The impression brought about by forcibly destroying the space channel directly turned the airspace within a thousand miles of the divine domain into a dead zone.

God's Domain is a world built for escape and restart. The diameter of the entire world is estimated to be only a quarter of the entire Dawn World.

The range of a thousand miles is not enough compared to the range of tens of thousands of miles for education, but it still caused a lot of trouble and impact on the God's Domain.

And this influence does not only last in this area. While the God of Thunder and others are working hard to suppress and smooth out the space destruction, the second realm is already preparing for probing attacks and cover-up missions against unknown intruders.

Chapter 274 Final Chapter

"Are they still not responding?"

Looking at the magic picture returned from the front line transmission, Gudern asked.

"Young Master." The soldier monitoring the magic light curtain stood up and saluted, then continued.

"At present, the opponent has not made any changes and is still in the same place. All the surrounding hell clans have also withdrawn and concentrated in the core area of ​​the second realm."

After the gods of the Divine Realm fled, these unknown invaders stopped in the endless wilderness of the second realm. Three days have passed and there is still no change.

Regarding this group of enemies from the unknown void, Gooden was also curious about why they suddenly stopped moving. Is it just to protect the sovereignty of the second world?

However, Gooden did not continue to think deeply about the arrangements for these intruders. He nodded slightly to indicate that he understood, and after letting the surveillance soldiers continue to pay attention, he went to the command post to prepare for the final offensive preparation command task.

Gudern is very much looking forward to the situation of this attack. If everything goes well, the detection and destruction missions will be completed in less than a day.

It can be said that the research progress of military weapons based on magic and technology in other worlds has surpassed Blue Star's original technology, and can even be said to have surpassed normal technology.

Especially with the help of scientific and technological ideas, the diverse functions of magic weapons have become more and more powerful. Many special weapons have been developed with the imagination of the magic researchers at the Magic Research Institute and the accumulation of unlimited resources. Many terrifyingly powerful equipment have been developed one after another. Birth.

Its power has surpassed the normal legendary attack, and is even more powerful than the attack of the Holy Spirit. If it were not for the warning of the will of the world, and the strict prohibition of Gudern, these people would have been able to eliminate the Dawn Continent long ago. Other places outside were ruined.

However, Gudern did not prohibit the research of such weapons, but only placed the testing of weapons in the second world.

And now the task of preparing to destroy the second world and the divine realm has been entrusted to them.

Outside the door of the world's base point space.

At this moment, all the top combat forces in Chenxi are gathered here, ready to enter the second realm.

Looking at the people gathered here, Gudern took a deep breath and then gave the order to officially start the battle against the unknown intruders.

"The attack begins! The Independent Legion executes its offensive operations as planned, and the attacking team is waiting for the results of the Independent Legion."

Following Gudern's order, the independent legion that was ready in the second realm immediately got busy.

Weapons that had been aimed at the unknown invaders and the Hell clan soared from the fortifications, and countless attacks with magical radiance drew special tail marks in the sky.

In order to avoid interference from the Hell Clan in possible subsequent battles, most of these attacks were directed towards the Hell Clan.

Only a small number of strikes were carried out to conceal the implantation of targeting devices.

This blow can be said to have used up all the assets of the entire Chenxi Continent. The continuous blows have slightly increased the brightness of the entire second world.

Under such a blow, the unknown intruders who stood there did not react at all, as if they did not care about the interference of these attacks.

Through the broadcast of remote magic projection, looking at the unharmed unknown intruder, the expression on Gudern's face did not change much.

Failure to cause damage is a normal situation. If these ordinary weapons can also cause damage to these invaders, then the battle between the Dawn Gods thousands of years ago will really become a joke.

Compared to the effect of the attack, Gudern is still more concerned about the deployment of the locator.

Before he could ask, the person in charge of the combat command room came forward to inform him.

"Report, according to the feedback from the front line, the twelve intruders have been successfully attached with locators, and everything is running normally."

After hearing the report, Gooden nodded slightly, and then asked.

"Execute the second phase of the strike, confirm that the locator is attached correctly, and also notify the Star Killing Force to start taking action."

In order to avoid problems with positioning equipment, it is also necessary to test the stability of the positioner.

As Gudern continued to give orders, countless attacks began to attack the unknown person crazily.

These attacks that came like raindrops seemed to finally make these monsters tired. One of the intruders stood up slightly, and then a transparent and invisible energy struck in the direction of the attack.

This invisible energy was extremely fast, and there was no explosive light point anywhere it passed the impact attack, and then the attack landed on a base where the artillery bombardment was launched.

In an instant, the entire base was swept away by huge energy. When the energy fluctuations dissipated, all that was left in place was a huge bottomless pit.

Looking at the destructive power of the casually thrown attack, Gude couldn't help but take a breath. This unknown intruder was indeed terrifying.

However, I was secretly glad that fortunately, these fire launch bases were controlled by remote magic and there were no personnel stationed there. Otherwise, there would be absolutely no survivors in an attack of the scale just now.

The sudden counterattack by the unknown intruder also caused everyone in Chenxi to feel nervous, but the news that came back immediately excited Gudern.

"Report, the enemy's attack just now did not affect the tracker, and all tracking data is normal."

Such a powerful attack had no impact on the tracker. After thinking for a moment, Gooden immediately informed the Star Killing Force of their actions.

"Inform all personnel in the second realm to return to Dawn immediately. The Star-Zhu units can carry out the task of connecting and destroying. In addition, the teams of gods should prepare for defense tasks and be ready to attack at any time."

Gudern gave the order to destroy in a deep voice, and following his order, the Star Killing troops who had been prepared immediately began to get busy.

