Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 11 What is the point of talking about martial ethics while eating?

"Li Dongyang, you are from Stone Street, do you really not know the situation in Stone Street? The rules you mentioned, whether it is the number of stalls, or Jomoki Oeda who ensures hygiene and safety... may be feasible elsewhere, put it in Stone Street Come on, nine out of ten shops on this street are really going to close down. And if you really put the return charm in your hand, it will lower the standard of this shop to the third level, and it will have a stable operation for more than 20 years. Aunt Yang and Uncle Li have been running a small shop all their lives, and their lives and fortunes have always depended on the shop. They are likely to be implicated in the sudden changes in their lives, and there are many neighbors who help them. You have eaten here too, have you forgotten? How can you bear to repay kindness with hatred?"

Li Dongyang froze his arms in mid-air and said helplessly: "Of course I haven't forgotten it, so I have tried my best to downgrade it. If it were someone else who really enforced the law impartially, he would have been suspended for three months and downgraded to fifth grade..."

Then, Li Dongyang gritted his teeth, raised his eyebrows, and said: "I did receive a lot of favors from my neighbors back then. I remember clearly that Li Jianye and Yang Tianyuan gave me a total of twenty-three meals, including box lunches and snacks, with a total value of about Two thousand and three hundred spirit leaves, and now I have exempted them from two months of business suspension and two-level rules, which is worth more than ten times. No matter how great the kindness is, it is enough to repay it!"

Shi Yue was dumbfounded by what he said.

"Li Dongyang, you..."

Li Dongyang added: "I know you must think that I am heartless and unjust, but what else? I accepted your support before, but now I will work for you and let you continue to break the law and violate the law on the barbaric road. ! ? Stop deceiving yourself with those backward values, raise your head, open your eyes and see the real world. There is someone like me in Shijie who has clearly stepped out of barbarism and is willing to turn around and guide you into a civilized society. You are so lucky! Qingping Division has appointed me as the deputy team leader to take charge of the work. I don’t know how much loss it can reduce for you. Now you need to be a little grateful!”

The nonsense of these words directly made Shi Yue's face turn red with anger, and there was a fire in his belly.

But Li Dongyang got worse: "Besides, I might as well make it clearer. Stepping from ignorance to civilization is never without a price. Pains and even severe pain are inevitable, but we have to go through this sooner or later. Long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain." , it’s better to suffer later than before! Otherwise, do you plan to be a low-class person under the bridge for the rest of your life? Will your descendants also become low-class people? Today, the Li Ji Shaorou will at least make Shijie step towards civilization. One step ahead, I think this account is a good deal!”

These words were spoken in a powerful and oppressive tone. Combined with his golden elixir cultivation and his straight official clothes, the store was completely silent.

Shi Yue's mouth twitched several times, but he couldn't formulate a strong rebuttal.

Then, a person who shouldn't have spoken suddenly spoke.

Wang Luo stretched out his hand and tapped the table lightly, and said to Shi Yue: "If you argue with him like this, you are exploiting your weaknesses and avoiding your strengths. Of course you can't argue."

Shi Yue was surprised that Wang Luo spoke at this time, and quickly sent a message: "Master Mountain Master, don't join in. You are still a gangster, and it is not a good thing for Qingyi from Qingping Division to pay attention."

Wang Luo said: "But if I don't speak, you will be beaten to death by other people's rhetoric. Don't argue with the people who control the rules. If the other party wants to use force to suppress others, we have to treat them wrongly. Do you understand? ?”

Shi Yue was confused.

Wang Luo didn't take it seriously: "It doesn't matter, I'll just give you a practical demonstration."

Then, he turned his eyes to Li Dongyang and spoke softly: "I'm very curious about a question. Did the Qingping Division appoint you as the deputy team leader just to let you issue downgrade tickets to Shijie people, thereby reducing losses?"

Wang Luo's voice was not loud and his tone was smooth and gentle, but when he spoke, he grabbed everyone's attention.

Even Li Dongyang couldn't help but tilt his head and asked with some confusion: "Who are you?"

Wang Luo smiled but did not answer, and asked: "Team Leader Li, if you think about it from the perspective of Qingping Division, what are the benefits of appointing a local to lead the team to enforce the law? Shijie's losses are less, Qingping Division's Will earnings increase?"

Li Dongyang frowned and said: "This is not a question of benefits or not. Don't think of Qingpingsi so narrowly..."

Wang Luo added: "Generally speaking, the purpose of hiring local people to lead the law enforcement team is to improve the accuracy of law enforcement, reduce friction, and reduce the cost of law enforcement. After all, it is definitely better to convince the people who are being enforced than to protest afterwards. Continuously. But now it seems that the friction has decreased? Although Team Leader Li has repeatedly called on others to be grateful, it is obvious that people here do not appreciate your words. "

Li Dongyang was a little angry and said: "As Qingping Si Qingyi, it is my duty to enforce the law impartially. I don't care and don't need to care whether others appreciate it."

