In fact, the writing pace of this book is a bit slow. As of Chapter 52, the plot time has only passed thirteen days.

The early development is all done personally, so the description will be much slower. Then when the results are harvested, the plot rhythm will be much faster.

In addition, I would like to add a question about maids here.

Many of us are asking why the maids are so mediocre when they are so powerful, or why the protagonist hasn’t developed a maid after so long.

In fact, when the maid proposed to study, she had already started the upgrade plan. Don't worry about this, the lovely maid will never forget her.

In addition, regarding mediocrity, I think I will explain it later in a certain plot.

The fifth question is also the last question.

Regarding plot design issues. .

In fact, after writing this, I can also realize some of my own mistakes, such as the arrangement of the cooking plot, the appearance of the maid, etc. This aspect is indeed my problem.

My description of the plot was indeed too far-fetched, and I apologize.

But one thing is another thing. Many people in my comments said it was a studio work or plagiarism.

In fact, I kind of want to laugh.

Speaking of which, the beginning of this book was also very tortuous. I wrote six versions of just one plot opening design, and two of them were probably changed to other types.

But in the end, I still chose this version for continued release. It’s said to be a studio, so there’s actually no problem. After all, who would have nothing to do with so many openings?

It can be said that it is mass production, so I would like to ask if there are other articles of the same type on the starting point?

Entries, Western Fantasy Lords, these things are stacked together to become a mass-produced text?

I believe that a small number of my readers came here from the chapter "The Mythical Three Kingdoms: My Entries Are Infinitely Improved".

The book "Big Brother Ao Jing" is updated more than 10,000 times a day, with a word count of 550,000. It is already a masterpiece.

We were all discussing the plot in a small group of authors. When he was writing this book, I had already written the second version and revised it.

Speaking of which, the inspiration for this entry Goldfinger was suggested by the group around June, and no one wrote it at that time.

Later, after playing for two months, I came back to write the article again. I was the first to use it, but I never published the book and kept making revisions.

My hand speed is not good and my thinking is very slow, so I gave up on revising the article for half a month. It was not until Mr. Ao Jing used this that it skyrocketed. I thought about it and continued to revise it.

The book was not released until early December, (there is really nothing the handicapped party can do.)

I am just mentioning an example here. Not to mention books with colons, they are all studio writing, or mass production and so on.

It’s really depressing to watch. After all, the entire Qidian is just a list of articles, and there aren’t even twenty books in total. You’re here acting like you know some ‘insider’.

If someone like this happens again in the future, I will ban you permanently.

That’s pretty much the nagging stuff. Those who can see this are actually a little curious about this book.

I will open a collection post in the comment area of ​​the book next, and everyone is welcome to participate~

Collection goals: character information, entry content.

The following is the setting of the number of entries. The number of entries is in brackets, and the plus sign indicates the minimum number of entries.

Level: Ordinary (1-3), Awakening (3), Beginner (3), Intermediate (4), Advanced (5), Master (6+), Extraordinary (7+), Legend (8+) , Holy Spirit (10+)

Quality: Poor (0-1), Common (1), Fine (2), Excellent (3), Rare (3+), Legendary (5+), Artifact (6+)

The current powerful races on the mainland: Orrea Empire (the first human empire on the mainland), Vimar Empire (the human empire of the Magic Council), Redro Empire (the human empire of the Merchant Federation), and the Kingdom of Hephros (a human country that believes in light) ), Astor Empire (Orc Empire), Tossa Kingdom (Dwarf Kingdom), Ayers Kingdom (Elven Kingdom), Princes and Principalities (a small human country mixed in the two empires, composed of eight principalities) , Dragon Valley (dragon clan)

The template is as follows:

[Name: XXX]

[Occupation: warrior, vendor, alchemist, doctor, etc.]

[Strength: Awakening]

[Entry: Please bring the effect content of each entry when setting, please see the setting post above for the quantity]

[Potential: fill it in truthfully according to the entry and strength]

[Introduction: A brief introduction to the character]

[Details: Such as age, gender, country of birth, appearance, whether you want to be a villain or a decent person, etc. 】

Collection of entries:

[Entry name: Entry effect] (Please indicate in brackets the limited appearance carrier target: humans, items, weapons, etc.)

Chapter 54 Military Aristocrats and Mining Reform

"Stop talking about this."

Gudern waved his hand, changed the topic, pointed at the bound orc and asked.

"What are you going to do with these orc captives?"

"Bring him back to Jinyuan City for interrogation. The orc scout brigade was able to sneak into the empire's territory quietly. This is a very serious matter."

