Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 10 Being a goddaughter obviously comes with a price

With the sudden sound, the air in the store suddenly solidified.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

A tall young man wearing a cyan uniform and a soft hat of the same color on his head was standing upright at the door of the store. He looked handsome and elegant, with a frameless Yuanjing lens on the bridge of his nose, which added to his gentle and bookish air.

However, what is more eye-catching than his bookish demeanor is his aloof attitude.

He was already tall, and now his gaze was condescending, almost looking at people through his nostrils. With this attitude, the diners in the store were naturally ignited with collective anger.

"Li Dongyang?!"

"Cao Ni Ma, you actually have the nerve to stand up?!"

In an instant, there seemed to be a storm in the store, and there were all kinds of shouts and curses, making people fully appreciate the prosperity of the Shijie market culture.

However, the young man named Li Dongyang suppressed all the angry voices with a chuckle.

"Haha... I enforce the law in accordance with the law, and everything is fair and aboveboard. Why can't I stand up?"

As he spoke, Li Dongyang scanned the entire audience, his gaze seemed to have substance, forcing everyone who met his eyes to turn their heads. No matter how ferocious the scolding was before, it had to stop at this moment.

This is not a suppression of cultivation level, but a crushing of morale. Although Li Dongyang faces thousands of accusations, he is open-minded.

For practitioners, the four words "righteous and confident" have real weight just like the literal meaning. A person who is extremely confident in his own ideas will often have an advantage in this kind of Qi confrontation.

Just as Li Dongyang crushed all the indignant diners at the scene.

Shi Yue was not affected at all, but explained the origin of this person to Wang Luo using the True Essence Sound Transmission Method with a look of disgust on his face.

"This man is the deputy leader of the special rectification team. He has taken the lead in admonishing and issuing fines in recent days. And he is from Stone Street, so everyone regards him as a traitor."

Wang Luo nodded, his evaluation of Shi Yue rising in his mind. Although she failed as a tour guide, her basic skills as a tour guide are quite solid. Her explanations are concise, concise and impartial, and she can always make the audience understand the current situation in the most intuitive way.

With Shi Yue's explanation, Wang Luo couldn't help but wonder when he looked at Li Dongyang again.

Aside from being arrogant and confident, this person does have the ability to look down on everyone, because he is a genuine golden elixir cultivator.

Different from Da Ge's "San Dan" which looks similar but has different spirit, the golden elixir in Li Dongyang's belly is round and full, and the true energy fluctuates like a surging ocean tide, endless.

Even in the classical era, this was a golden elixir "real person" who was qualified to straighten his back and separatist power. The gap between real people and mortals is like that between humans and insects.

However, Li Dongyang's display of cultivation was not to overwhelm others with his strength, but just to show off subconsciously. After suppressing the shouting and cursing in the store, he still did not restrain himself and said loudly: "The Stone Street Special Team was instructed by the Lord of the City, led by Qingping Division, and is a professional team composed of elites from all parties. It is It was established in order to eliminate the long-standing ills of Stone Street and bring new vitality to this historic neighborhood. It is definitely not anyone’s attempt to seek personal gain. You are really a villain.”

The neighbors who were judged to be villainous suddenly became furious, and several people stood up on the spot - others were so crowded that they could not stand up.

"Li Dongyang, you ungrateful beast, if you didn't have the heart of villains like us, you would have starved to death at home!"

"If I had known earlier, I should have strangled you to death!"

Amidst the shouts of curses, Li Dongyang stood firm like a rock breaking into waves, and continued: "Of course, I know very well that old habits are hard to change and chronic diseases are hard to get rid of. During the special rectification period, all neighbors will inevitably have some discomfort and incomprehension. , it is reasonable to feel dissatisfied because of this. Our team will not criticize everyone for this. In fact, the promotion of me, a local, as the deputy leader is an exception to give everyone a reasonable outlet... However, stubborn illnesses can also happen. Well, bad habits must be eradicated, otherwise I will be abandoned by the times. As a local, I was able to enter the academy thanks to your upbringing, and now I have the responsibility to guide everyone from barbarism to civilization. It doesn’t matter if you misunderstand, criticize, or even secretly criticize me. I believe that one day, you will definitely thank me.”

At the end of the speech, Li Dongyang couldn't help but raise his head, close his eyes, and stretch his arms, as if he was intoxicated by the important historical mission.

At this time, the scoldings of the neighbors had become chaotic due to extreme anger.

Until Brother Da sneered and said: "You have studied in Rongcheng Academy for several years and been recruited by Qingping Division. Li Dongyang, you are really amazing. When you open your mouth, you speak of barbarism and civilization... What? Do you still want to say stone? Did the street treat you badly and didn't give you enough 'civilized' elements, so that you couldn't integrate into the upper class? "

Li Dongyang frowned: "Lin Tongda, you also studied at Rongcheng Academy. Although it is only the outer academy, you have at least seen the civilized world. Can't you see the crisis in Stone Street? Everything here is incompatible with the word civilization. The land is barbaric, and if this continues, it will only be pushed further and further away from the civilized world! Now the city lord is based on humanity, and ordered Qingpingsi to take the lead in setting up a special team. This is the only shortcut for our stone street to enter a civilized stone street. Others misunderstand it. That’s all, I really don’t understand what you are resisting!”

Da Ge waved his hands: "No, what you said has made my impression of Rongcheng Academy worse... Back then, there were so many elites in the academy, even in the outer courtyard, there were many famous people. Look at us poor guys following us. Just like an ant. But it’s really rare for someone like you, who comes from a poor family, to turn around and look down upon the neighbors.”