Wang Luo asked: "But if everyone doesn't appreciate it, what's the difference between Qingping Division sending you and sending someone else? Your advantage is simply that you are a local, and it is easiest to handle things in a low-key and peaceful manner. But now you have intensified the conflict. I want to ask, will your superiors be satisfied with this performance? "

Li Dongyang was really stunned.

After a long time, he asked in a deep voice: "Then what do you want? If the punishment is not punished, the seniors in red will be satisfied? The higher-ups appointed me as the deputy team leader. Maybe they really want a peaceful and low-key person." The law will bring results, but if the locals are unwilling to cooperate no matter what, then as long as there are results, it doesn’t matter if it’s not peaceful!”

Wang Luo shook his head: "I don't care whether you punish me or not, I'm just curious, since Qingping Division appointed you, there is no benefit at all, and you obviously don't care whether your behavior will bring benefits to Qingping Division, then why did they appoint you in the first place? Of course, you can explain that Qingping Division is fair in everything, but I want to ask, did the leaders of Qingping Division specifically choose you, or did you volunteer and make promises in exchange for the position of deputy team leader?

As soon as this question came out, Li Dongyang's face suddenly changed: "Don't make random guesses!"

Wang Luo watched the changes in Li Dongyang's expression, but asked more and more affirmatively: "The next question is, what benefits does volunteering bring to you? Generally speaking, it is better to avoid suspicion when dealing with your hometown, but you did the opposite. Is it because you sincerely want to give back to Shijie with civilization, or because you are enjoying the vanity of turning over and being high above? "

When the voice fell, Li Dongyang's face was already livid. He stared at Wang Luo firmly, and without saying a word, he took half a step forward. The green uniform on his body shone brightly, and his momentum was as fierce as a real sword and gun, making the diners around him have difficulty breathing.

Shi Yue couldn't help but lose color, and whispered in a trembling voice: "Master Mountain Master, what you mean by being right about the person but not the matter, is to directly frame him... No, patrolling green clothes have absolute immunity when performing official duties, and interference with law enforcement against him will be counterattacked and suppressed! His cultivation is a genuine golden elixir, the lower grade, and he has a standard magic weapon for green clothes. The magic weapon is endowed with power by the Great Law, which is enough to suppress any golden elixir of the same level within the authorized jurisdiction! And if you frame him like this, Li Dongyang will definitely take action! "

"It's better to take action."

"Better? You are only at the foundation building stage now, and you are still injured... Wait, you don't want to be suppressed, so you roll on the ground, spitting blood and saying that the green clothes hit you, right? ”

Wang Luo laughed: "You have a broad idea, it's a good idea, I can try it out when I have the chance, but now..."

Faced with Li Dongyang's undisguised threat, Wang Luo responded with an even more aggressive and unscrupulous attitude.

"I heard that Team Leader Li was born in Shijie, and was helped by many people to be admitted to Rongcheng Academy and enter the civilized world... However, among the natives of the civilized world, people born in Shijie are probably discriminated against. People around you will not treat you as an equal. So the deputy team leader doesn't even have a subordinate to follow him when enforcing the law. After all, who wants to be a subordinate of an inferior person? ”

At this time, Li Dongyang took another half step forward, and his tall body directly squeezed the tables and chairs in the restaurant, causing the diners to fall forward and backward.

Wang Luo didn't care at all. He tapped the table with his right index finger, and each person and table was fixed in place, like a reef breaking the waves, unmoving.

"And you who think highly of yourself are naturally unwilling to accept the status quo. In your opinion, the fault is not the discrimination from the civilized world, but the burden from your origin. If the people who helped you were not so poor, downtrodden, and vulgar, if the people who gave birth to you and raised you were genuine upper-class people... So, you volunteered to carry out the mission against Shijie, so that you can use the strict return law to show that you have cut off from the poor and backward past, and from now on sincerely become an upper-class person, the so-called surrender. "

"...Ha, haha, good, good! "

The next moment, the furious Li Dongyang waved his left hand, and a golden wooden seal floated in his palm. With the appearance of this seal, everyone in the store could not help but lower their bodies.

Shi Yue also quickly sent a message with her true essence, warning: "Mountain Master, be careful, that is the standard golden seal of Qingyi, the power..."

Before she finished speaking, the wooden seal was thrown at her like lightning by Li Dongyang.

And Wang Luo did not need to be reminded, he could see that this thing was powerful.

After all, just by showing up, he could suppress dozens of people in the store with his treasure light. The body of the foundation-building guest was unstable. Even with the influence of Li Dongyang's own Jindan realm, it was enough to see the strong suppressing effect of the golden seal. Overall, it was probably not much inferior to the evil-binding lock in Shi Yue's hand.

So Wang Luo also raised his right hand seriously, facing the flying golden seal, while holding his breath and concentrating.