"It is expected that the border guards will come to conduct sweeps and inspections of nearby territories soon."

It would be a good thing for Gudern if there was a professional team to clean up.

After all, the private soldiers he formed were completely unformed in terms of combat effectiveness and quantity. If they wanted to carry out such a dangerous sweep mission, they might not be enough to serve as snacks to the orcs.

"But based on my tracking and investigation over the past two days, I'm afraid all the invading orcs are already here."

Regarding this semi-confidential issue, Dedalo did not hide it and directly told Gooden.

"Are you sure?" Hearing what Dedalo said, Gudern raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, if such a large force enters the country, there will be problems with eating, drinking and urination. It will be easy to trace the number of people."

Dedalo's explanation made Gudern feel relieved.

"Phew, this is best, otherwise I would still have a headache on how to develop these mines."

Meeting the orcs again tonight, he no longer wanted to temporarily withdraw the development of the mine.

Without the complete development of iron ore, the demand for manganese ore will not be particularly large. Even if the mining miners are removed, it will be enough to bring some people to pick up some every month.

When development gets back on track next year, it won't be too late to send garrisons and miners to the mine, but it seems there is no need to do so now.

"In addition, Lord Lord, I will truthfully report tonight's battle, and I will also truthfully hand over the certification of the orcs you killed."

"Someone should come to you to check on the military merits. With such a large military merit, I should already be a baron when I see you next year."

The titles of the Orrea Empire are basically exchanged for military merit. Want a title? no problem.

First go to the battlefield and kill a hundred enemy soldiers, and you will be given the lowest baron, not hereditary.

If you want to reach the hereditary level, it can be achieved by more than just a hundred enemy heads.

At the very least, only those who have made outstanding contributions in the war can obtain it.

For example, several hereditary lords near Jinyuan City were all created by expanding their territory with swords and guns, and their gold content was very high.

Gudern himself did not have a title, so becoming a lord was a huge advantage.

"Then let me borrow Captain Dedalo's good advice." Gudern was not particularly interested in things like titles.

It's just a title of nobility. His plan for development is to be a gangster in Qingyuan Town and have fun every day. Whether he is a noble or not has nothing to do with him.

"By the way, will this orc invasion be announced?" Gudern then thought of something and asked quickly.

Dedalo thought for a moment, shook his head and explained.

"Probably not. This kind of thing has too great an impact on the surrounding areas, so the news will probably be suppressed as usual."

So there were orc invasions in the past... Gudern nodded thoughtfully.

The two of them chatted away, while the soldiers below had finished sampling the "trophies" and piled the bodies into the pit for burial.

The personnel who died in the battle were taken with them and sent back to the military camp for memorial ceremony.

Looking at the reorganized team, Dedalo asked Gudern.

"Okay, Lord, the resettlement and cleaning here are almost complete. It's time for me to evacuate. Do you want to come with us?"

"So anxious?"

"The documents on me are too important and need to be sent back to Jinyuan City as soon as possible."

"Okay, I still have some things to deal with here, and I have to return to the mine later."

The difference between the two men left them with an explanation to the miners. After all, the imperial soldiers were still holding a group of prisoners.

After a brief handover and understanding, the two teams parted ways.

By the time Gudern and his party retrieved their horses and returned to the manganese mine, the sky was already getting slightly brighter.

The veteran who had been on guard all night couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the lord returning safely.

The unexpected situation last night made all the miners frightened, and they were all speculating about what happened that would allow the lord to take people out immediately.

Although someone was going to spread the news later that the lord was afraid of leading others to escape first, such remarks were quickly suppressed by the leading veteran.

"The imperial army was killing the bandits who had been escaping into the country last night. They have all been wiped out now, so don't worry."

Back at the mining area, Gudern directly informed everyone of Dedalo's favorable remarks.

As soon as they heard that the gangsters were on the loose, everyone's mental calculations slowly fell to the ground.

After the simple notification, Gudern did not explain much and returned to the camp where he rested last night to get some more sleep.

Today he has to go to the iron ore mine, and it's not easy to do things if he's not energetic.

He slept for four or five hours until almost ten o'clock in the morning, when Gooden was woken up.

Rubbing his groggy eyes, Gooden briefly washed himself, exchanged a few words with the miners, then mounted his horse and headed to the iron ore mine.

The nearby landforms were recorded on the map. Within an hour after setting off, everyone found the iron mine.

As with manganese mines, a wide variety of equipment remains within the mine.

But unlike the open-pit mine of manganese ore, the iron ore mine is an underground mine, which requires entering the mine to excavate minerals.

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