So much so that by the time the orc troops charged into the Imperial soldiers and fought in close quarters, a full third of their number had been lost.

Despite such serious battle damage, the orcs still showed no signs of defeat. Instead, they aroused their ferocity and attacked humans one by one without fear of death.

"CTMD, so vicious? Let's see who is faster today, you or my bullets!"

Looking at the income that had rushed to the war, Gudern cursed angrily.

When fighting an enemy at close range, no one knows what actions they will make in the next second.

Even with the help of an accurate entry, Gudern did not dare to shoot directly in this complicated situation. Instead, he provided fire support and intercepted other orcs who came to support.

Seeing the support path being created into a vacuum zone, Dedalo roared loudly.

"Brothers, the lord has helped us solve the big trouble. We can't let us not earn any military merit. Now fight back with all your strength! Kill!"

As Dedalo shouted, all the imperial soldiers roared and began to launch a countercharge towards the orcs.

The orcs who had not yet reacted were forced back by this sudden 'attack'.

But with the orcs' powerful physique, the Imperial soldiers' counterattack effect could only temporarily push them back a few steps.

After the orcs stabilized their formation again, the two sides began to get anxious together again.

Blocked by the charge of the imperial soldiers, Gudern was engaged in "immersive" target practice at the moment. When he saw the target, he directly activated his magic guidance to shoot.

Even if there were cunning orcs hiding behind trees, it would only be a matter of three bullets.

Two shots penetrated the tree with one hit, and another shot killed him.

Only some orcs hiding behind rocks were difficult to attack. Other than that, all those running within his field of vision had fallen to the ground.

Out of more than a hundred orcs, under Gudern's full firepower, only less than thirty were left.

Only about twenty of them reached the defense line, and the rest were either hiding behind rocks or lying in a corner of the jungle pretending to be dead.

As the orc commander, the centurion also took three bullets during the charge and went directly to meet their beast god.

When the battlefield situation reversed, Dedalo, as commander, immediately revised the order.

"Capture them alive! Capture them alive! One gold coin for each orc! Ten gold coins for capturing the commander!"

After shouting these words, Dedalo immediately pulled away and ran towards Gudern's defense area behind him, while shouting at the same time.

"Lord, I need a living orc prisoner. Can you please pause your attack? I can handle the next situation."

Looking at the gun receiver that was already hot after consecutive firings, Gooden nodded loudly in response.

"No problem, but don't let these bastards get away. I still have property here."

"Put it on my body. If you run away, I will personally cut off your head to apologize to you!"

Dedalo said very domineeringly, and then immediately returned to the frontline battlefield and personally joined the battle to end it quickly.

On the orc side, half of a hundred-man team was inexplicably killed in just a few minutes.

Even if their animal ambitions are strong, they can't help but feel fear in their hearts.

And as the centurion also died with the same inexplicable wounds, the high morale was completely destroyed in an instant.

Without the fierce and passionate fighting spirit, the remaining remnants were completely wiped out in a short time with the combat power of the imperial soldiers.

Of course, Gudern did not disappoint. Even the orcs who were pretending to be dead and hiding were captured or killed by Dedalo in a short while.

In the end, there were only thirteen prisoners captured by Dedalo, and they were all unable to move due to battle injuries.

Looking at the corpses of orcs on the ground, Dedalo's eyes were still a bit unreal. Under the attack of hundreds of orcs, he actually resisted?

Although a large part of it was solved by the Lord of Qingyuan, Master Gudern, it still made him a little unbelievable.

After taking a deep breath, he immediately arranged the battlefield cleaning work, and he was going to 'debrief' Gudern to understand the next arrangements.

"Lord," Dedalo said, kneeling on one knee to show respect.

"Captain Dedalo, I, as a lord, cannot bear such great courtesy."

Seeing this action, Gudern was also startled and quickly asked him to get up.

As an imperial army, the other party belongs directly to His Majesty the Emperor, and he is just a lord. Although he has great autonomy, he is not so favored by the regular army.

Dedalo, who stood up, shook his head and said.

"No, Lord Lord, this is due respect to you. I was already prepared to die in battle. If it weren't for your appearance, I'm afraid I would have been a piece of rotten flesh under the orc's knife after tonight."

Soldiers are proud of being strong. Even though Gudern used special weapons to kill the enemy, this record still shocked him greatly.

So much so that when capturing prisoners at the end of the battle, Dedalo used honorifics to ask questions.

Chapter 53 Answers to questions about book friends

The number of book friends gradually increased, and the comment area became active. I actually paid attention to and recorded some of your questions in the background.

Originally I wanted to wait until it was released to make a unified response summary, but I found that there seemed to be a lot of questions, so I opened a single chapter to explain them in advance.