The destruction is not only aimed at the second realm, but also the divine realm that is undergoing remedial work.

An underground hidden base in the second realm was broken out of the ground after Gudern's order. At this moment, the huge magical mechanical device was running rapidly under the operator's remote command.

At the same time, bursts of huge energy were also emitted from the magic machine. At this time, the unknown intruders thousands of miles away seemed to have sensed this energy, and they all 'raised their heads' and looked towards this place.

As the energy became more powerful, the unknown intruder also realized that something was wrong and immediately launched an attack to counterattack.

But when the huge mechanical device was unearthed, all preparations had been completed. Before the unknown invader's attack arrived, a brilliant stream of light shot out from the magic machine and headed straight for the core of the second world.

At the same time, at the base point of the Dawn World, the same magical equipment shot out a dazzling stream of light, heading straight for the divine realm from the space crack opened by everyone.

The dazzling stream of light ignored the turbulence of space and crashed straight into the Divine Realm. In an instant, cracks like broken glass appeared in the sky of the entire Divine Realm, and at the same time, terrifying energy fluctuations swept across the entire world.

The gods who repaired the collapsed area all raised their heads and looked at the sky in horror, not knowing what was happening. Then the entire sky shattered, and countless streams of light entered the divine realm with space turbulence.

These streams of light seemed to have their own goals and rushed towards the core of the world. When these energies came into contact with the core of the world, a huge vibration occurred in the core of the entire world, and then a wave of energy that could destroy everything swept out from it and destroyed the entire divine domain. .

Those gods who did not react also turned into ashes with this energy, and at the same time, the same scene also appeared in the second world.

Terrifying energy swept from the center of the second world, quickly covering the unknown invaders.

Waves that could destroy the entire world were difficult for even these invaders to resist. Although they resisted, several died in the impact in just a few seconds.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining invaders immediately opened teleportation and got into the void to escape from the second world that had entered ruins.

At this time, at the base point of the Dawn World, the monitoring center is nervously checking the tracking equipment installed on the unknown intruder. As for the two worlds that were destroyed and attacked, it is not what they need to care about now.

"Yes! The target has been tracked. The signal strength is normal and we are continuing to track!"

A sudden shout attracted everyone's attention, and Gudern also took the opportunity to put his eyes on the magic light screen in front of him to check the tracking situation.

"The target is rapidly traveling through space, heading towards the unknown void."

"The target has stopped moving, the space barrier has been detected, and a new world has been discovered!"

"Warning, sensors are being destroyed..."

"Warning, a large number of unknown intruders have been discovered, the number...over 100 million!"

"Warning, the last sensor is offline, but the opponent's spatial coordinates have been recorded and locked, and an annihilation plan can be launched at any time!"

One after another information was transmitted in the monitoring hall. After hearing the number of intrusions, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

Just a few dozen invaders have already caused unparalleled damage to the entire Chenxi, and there are still hundreds of millions of 'compatriots' in their lair. If a large army invades the territory, they will not be able to resist at all. ability.

Looking at all the data sent back, Gooden looked back at everyone. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him, waiting for him to issue the final attack order.

The number of enemies exceeded their expectations, but their plan was to annihilate these monsters in one fell swoop. Now that they had successfully found their 'lair', the next step was to make a decision.

If these monsters cannot be eliminated at once, Chenxi will face the wrath of endless unknown invaders, but if he succeeds...

Gooden took a deep breath, then looked at the weapons officer aside and asked.

"Can the remaining strike reserves currently reserved be able to completely destroy the opponent's world?"

"No problem. According to the detection data, there is no difference between the opponent's world and the normal world. As long as the core of the world is destroyed and the surrounding space is destroyed and blocked in advance, it will be difficult for the opponent to escape unless he surpasses the gods."

After hearing this, Gooden thought for a moment, then looked at the people waiting aside, took a deep breath, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Lock the coordinates of the opponent's world, seal off the surrounding space, and don't let an unknown intruder escape. Use all other weapons to focus fire on the core of the opponent's world. Attack!"

The attack order was issued, and countless weapons at the ready tore through the space and rushed towards the target.

In the world of unknown invaders, they seem unaware of the danger coming.

With the arrival of the streamer, the invaders who had just returned realized that something was wrong when they saw this scene, and wanted to call on their compatriots to evacuate, but the blocked space prevented them from crossing.

And as the unstoppable attack went straight to the core of the world, the entire world was turned into nothingness in just a short moment.

After the attack ended, countless reconnaissance equipment arrived to see how effective the attack was.

As they saw the remains of countless unknown invaders in the broken world, everyone's expressions instantly rose.

"It worked! We won!"

"Victory! Victory belongs to us!"

As the cheers rose one after another, Gooden's nervousness gradually relaxed, but now was not a good time to celebrate. He coughed slightly and then gave an order.

"Inform the Independent Army to prepare and go to the Broken World to conduct reconnaissance to ensure the complete destruction of the enemy."


A week later.

As intelligence from the Broken World continues to be sent back, and monitoring equipment built for unknown invaders comes online, it is officially confirmed that all unknown invaders have died in the destruction of the world.

After the official confirmation of the news was announced, the entire Chenxi fell into a carnival.

It can be said that the Hell Clan has always been a worry for the entire Chenxi, but now it is completely annihilated so that they will no longer be invaded by foreign enemies in the future. This kind of thing will be beneficial to the future.

At the same time, in Qingyuan City, Gudern was in a special space.

Endless stars were shining around them, and in front of them, a soft ball of light was suspended.

"Traveler from another world, this morning world is safe. Thank you for your help."

The ball of light in front of him is the will of the world in the world of Chenxi, and his time-travel and modification system was given to him by the will of the world to develop and save Chenxi.

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