading to an attack.

At this moment, the intruder has been standing there and made no other moves since the gods of the divine domain fled.

This situation also gave Chen Xi a certain amount of time to make subsequent arrangements.

While the joint mission of destruction and tracking was being deployed, the other side of the Divine Realm was in bad luck.

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