Li Dongyang sighed and said: "I am not dismissive of the neighbors, it is purely because of your fragile self-esteem. When I lead the team to enforce the law, I always follow the law. Ask yourselves, which time did you not break the rules? Who was the one who was fined by me first? Just like this Liji Roast Pork, which is a small store with six tables and more than 30 seats, and the people are more crowded than cans... And before I led the team here, I informed you that this is a serious violation of business safety regulations, but you didn't listen at all. In addition, the kitchen has no Jōki Mizhi and Yuanshui bottles."

When Aunt Yang heard this, her eyes widened and she said angrily: "According to your regulations, my little shop will be closed down!"

Li Dongyang said: "Except for Stone Street, shops in other places in Rongcheng are run like this! I haven't seen anyone close down! After all, isn't it true that bad habits are hard to get rid of?"

Aunt Yang said: "I have no control over how other stores operate. I have been running this store for more than 20 years and nothing has happened. You are the only one who has been dissatisfied with this and that is not in compliance with the regulations since you came here! It's all about violations or not. If you say anything, one day you will make it illegal for us to breathe, and send all the people from Shijie to Nanxiang!"

Li Dongyang sighed again: "Ignorance and arrogance... That's why Shi Jie becomes more and more incompatible with the civilized world. I always feel that others are deliberately targeting me, but I never want to review what I have done wrong."

As he spoke, the tall young man put his hand on his waist and lifted his clothes to reveal a palm-sized jade badge on his belt. The waistband shimmered with caress, and a wooden pen as thin as a needle tip and a wide cyan leaf floated to the palm of Li Dongyang's hand.

Seeing this, this leaf, everyone present changed their minds.

Wang Luo turned his head and looked at Shi Yue. The girl explained seriously: "That is the Law of Return suit made from the marrow of Jianmu. The green suit holds a wooden pen and green leaves. It can attribute what it hears and sees to the Great Law. This is the Law of Return." 】. To put it bluntly, the Qingyi people who hold official positions report violations of laws and regulations to the Great Law, and then the Great Law imposes heavenly punishment. "

Wang Luo was a little surprised: "God's punishment? Will there be lightning?"

Shi Yue said: "How much do you want to see lightning strikes!? But basically it won't happen. The Great Law rarely directly interferes with reality, let alone directly harms human beings. When lightning strikes are needed, special executioners will come forward to do it. . The natural punishment imposed by the return law is usually similar to "corrupting Feng Shui". The merchant who is fined will have bad luck and his business will decline; while the individual's cultivation will be stagnant and his magical power will collapse. Merchants who are praised by the Great Law will naturally have a prosperous business and their personal cultivation will skyrocket."

Wang Luo nodded: "And rewards and punishments are determined by people?"

"The framework cannot violate the laws. For example, you cannot slap a ticket on a passerby for no reason. Completely nonsensical rules will not be recognized by the laws. But in terms of practical details, Qingyi has a lot of room for discretion. Shi The shops on the street have been operating for so many years. Strictly speaking, there are many places that violate the laws of Rongcheng, but if there is no special team to inspect, the laws will basically ignore them. "

Wang Luo nodded thoughtfully again, gaining a deeper understanding of the concept of this new world.

At the same time, as Li Dongyang took out the Guiyul suit, the atmosphere in the store became more tense.

Several diners shouted and cursed in unison: "Li Dongyang, what do you mean?!

"You dare to write one and try it?!"

Li Dongyang sighed for the third time: "It's your duty, don't dare. Even if I don't issue this ticket, someone else will issue it, and they may not be as merciful as me. The number of Li Ji's roasted pork stalls exceeds the limit, and the safety measures are unfavorable and hygienic. If the situation does not meet the standards and the operation is illegal, the business will be suspended for 30 days and the code will be reduced to the third level according to Rongcheng law.”

As he spoke, he moved his pen as fast as he could, writing punishments one by one on the green leaves.

At this time, even Shi Yue's face changed slightly: "How dare he be demoted to the third level of rules!? If a small shop like this is forcibly demoted to the third level of rules, I'm afraid it won't be able to recover in half a year! Fortunately, Aunt Yang still returned Helped him!"

And when Li Dongyang finished writing the return verse, he was about to stick the leaf on the door of the store.

"Stop it!"

A diner sitting near the door couldn't stand it anymore. He stood up and raised his hand to snatch the leaf from Li Dongyang's hand. But Li Dongyang reacted extremely quickly. He pressed down the hand holding the pen, and the invisible force forced the diner to sit back, and then even the movement of his true energy was frozen.

At this moment, the cyan uniform on his body began to emit a faint light, reminding all the neighbors present that Li Dongyang at this time was no longer the impoverished orphan who needed help from everyone, but Qingping Si Qingyi who had real power and Jindan cultivation. , no small offense is tolerated.

"Considering that Shijie has always been a violent society, if someone tries to interfere with the Qingping Division's special task force to return the law, I can not pursue it for the time being... But if this is not the case in the future, if there are people who resist the law, I can only enforce the law impartially."

Li Dongyang's tone was calm, and his condescending attitude seemed to be teaching a stubborn pet a lesson. And this caused the scolding in the store to reach its peak in an instant.

"You beast with a human face and an animal heart, I wish you had starved to death!"

"Kill us all if you can!"

Seeing the atmosphere in the store boiling over and over again, Li Dongyang was also a little exasperated: "Speaking rudely to officials is strictly speaking considered defying the law, don't force me!"

At this time, it was Shi Yue who stood up.

Among the diners in the store, Shi Yue's figure looked particularly petite, but as she stood up, the abuse around her naturally stopped, and everyone's eyes focused on her, expecting, praying, and complex emotions merged in an instant.

Obviously, on this street, Shi Yue's identity is not just a simple debt girl, a failed tour guide, and the goddaughter of a yakiniku restaurant.

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