The first thing that attracts the most attention is the issue of element classification.

The classification I have set in the book is seven basic elements and four special elements.

Fire, thunder, water, ice, wind, light, darkness, colorless, space, time, life.

One of the questions that everyone is most concerned about is why there is no "earth element". In fact, this is a problem of my design.

The first seven basic elements, except water and ice, which have a "solid reality" and can be evaporated and melted, are all expressed in the form of energy.

When it comes to the earth element in actual combat, the most critical question is how should it be displayed?

Control the surrounding land? Or is it to extract earth elements from elemental energy and turn them into 'physical matter'?

If it's the former, it can actually be achieved by using the spell of turning colorless elements into 'magic hands'.

If it's the latter, the power of the earth element to 'create things out of thin air' is too buggy, and it won't be a problem if it's thrown into a special type.

After all, the created 'earth element' exists in a physical state and can be preserved forever.

In fact, the explanation here may be just quibbling for everyone, such as what other elements are like.

But as far as I am concerned, there is basically no big problem with my design idea. It is just that when I want to use the power of the 'earth element', I need more process conversions.

If you still have questions about elements, you can leave a message in the book circle and I will join the discussion.

Let’s talk about the second question, about some doubts about settings.

I will also make an agreed comparison format and put it here.

First, there are eight stages in terms of class: Awakening, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Extraordinary, Legend, and Holy Spirit

Secondly, they are also available on the Internet. In fact, everyone can guess that they are demigods and gods, but those are all things in the later stage. For now, just look at these eight stages.

Then there is the benchmarking classification of potential.

Potential Value: Hopeless, Ordinary, Extraordinary, Rare, Undying Legend, Eternal Star

Incorrigible (ordinary people who die young).

Ordinary (people below middle level, without special abilities).

Extraordinary (having good attainments in a certain area, or reaching the level of master)

Rare and rare (extraordinary), everlasting legend (legend), eternal shining star (holy spirit)

At the same time, the quality classification of some items: inferior, ordinary, fine, excellent, rare, legendary, artifact

Secondly, there are some settings regarding loyalty.

Favorability categories: worship as a god/until death do us part (100), worship/admiration (99-90), respect/favor (89-70), friendliness (69-60), indifference (59-40), hatred (39) -1), mortal enemy (0)

Loyalty categories: Absolutely loyal (100), Insidious (99-90), Loyal (89-70), Follow one's lead (69-60), Malicious (59-40), Treacherous (39-1), Rebellion (0)

Then give a brief introduction to the two categories.

Favorability is also divided into two categories, one is pure goodwill, and the other is loving goodwill. The former is easier to convert into loyalty, while the latter is a lover.

In terms of favorability and loyalty, if you ask him to help get something, it will definitely be okay. If you ask him to charge into battle, he will definitely hesitate or refuse.

And loyalty means that he will do whatever you ask him to do, even if it is very dangerous, he will try his best to do it, but the price is losing loyalty.

In addition, in case some people have doubts about the conversion of money, I will also post it here.

100 copper coins can be exchanged for 1 silver coin, 100 silver coins can be exchanged for 1 gold coin, 10 gold coins can be exchanged for 1 platinum coin, and 10 platinum coins can be exchanged for 1 magic gold coin.

A family in Qingyuan Town spends 50-70 copper coins a day, which will rise to 70-100 copper coins in the city. If the surrounding areas of the royal capital are prosperous, the daily expenses will range from 1-2 silver coins.

(The reference prices are only within the Orrea Empire)

Okay, let’s talk about the third question, about gun manufacturing.

Someone asked, why not make the weapon a magic revolver? But a magic rifle?

Wouldn't a magic revolver be easier to carry and conceal?

In fact, judging from the production method in the article, you should also know why it is made into a magic rifle instead of a magic revolver.

The reason why the revolver is simple and easy to use in reality depends entirely on the help of the gunpowder magazine.

In another world, the weapons made by the protagonist do not have gunpowder seals to detonate and expel bullets at an accelerated rate.

With the structure of the revolver, the main character just ignited and imploded in the cabin, and the gas leaked before sufficient pressure was built up.

Although it can be achieved by adjusting it to a seal through magic modification, what about reloadable ammunition?

The magic rifle here does not use magic driving force to help the bullets be enchanted to be ejected. Instead, it explodes in a small space and generates pressure to eject the bullets.

The principle is similar to that of a real rifle, and it can even be regarded as something like an air gun.

Some book friends have provided ideas to use thunder elements to make electromagnetic weapons. This idea is good, but the reality is very skinny.

The amount of energy required to propel projectiles by electromagnetic force is astronomical. In addition, without suitable magnetized materials, this thing is definitely not feasible at this stage.

But, it will definitely happen in the future.

The fourth question is about the timeline.

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