With the concentration of attention, time seemed to stand still. Wang Luo's withered Yuanshen suddenly released, and in an instant he took in all the details around him.

The oncoming Qingpingsi golden seal, Shi Yue's slightly panicked eyes, and the diners still The twisted expression remained in the stage of astonishment...

The next moment, time resumed, and Wang Luo had already held the golden seal between his five fingers. The symbol of the Qingping Division, which was as powerful as the might of heaven and inviolable, seemed to disappear out of thin air, leaving no trace of its existence.

Then, Wang Luo shook his wrist, completely digesting the overwhelming impact of the golden seal between his palms, and lightly buckled his palm downwards.

After a muffled sound, he spread his hands, and saw that the Qingyi golden seal, which was so arrogant just now, was standing upright on the table , motionless, like a convulsed little animal. Next to the golden seal, the vinegar-fried alfalfa that had just been served also lay peacefully on the plate, without even a drop of sauce spilling out of the plate.

Everything was like a dream.

Li Dongyang stared in disbelief, and everyone stared in disbelief.

Wang Luo had not concealed his true energy fluctuations since he entered the store. Any cultivator with his eyes closed could tell that his realm was only foundation building, and that he was obviously disabled due to injuries... They were all vulnerable in this dog food restaurant in the slum.

Even if Li Dongyang doesn't use the golden seal, his own cultivation is enough to suppress a foundation-building disability, let alone the golden seal in green that symbolizes Qingping's authority and is blessed by the golden elixir.

As soon as the golden seal came out, dozens of people in Li Ji's Roast Meat Shop fell into silence just because of the aftermath. However, Wang Luo raised his head straight, but was unscathed, and instead put the golden seal on the table!

After a long time, Li Dongyang came to his senses first.

"Who are you!?"

Wang Luo asked back: "Who are you? You receive help from others and repay kindness with hatred, you are born in poverty and flatter the powerful, you wear official clothes and you are full of selfish interests, what are you, a person?"

When Li Dongyang heard this, his face turned red and blue, and his body began to tremble. His mouth opened and closed, but he could not speak a complete word.

Wang Luo stretched out his hand and gently touched the golden wooden medallion. The true essence was like silk, penetrating deep into the wooden handle, and he carefully felt the internal structure of this magic weapon that symbolized Qingpingsi. After a moment, he sighed: "This... The power of the seal is "authority". With the power of Qingpingsi, if you use the power of the magic weapon to suppress those who break the law, you can get the blessing of the great law, and get twice the result with half the effort. But if you use it the other way around. If you rebel against public affairs and act against the law, then even if you are a dignified Jindan, you can't suppress me."

Then, he raised his head, looked at Li Dongyang again, and said the last words.

"Abandoned by your neighbors and friends, abandoned by your superiors and colleagues, and now even abandoned by Qingyi Jinyin, how can you stand in this world?"

The next moment, a mouthful of blood spilled out from the corner of Li Dongyang's mouth. He fell to his knees, his clothes and pants were stained with blood, and then he arched his body like a cooked shrimp, his face hidden between his knees, and his body was shaking wildly.

The diners around were all dumbfounded.

"This, is this killing people?"

"Damn it, I saw this, and I thought this kind of thing only happened in stories."

"With your golden elixir cultivation, you can actually be so angry that you fall to the ground..."

While there was a lot of discussion, Da Ge quietly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to explore, and then his expression changed: "No, this is not an ordinary rage attack, Li Dongyang's heart is broken!"


The room was full of questions, and even Wang Luo, the "initiator", raised his eyebrows and showed a hint of curiosity.

Heart broken?

However, before everyone in the store could come to the conclusion of the discussion, Li Dongyang suddenly struggled to stand up and yelled through gritted teeth: "That's nonsense, how could I... be heartbroken! You ignorant pariahs, just wait for me. !”

Although the tone was harsh, the four words "wait for me" were obviously standard words of incompetence and rage. Moreover, Li Dongyang almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he said a word, as if his flesh, blood, essence, and blood were rejecting his insincere words.

But after spitting out a few mouthfuls of essence and blood, the serious Qing Yi no longer had the ability to show off his power. Although he managed to straighten his legs and stand up straight, he was swaying with every step like a dead leaf in the wind.

The diners who had just gathered around him, each with expressions of gloating on his misfortune, gave him a narrow way out and watched him stagger away.

And when he managed to open the door curtain and walked out.

"Don't forget the gold seal."

Wang Luo casually threw the captured Tsing Yi gold seal back to its original owner. Li Dongyang didn't look back, only half-raised his arm, and barely caught the golden seal with his backhand. However, the moment the golden seal came into his hand, his arm suddenly fell down, as if he couldn't hold the light wooden seal, and his whole body The crisp cyan uniform instantly faded into a mixture of gray and white.

The bereaved dog...

These four words appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

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